1. Wasteland 2 (Patch 2 Update Notes).
  2. ' Large amount of memory optimizations, particularly with audio, to improve performance and stability on lower-spec systems and 32-bit operating systems.
  3. ' Fixed enemy 'unlimited AP' movement bug that allowed them to sometimes move much farther than intended.
  4. ' Extensive improvements and fixes to California questlines, particularly in Hollywood and Griffith Park. May require you to load an older save file before Hollywood to fully benefit.
  5. ' Added a travel speed toggle to the world map, allowing you to zip and zoom around if you so please (doesn't affect encounters, only travel speed).
  6. ' Added a new UI when CNPCs are recruited. This lets you more easily compare their stats and choose to dismiss one when a new one offers to join.
  7. ' Custom portraits will now work correctly when Windows account username contains non-English characters.
  8. ' Added support for "Very Large" text.
  9. ' Added 50 messages to load screens containing gameplay hints and tips.
  10. ' Loading now continues when the game is tabbed out, and pauses after finishing.
  11. ' Further UI fixes and improvements, such as new and correctly used icons.
  12. ' Many localization updates and bug fixes across all languages.
  13. Full Patch notes below
  14. Wasteland 2 (10/14 Hotfix Patch notes)
  15. ' Resolves a performance degradation issue using the Very Large font size that would cause framerate drops.
  16. ' Resolves a bug in French and Russian translations which prevented players from transferring items between characters (this did not happen in other languages)