1. 1. Identify the exact thread on WJunction: http://i.imgur.com/ifPQOiD.png
  2. - http://www.wjunction.com/14-news-current-events/176554-george-zimmerman-wins-florida-state-lottery.html
  3. 2. You cannot view videos/ play games on the internet without me, who am i?
  4. - Adobe Flash Player
  5. 3. Connect: Blackcomb / Vienna / Bill Gates
  6. - Windows 7
  7. 4. Who was the previous owner of WJunction.com?
  8. - Capone
  9. 5. Connect: August 1 / http://i.imgur.com/GQlafgB.png
  10. - Moto X Phone
  11. 6. Connect: Rendering 2D/ 3D / GPU
  12. - OpenGL
  13. 7. Decode this: 687474703a2f2f7777772e776a756e6374696f6e2e636f6d2f6d656d6265722e7068703f753d3235353837
  14. - http://www.wjunction.com/member.php?u=25587
  15. 8. Which company was granted a patent for a touchscreen dashboard for cars?
  16. - Apple
  17. 9. What's new in Google Maps?
  18. - The new Google Maps web app is now open to everyone -- and no invites are necessary.
  19. 10. Connect: Farming / Phishing / DNS
  20. - Pharming
  21. 11. Servlets are written in ?
  22. - Java
  23. 12. How much is a ZettaByte, in terms of TB?
  24. - 1 Billion Terabytes
  25. 13. Connect: Format / JSON / Markup
  26. - XML
  27. 14. Which Operating System uses the JFS File System?
  28. - AIX
  29. 15. Expand: BSD
  30. - Berkeley Software Distribution
  31. 16. Connect: Freak / X / Free
  32. - Previous names of Linux
  33. 17. I am Non-Self-Replicating, Spyware and is Malicious. Identify me.
  34. - Trojan Horse
  35. 18. What's the name of Amazon's Content Delivery Service?
  36. - Amazon CloudFront
  37. 19. What's the maximum characters allowed in a tweet?
  38. - 140
  39. 20. Expand: WHMCS
  40. - WebHost Manager Complete Solution
  41. 21. DNS translates Domain names into ___ ?
  42. - IP Address
  43. 22. Connect: Open Source / Snake / Language
  44. - Python
  45. 23. Identify: http://i.imgur.com/RCPgB0w.png
  46. - IPv6 Address
  47. 24. These records belong to ? http://i.imgur.com/V6LcIy3.png
  48. - Google.com
  49. 25. VeriSign is now owned by?
  50. - Symantec / Norton Solutions
  51. 26. Identify: http://i.imgur.com/vLu2Z6b.png
  52. - Nexux 7
  53. 27. FLOPS are used to measure?
  54. - Processor Speed
  55. 28. Decrypt the image: http://i.imgur.com/kja84B8.png
  56. - WJunction Rocks!!
  57. 29. Connect: Adobe / Images / Light
  58. - Adobe Lightroom App
  59. 30. When did Sony Acquire Ericsson?
  60. - February, 2012
  61. Bonus:
  62. 31. Who Developed DOS?
  63. - IBM
  64. ServerPolice - 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
  65. Mr Happy - 1 + 1
  66. Rox - 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
  67. Spice Boy - 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
  68. 0ccul7 - 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
  69. Suja Avasti - 1 + 1 + 1
  70. Jim17 - 1

WJunction Quiz Night 14 - Questions and Answers.