1. When did HTML first came into existence?
  2. 1999
  3. What is the full form of "WHATWG"?
  4. Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
  5. Who plays the role of Dexter Morgan in the TV Series "Dexter"?
  6. Michael C. Hall
  7. Which Hollywood actress played a character of a Computer Hacker in the movie Hackers(1995)?
  8. Angelina Jolie
  9. Name the popular digital currency which was brought down recently?
  10. Libertyreserve
  11. Which app allows users to post 6 seconds of video and post it on various social platforms?
  12. Vine
  13. Which mobile device was the first to officially support Facebook Home?
  14. HTC First
  15. Which is the biggest business oriented social networking site?
  16. LinkedIn
  17. Which is the latest Stable version of PHP?
  18. PHP 5.5.0
  19. In which Windows OS was Windows Aero introduced in?
  20. Windows Vista
  21. Name the OS which sports this logo http://i.imgur.com/zp4l5F6.jpg
  22. Fedora
  23. Name the exact model of this Nokia Device? http://i.imgur.com/8X0XjtM.jpg
  24. Nokia 3310
  25. Name the Co-Founder of Microsoft?
  26. Paul Allen
  27. Which Ubisoft Game would be sporting the pirate genre?
  28. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
  29. Which Company which is best known for a browser just launched its mobile OS?
  30. Mozilla
  31. Name the top two Webkit Desktop Browsers for Win and Mac?
  32. Safari and Chrome
  33. Name the Web Design trend which optimizes your website for the mobile devices?
  34. Responsive layouts
  35. Which Feature did Youtube introduce lately as a subscription based service?
  36. Paid Channels
  37. Which series of softwares was discontinued by Adobe lately?
  38. Adobe Creative Suite
  39. Who is the Father of GIF's?
  40. Steve Willhite

WJunction.com Quiz Night 4