1. Release Notes - current version
  2. Please find below an overview of the last versions and main fixes applied:
  3. Hot fix Version
  4. - Fix some triggering issues with some quest's achievements
  5. - Fix add some missing achievements
  6. - Fix potential crashes when exiting the game.
  7. Note: The game should recover the missing achievements, for those who already achieved them.
  8. Hot fix Version
  9. - Fix the Fae fruits vanishing from backpack
  10. - In a specific context, if was not possible to give the Gorgor tooth to Martigar (this bug was in the original game)
  11. - In Motazaar, the dialogs related to the "collapsed mines" were not properly raised (was inadvertely removed during a code refactoring)
  12. - "Hypocondriac!" achievement was triggering at 20 instead of 100
  13. - The achievements counter related to the weapon merchants have been resized from 10 to 9 (actually there's one weapon merchant per district). The 10th weapon merchant is a just a 1999's myth! ;)
  14. Hot fix Version
  15. - fix some dialog concepts were not properly properly raised: zave map, song beggar
  16. Version
  17. - fix first platform issue in Motazaar
  18. - important stability improvement in the backpack/object manager (some objects could have been unexpectively deleted or the app could crash)
  19. - fix issues with some quest related achievements: not triggering or triggering delayed
  20. - fix evaluation of some achievements Supremacy, Invisible Pyrotechnician, No bullet wasted...
  21. - performance improvements
  22. - add the ability to position the achievement notifications (from the launcher settings->Steam)
  23. Version
  24. - fix crash when entering Okasankaar region
  25. Version
  26. - stats and achievement support
  27. - further optimisation on the brain manager
  28. - improve consistency of the the quest manager
  29. - fix EVD XRay mode which was broken in version 1.1.5
  30. - fix potential crash while interacting with the twon-ha
  31. - fix potential rendering crashes
  32. - fix issue while reloading a savegame saved with another language selected
  33. - fix marshes boat light platform issue
  34. - add an option to swap A and X buttons (as requested)
  35. Version
  36. Further gameplay and stability fixes:
  37. - fixed: potential crash in the end game sequences
  38. - fixed: potential crash and performance drop in Talanzaar related to water cart
  39. - fixed: remove the ability to open the sunkun temple door without egar
  40. - fixed: some collision issues with Cutter (can now be overcomed by jumping)
  41. - fixed: some ammo box not reachable in Talanzaar
  42. Version
  43. This quick patch includes the following fixes to version 1.1.5:
  44. - an issue with the brain manager allowing to finish the game without finding all the mons
  45. - a performance drop and a potential crash in Okaar and Shamazaar
  46. - a graphics issue when switching the weapon level in 1st person using the FT 74X (flame thrower)
  47. - a missing audio message when the advisor is locating HAWK MK8 ammo
  48. - some missing quest reward items (mainly the remote detonators such as THNDR-STP33 and CLAPR-T)
  49. Version
  50. Hot fixes of version 18870
  51. - fixed: an issue with thread dispatching which could decrease performance
  52. - fixed: a clamping issue on the water reflection
  53. Version
  54. Graphics Enhancements:
  55. - new: unlock camera constraint in 1st person and 3rd person
  56. - new: unlock resolution limitations
  57. - new: support 21:9 resolution
  58. - new: extend the visibility range, reduce distant view poping artefacts
  59. - new: properly tweak the fog to comply with the mood of the original game
  60. - new: extend the skyes according the new camera range
  61. - new: extend the NPC visibility and activity range (together with the new camera settings and the extended view, this should let you discover some unseen aspect of the AI)
  62. - new: tweak the 3rd person camera settings to provide a new strategic view point
  63. - new: add the ability to pause the dialog to read the subtitle (by keeping pressed the main button)
  64. Performance boost:
  65. To compensate the unlocking of the resolution, the camera freedom and the extended visibility range, we had to focus on various optimisations which results in a noticeable performance boost specially on multithreaded machine.
  66. - new: multithreaded fog and water post-process
  67. - new: multithreaded polygon rendering
  68. - new: rewritting rasterizer to take advantage of SSE technology instead of MMX and making it thread independent
  69. - new: improved thread affinity and dispatch
  70. Gameplay fixes
  71. - fixed: potential stuck in dialog (ie with zeo or zagrad)
  72. - fixed: transmission of the 4th mon could fail
  73. - fixed: minimap scaling was not resolution independent
  74. - fixed: can't use E character in savegame name
  75. Graphics fixes:
  76. - fixed: sometimes background disappeared on specific camera angles (mainly in 1920x1080)
  77. - fixed: highly reduce visibility popping
  78. - fixed: remove artifacts related to zbuffer precision (ie visible on Cutter helmet in 1920x1080)
  79. Crash fixes:
  80. - fixed: potential crash while changing world
  81. - fixed: potential crash while rendering shadows in 1920x1080
  82. - fixed: potential crash when leaving the Okaar map
  83. - fixed: steamCloud issue: the name of the savegame was discard by SteamServer since the file was empty
