1. eXTended:
  2. allow download preset from ToneCloud **
  3. bypassed catalog DRM encryption - now allow manual edit preset catalog file
  4. added over 1500 optimized offline presets
  5. Warning:
  6. Since the old preset catalog (if exist) will be overwritten, you can manually revert your custom presets by editing the catalog file c:\Users\%CURRENTUSERNAME%\Documents\PositiveGrid\BIAS_Amp2\GlobalPresets\cate.json
  7. But do not add too many unoptimized presets - subj has a restriction on the total volume of PNG images and when it exceeds it does not load :(
  8. A large number of presets also slow down the feedback of the interface, due to its ugly architecture - java scripts over Chrome web-engine. On the MacOS platform uses systemic web-engine Safari and therefore works a bit faster there
  9. ** - defective release from another team don't allow use ToneCloud presets hutch