1. DriverPack Solution - the most popular program to automatically install, update and search for drivers. It is a versatile manager to install drivers for all versions of Windows. Unlike the built-in features of Windows 7 driver updates, this program can be used even without the presence of the Internet and to find / install drivers for devices not only popular Wender (as is the case with Windows Update).
  2. Program used:
  3. home computer users
  4. system administrators
  5. computer wizard
  6. Service centers for computer repair
  7. and other people, who are often faced with installing / reinstalling Windows
  8. Pros of using the
  9. the interface is friendly and intuitive
  10. intelligent technology classification drivers
  11. Several modes of installation (for the professional to the novice user)
  12. multilingualism (does not require linguistic knowledge and effort): English, Russian, Ukrainian, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Azeri, Dutch, Lithuanian
  13. Check the availability of new versions of software (fast and free upgrade)
  14. Functionality DriverPack Solution
  15. efficient and quick search for drivers
  16. Installing drivers on virtually any computer, just a few minutes
  17. Conducting "downgrade" from Windows Vista to Windows XP (even if the manufacturer has not posted on its website the driver under Windows XP)
  18. search and download the missing driver from the Internet, according to set parameters driver applications
  19. Quickly update the existing set of installed drivers to more recent versions
  20. assistance in creating and using your own database driver
  21. Key features
  22. Works with any driver packages (files 7z, zip), for any operating system since Windows XP
  23. Work as a 32 bit and a 64 bit
  24. Ability to group and custom installation of drivers
  25. Ability to handle files in the finish Bashrat'a packages
  26. Transparent application settings (all settings are changed through the settings). All settings are stored in an ini-file
  27. Quickly create database drivers (the ability to create all databases with one click)
  28. Friendly and responsive interface
  29. Browse to the local PC device list
  30. View oxidase drivers for the driver package
  31. Ability to work with any carrier
  32. Ability to add and launch from the interface of additional tools (to add, use the menu-options - additional tools). Ie, to some extent can be used as an autorun for your collections
  33. Check for program updates via the Internet
  34. Ability to silent install
  35. Multilingual interface
  36. Included in the collection of driver packs
  37. DP_Biometric_16111
  38. DP_Bluetooth_16111
  39. DP_CardReader_16111
  40. DP_Chipset_16111
  41. DP_LAN JnteM 6103
  42. DP_LAN_Others_16105
  43. DP_LAN_Realtek-NT_16105
  44. DP_LAN_Realtek-XP_16100
  45. DP_MassStorage_16111
  46. DP_Misc_16105
  47. DP_Modem_16100
  48. DP_Monitor_16105
  49. DP_Printer_16100
  50. DP_Sound_ADI_16100
  51. DP_Sound_CMedia_16105
  52. DP_Sound_Conexant_16111
  53. DP_Sound_Creative_16105
  54. DP_Sound _IDT_16100
  55. DP_Sound_Others_16105
  56. DP_Sound_VIA_16111
  57. DP_Sounds_HDMI_16105
  58. DP_Sounds_Realtek_16105
  59. DP_Telephone_16111
  60. DP_Touchpad_Alps_16105
  61. DP_Touchpad_Cypress_16100
  62. DP_Touchpad_Elan_16111
  63. DP_Touchpad_Others_16111
  64. DP_Touchpad_Synaptics_16111
  65. DP_TV_Aver_16100
  66. DP_TV_Beholder_16100
  67. DP_TV_DVB_16100
  68. DP_TV_Others_16104
  69. DP_Vendor_16111
  70. DP_Video_lntel-NT_16111
  71. DP_Video _lntel-XP_16100
  72. DP_Video_nVIDIA_Server_16105
  73. DP_Video_nVIDIA-NT_16105
  74. DP_Video_nVIDIA-XP_16100
  75. DP_Videos_AMD_Server_16105
  76. DP_Videos_AMD-NT_16105
  77. DP_Videos_AMD-XP_16103
  78. DP_Videos_Others_16105
  79. DP_WebCam_16111
  80. DP_WLAN-WiFi_16111
  81. DP_WWAN-4G_16105
  82. DP_xUSB_16105
  83. Note:
  84. After starting the program, do not press the "Set Automatically", as with the drivers will automatically install selected by default in its program (various applications Yandex, Opera browser, etc.).
  85. Changes in version 7.17.16:
  86. Including an updated driver packs and programs (from 16/11/2016)
  87. Checksums:
  88. CRC32: 0AA3AF04
  89. MD5: 12A5D9482C579620D71C63CC5A5335B9
  90. SHA-1: 106D36EBF6DA2BC23FAE666605D0D08860979FEB
  91. System requirements:
  92. Any version of Windows from XP to 10 (32bit-64bit)
  93. Software Version: 7.17.16
  94. Official website: drp
  95. Language: Russian, English and other
  96. Treatment: not required
  97. Size: 11.4 GB