1. The output of:
  2. salt <node> state.show_sls openstack.nova.base:
  3. ----<snip>----
  4. /etc/nova/nova.conf:
  5. ----------
  6. __env__:
  7. base
  8. __sls__:
  9. openstack.nova.base
  10. file:
  11. ----------
  12. - source:
  13. salt://openstack/nova/files/etc/nova/nova.conf
  14. ----------
  15. - user:
  16. nova
  17. ----------
  18. - group:
  19. nova
  20. ----------
  21. - mode:
  22. 600
  23. ----------
  24. - template:
  25. jinja
  26. ----------
  27. - context:
  28. ----------
  29. rabbit_password:
  30. thepassword
  31. rabbit_vhost:
  32. /
  33. - managed
  34. ----------
  35. - order:
  36. 10003
  37. ----<snip>----
  38. Doing a "salt <node> state.sls openstack.nova.base"
  39. ----<snip>----
  40. openstack/nova/files/etc/nova/nova.conf:
  41. State: - file
  42. Name: /etc/nova/nova.conf
  43. Function: managed
  44. Result: False
  45. Comment: Undefined jinja variable; line 1572 in template
  46. ---
  47. [...]
  48. # the RabbitMQ password (string value)
  49. rabbit_password = {{ rabbit_password }}
  50. # the RabbitMQ virtual host (string value)
  51. rabbit_virtual_host= {{ rabbit_vhost }} <======================
  52. # how frequently to retry connecting with RabbitMQ (integer
  53. # value)
  54. #rabbit_retry_interval=1
  55. [...]
  56. ---
  57. Changes:
  58. ----<snip>----