1. ++++Changes form version 1 to version 3++++
  2. NEW: The INI library (used to load and save the launcher.ini) was updated to version 3 up from version 1. (now supports comments, header, footer, disabled sections, disabled properties and the new Reg2Ini can convert from HKU to HKCU.)
  3. new: The new button now creates a new paf project with full directory structure. (eg. AppNamePortable)
  4. new: The load button now loads supported PAL type apps. (so if you want to edit the launcher of a paf portable, select the "AppNamePortable" folder)
  5. new: Now saves the projects worked on in history.
  6. new: One can now select a .reg file in RegistryKeys tab and on pressing the add button all the keys will be entered in the listView.
  7. new: added multi selection of items in a list. (now you can select multiple items and delete or move them up or down)
  8. new: support for custom sections. Now you can load your custom sections and/or edit/add them right from the editor.
  9. new: automatically converts long registry hive names to short. eg. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to HKLM
  10. new: now supports donations through PayPal. Thank you for your donations in advance. It will go towards developing this project into a proper freeware.
  11. fix: bug in DirectoryMoveOK and SupportsUNC. thanks to winterblood from http://portableapps.com.
  12. fix: bug in CleanTemp, SingleAppInstance, WaitForProgram and WaitForOtherInstances. thanks to winterblood.
  13. fix: typo in Environment tab. thanks to winterblood.
  14. fix: bug in RegistryKeys, RegistryValueWrite and RegistryCleanup that caused 2 "Registry=true" lines in the resulting launcher.ini. thanks to winterblood.
  15. removed: RunAsAdmin8 and RunAsAdmin8.1 as its not supported. thanks to winterblood.
  16. removed: MinOS and MaxOS values for windows8 and 8.1. as its not supported. thanks to winterblood.
  17. removed: extra slashes in DoubleBackslash, ForwardSlash and java.utils.prefs. thanks to winterblood.
  18. removed ServiceN since its not yet supported by PAL. advised by winterblood.
  19. added: missing %PAL:LastDriveLetter% variable to Environments combobox. thanks to winterblood.
  20. There are many other bug fixes and new features added too numerous to mention.
  21. I worked on version 2 and 3 together. Since version 3 was a major rewrite of the code, many bugs that was carried over from version 1 to version 2 was not present in version 3, so I decided to drop version 2 and release version 3.
  22. Many more convenient features still to come so stay tuned.
