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  109. ¯¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ MTD Proudly Presents ̦¦¦¦¦¦¯
  110. [Info]
  111. Artist : Jahmene Douglas
  112. Album : Love Never Fails
  113. Label : Sony
  114. Genre : Pop
  115. Street Date : 2013-00-00
  116. Quality : 237 kbps / 44.1kHz / Joint Stereo
  117. Encoder : Lame 3.98.4 -V0
  118. Size : 69.68 MB
  119. Time : 38:51 min
  120. Url : http://https://www.facebook.com/TheOfficialJahmeneDouglas
  121. [Tracks]
  122. 1. Fix You 3:49
  123. 2. The Greatest Love (Feat. Nicole Scherzinger) 4:50
  124. 3. His Eye On The Sparrow 3:58
  125. 4. Halo 3:37
  126. 5. Forever Young 3:51
  127. 6. Give Us This Day (Feat. Stevie Wonder) 3:21
  128. 7. In The Arms Of The Angel 3:54
  129. 8. Titanium 3:55
  130. 9. I Look To You 4:15
  131. 10. Next To Me 3:21
  132. [Notes]
  133. X -Factor's finalist Jahmene Douglas' life reads like a blockbuster movie.
  134. Growing up with two brothers and a sister, they lived in the fear of their
  135. dad. When their father, Eustace Douglas, was unemployed, the entire family
  136. was forced to become refugees. But suffering physical abuse was least of
  137. Douglas children's fears. One day, to the chagrin and horror of the entire
  138. family, Eustace Doulas set their long suffering mother Mandy on fire with a
  139. blow torch. In God's grace and mercy, God's sovereign finger was never
  140. lifted from Douglas' life. Douglas miraculously grew up to become a
  141. committed Christian and while he was on X-Factor, he was never reticent
  142. about his faith. While many of his peers were indulging in alcohol and
  143. pre-marital hanky panky, Douglas remained committed to chastity and moral
  144. purity. "Love Never Fails" is Douglas debut album on RCA Records ensuing
  145. from his jaw-dropping performances on X-Factor. In keeping with the show's
  146. tenure, these 10 cuts here are all covers from Beyonce, Coldplay, Whitney
  147. Houston, David Guetta, Sia, Sarah McLachlan & Emeli Sande. .