1. ++++Changes form version 3 to version
  2. NEW: Added easy Environments use for the whole program. Some useful windows and PAL environments in the dropdown at the bottom of the program window. Also any you add in the environments tab will be added to the bottom of the list.
  3. NEW: Now able to convert from HKCU to HKLM and vice versa. In the registry tabs, select the keys u want to convert and on your right from the dropdown, choose the target, then click the convert button.
  4. NEW: RegistryValueWrite can now parse registry files. Just select the reg file and click the parse button. Entries will be added to the listview.
  5. NEW: The name of the app you are working on is now shown in the title bar.
  6. NEW: Automatically adds the value type when you add a value in RegValueWrite.
  7. NEW: Added a button to reload an app. Left-Click reload button to reload, Right-Click to remove the app link from history.
  8. NEW: Partial tool tips was added. There's not a tip for everything.
  9. NEW: Can now backup the launcher.ini before you edit it. Read the tips on the button.
  10. FIX: Fixed a bug that prevented saving on xp.
  11. FIX: Fixed a bug that prevented saving RegistryKeyBackupDelete.
  12. Authors note: There were many other fixes and enhancements and features added which you might or might not notice while using it.