  84. Version
  85. This hot-update fixes a crash occuring when changing world (aka using a Daoka). Sorry for this inconveniences.
  86. Version
  87. This update fixes several crashes and stability issues (most of them needed to be fixed before enabling achievements, which are coming very soon :)
  88. - Fixed: potential end game crashs
  89. - Fixed: shadow buffer overrun may cause crash and instability on some resolution settings
  90. - Fixed: potential crash when exiting dialog prematurely
  91. - Fixed: potential crash while exiting game
  92. - Fixed: end combat crash
  93. - New: SteamCloud enabled for the savegames
  94. Version
  95. This update fixed a major issue related to vsync management . The native fullscreen mode is now working as expected (should be more performant than any windowed modes)
  96. From that version, to achieve the best performance and quality we recommend to select "native" fullscreen mode and enabling the vsync. You should have a noticeable performance gain toward the "windowless fullscreen mode".
  97. Version
  98. - Fixed: Potential crashes due to antialiasing buffer overrun
  99. - Fixed: Water rendering artefact due to multithreading contention
  100. - Fixed: On some configuration (mainly Windows 8.1), the Launcher could not display the buttons at the right position.
  101. - Fixed: In game music start offset and duration were incorrects
  102. - Improvement: Optimisation of the post process stage resulting on an overall performance improvement
  103. - Improvement: Integrate higher video quality (greetings to @PseudoHallogen on this one :)
  104. - New: Option to disable Desktop Window Manager to improve performance (thanks @VoodooMan for advice :)
  105. - New: Integration of Steam MiniDump support to provide us comprehensive feedback if the game crash.
  106. - New: Automatic in game recovering in case of a rendering crash.
  107. - New: Automatic saving before going through a Daoka or before playing a cinematic
  108. Version
  109. - New: Full support of Steam Overlay !!
  110. - New: Add option to enable or not the usage of SteamAPI (default is enabled)
  111. - New: Borderless fullscreen support (cefault, user can still force native fullscreen)
  112. - Fixed: Improve launcher compatibility issue under Windows 8.1
  113. - Fixed: Improve fullscreen toggle, vsync and slowdown issues related to Directdraw buffer access
  114. - Fixed: Sound settings no more reseted when changing map and persistent between games
  115. - Fixed: Refactored ingame options menu
  116. - Fixed: Potential crashes when leaving a map (ie end game cinematic)
  117. - Fixed: Save game can now be done without keyboard
  118. - Fixed: Various bug fixes and stability improvements
  119. Version
  120. - Fixed: Recreator was still targetting odd postions (due to compiler optimization bug)
  121. - Fixed: Water rendering artefacts in Okasankaar
  122. - Fixed: Potential crashes in Okasankaar
  123. - Fixed: Darosham wheel puzzle state was not restored properly
  124. - Fixed: Lexicon scrolling not effective
  125. - Fixed: Could not play in offline mode
  126. Version
  127. - Changed: Video: removing H.264 codec and revert to WMV with higher quality and correct aspect ratio
  128. Version
  129. - Fixed: Recreator location was incorrect after reload
  130. - Fixed: Potential crash in Okasankaar
  131. - Fixed: Lava platform missing in Motazaar
  132. - Fixed: Punch action is now triggered by the shoot button
  133. - Fixed: Reenforce compatibility check at startup
  134. - Fixed: Swim quest validation issue
  135. Version
  136. - Fix: crashes related to video playback
  137. - Remove Window Media Player dependencies
  138. - Enhanced video quality
  139. - Updated manual
  140. Version
  141. This version provides a more effective mouse/keyboard mapping and few other changes mainly related to the input control.
  142. - Add: ability to select between modern or legacy Mouse/Keyboard scheme
  143. - Add: missing button modifier for forcing Cutter to walk
  144. - Add: option to Invert Camera Axis from the launcher Settings->Input->Invert Camera YAxis
  145. - Fix: Issue preventing Twon-Ha to jump
  146. - Fix: Portuguese language
  147. Version
  148. - Fixed: Can't provide Magwa to Shamaz Mazum
  149. Version
  150. - Fixed: Can't get Magwa from Logar to provide Shamaz Mazum
  151. - Fixed: Lexicon empty after reload
  152. - Update: Added the original manual to the Steam page (the manual will be update soon to match 1.1 this version)
  153. Version
  154. Add verbose messagebox to notify the player if the launcher failed to create the userdata directory or to write config files.
  155. Version
  156. - Fixed: The savegame located on the slot3 won't load from the Launcher
  157. - Fixed: Some music transitions are incorrects
  158. - Improvement: Increasing the priorities of the voxel threads
  159. Version
  160. - Fixed: Potential crash when entering in the game
  161. - Fixed: Potential crash when triggering XRay mode
  162. - Fixed: Potential crash while exiting a cinematic
  163. - Fixed: Abnormal delay and potential crash of the gaamsav
  164. - Fixed: Mismatch between key M and key L on the default keyboard mapping
  165. Version
  166. - Fixed: Missing Spanish subtitles option from the Launcher
  167. - Fixed: Hiding Windows Media Player and allowing to skip by pressing any button
  168. Version
  169. - Fixed: Hide the News Panel