1. Kickstarter Visionary PLUS+ Steel Snowflake Tournament Roster
  2. Mk. 1 Hobo Scouter
  3. This list measures a character's level of homelessness by examining the damage they're reliably capable of producing with their primary attack.
  5. #|90/expected/10x
  6. Half CP | #-#/#/#
  7. #| = Damage inflicted on 1 BS using primary method of attack
  8. 90/expected/10 = With a full CP attack: 90% chance of this number or more damage / the single most likely amount of damage / 10% chance of this number or more damage
  9. Half CP = as above but with half CP, rounded up
  10. Note: If the primary weapon has Tight Grip, a 1-die Power Attack was used. If the character has the Kebab Master talent, +1 damage was added.
  11. #-# = Roughly equal chances of either number applying in this category
  12. x = Damage type
  13. x/y = Player's choice of damage type
  14. --------------------------------------------------------
  15. Benchmarks:
  16. German Longsword Jobber: 14 CP, 4 STR, +2c longsword S-ATN 7
  17. Jobber 7|10/12/14c
  18. Half CP |7-8/9/11c
  19. Sarah Gizka, age 19: 32 CP, 4 STR, +0p rapier T-ATN 6
  20. Gizka 5|17/20/24p
  21. Half CP |10/12/15p
  22. --------------------------------------------------------
  23. Akakios Drekelos 9|12/15/18p http://i.imgur.com/LHwnbUq.jpg
  24. Half CP |11/12/15p
  25. Azariah Ikesandar 12|16/18/21p http://paste2.org/1pEDe7c3
  26. Half CP |13/14/17p
  27. Baru Kaidhazhu 10|14/16/19c http://paste2.org/ON82vahN
  28. Half CP |11/12/15c
  29. Florock Germak 11|15/17/20p http://paste2.org/1Hyd7xXZ
  30. Half CP |12/13/16p
  31. Gandicze, Subject 19 15|18/20/22-23p http://paste2.org/9e0Wk1CL
  32. Half CP |15-16/17/19p
  33. Gunther Alder 13|18/20/23c http://paste2.org/2kAGAXpB
  34. Half CP |14/15/18c
  35. Jean-Grant 11|15/17/20p http://paste2.org/22KzXaf4
  36. Half CP |12/13/16p
  37. Kal Desar 12|15/17/20p/c http://paste2.org/YjEvAs0V
  38. Half CP |13/14/17p/c
  39. Kasel Longsword Jobber 7|10/12/15c http://paste2.org/4ewtxGvJ
  40. Half CP | 8/9/12c
  41. Lorea Mendoza 17|20/22/24-25c https://paste2.org/sg1Av9Aw
  42. Half CP |17-18/19/21c
  43. Regrótimo Formosa 6|9/11/14p http://paste2.org/3OXB0CWV
  44. Half CP | 1-2/3/5p
  45. Rosalie Azevedo 4|8/10-11/13p http://paste2.org/1FgmkKgf
  46. Half CP | 5-6/7/9p
  47. Theodore Grey 9|15/17-18/21p https://paste2.org/kHHaxOHM
  48. Half CP |11/13/15-16p
  49. Zeyaad Sulakir 11|15/17/20c http://paste2.org/Y7fwO5V7
  50. Half CP |12/13/16c