1. 1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: strgen, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
  2. 2>------ Rebuild All started: Project: settingsgen, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
  3. 3>------ Rebuild All started: Project: version, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
  4. 4>------ Skipped Rebuild All: Project: generate, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
  5. 4>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
  6. 1>Build started 10/20/2012 1:25:39 PM.
  7. 1>InitializeBuildStatus:
  8. 1> Creating "D:\Sourcecodes\OTTD\trunk\projects\..\objs\strgen\strgen.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  9. 3>Build started 10/20/2012 1:25:39 PM.
  10. 2>Build started 10/20/2012 1:25:39 PM.
  11. 3>CoreClean:
  12. 3> Kan D:\Sourcecodes\OTTD\trunk\src\rev.cpp niet vinden
  13. 1>ClCompile:
  14. 1> alloc_func.cpp
  15. 1> strgen_base.cpp
  16. 1> strgen.cpp
  17. 2>InitializeBuildStatus:
  18. 2> Creating "..\objs\settings\settingsgen.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  19. 1> string.cpp
  20. 3>Rebuild:
  21. 3> Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host versie 5.8
  22. 3> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. Alle rechten voorbehouden.
  23. 3>
  24. 2>ClCompile:
  25. 2> alloc_func.cpp
  26. 1> getoptdata.cpp
  27. 2> getoptdata.cpp
  28. 2> ini_load.cpp
  29. 2> settingsgen.cpp
  30. 3>
  31. 3>Build succeeded.
  32. 3>
  33. 3>Time Elapsed 00:00:00.48
  34. 2> string.cpp
  35. 2> Generating Code...
  36. 1>Link:
  37. 1> strgen_vs100.vcxproj -> D:\Sourcecodes\OTTD\trunk\projects\..\objs\strgen\strgen.exe
  38. 1>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  39. 1> Deleting file "D:\Sourcecodes\OTTD\trunk\projects\..\objs\strgen\strgen.unsuccessfulbuild".
  40. 1> Touching "D:\Sourcecodes\OTTD\trunk\projects\..\objs\strgen\strgen.lastbuildstate".
  41. 1>
  42. 1>Build succeeded.
  43. 1>
  44. 1>Time Elapsed 00:00:01.02
  45. 2>Link:
  46. 2> settingsgen_vs100.vcxproj -> D:\Sourcecodes\OTTD\trunk\projects\..\objs\settings\settings_gen.exe
  47. 2>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  48. 2> Deleting file "..\objs\settings\settingsgen.unsuccessfulbuild".
  49. 2> Touching "..\objs\settings\settingsgen.lastbuildstate".
  50. 2>
  51. 2>Build succeeded.
  52. 2>
  53. 2>Time Elapsed 00:00:01.18
  54. 5>------ Rebuild All started: Project: langs, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
  55. 5>Build started 10/20/2012 1:25:41 PM.
  56. 5>InitializeBuildStatus:
  57. 5> Creating "..\objs\langs\langs.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
  58. 5>PreBuildEvent:
  59. 5> Description: Generating strings.h
  60. 5>CustomBuild:
  61. 5> Generating english language file
  62. 5> Generating afrikaans language file
  63. 5> Generating arabic_egypt language file
  64. 6>------ Rebuild All started: Project: settings, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
  65. 5> Generating belarusian language file
  66. 6>Build started 10/20/2012 1:25:41 PM.
  67. 6>CoreClean:
  68. 6> Kan D:\Sourcecodes\OTTD\trunk\objs\settings\table\settings.h niet vinden
  69. 5> Generating brazilian_portuguese language file
  70. 6>
  71. 6>Build succeeded.
  72. 6>
  73. 6>Time Elapsed 00:00:00.08
  74. 5> Generating bulgarian language file
  75. 5> Generating catalan language file
  76. 5> Generating croatian language file
  77. 5> Generating czech language file
  78. 5> Generating danish language file
  79. 5> Generating dutch language file
  80. 5> Generating english_AU language file
  81. 5> Generating english_US language file
  82. 5> Generating esperanto language file
  83. 5> Generating estonian language file
  84. 5> Generating finnish language file
  85. 5> Generating french language file
  86. 5> Generating galician language file
  87. 5> Generating german language file
  88. 5> Generating greek language file
  89. 5> Generating hebrew language file
  90. 5> Generating hungarian language file
  91. 5> Generating icelandic language file
  92. 5> Generating indonesian language file
  93. 5> Generating irish language file
  94. 5> Generating italian language file
  95. 5> Generating japanese language file
  96. 5> Generating korean language file
  97. 5> Generating latvian language file
  98. 5> Generating lithuanian language file
  99. 5> Generating luxembourgish language file
  100. 5> Generating malay language file
  101. 5> Generating norwegian_bokmal language file
  102. 5> Generating norwegian_nynorsk language file
  103. 5> Generating polish language file
  104. 5> Generating portuguese language file
  105. 5> Generating romanian language file
  106. 5> Generating russian language file
  107. 5> Generating serbian language file
  108. 5> Generating simplified_chinese language file
  109. 5> Generating slovak language file
  110. 5> Generating slovenian language file
  111. 5> Generating spanish language file
  112. 5> Generating swedish language file
  113. 5> Generating traditional_chinese language file
  114. 5> Generating turkish language file
  115. 5> Generating ukrainian language file
  116. 5> Generating vietnamese language file
  117. 5> Generating welsh language file
  118. 5>FinalizeBuildStatus:
  119. 5> Deleting file "..\objs\langs\langs.unsuccessfulbuild".
  120. 5> Touching "..\objs\langs\langs.lastbuildstate".
  121. 5>
  122. 5>Build succeeded.
  123. 5>
  124. 5>Time Elapsed 00:00:02.30
  125. 7>------ Rebuild All started: Project: openttd, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
  126. 7>Build started 10/20/2012 1:25:43 PM.
  127. 7>InitializeBuildStatus:
  128. 7> Touching "D:\Sourcecodes\OTTD\trunk\projects\..\objs\Win32\Release\openttd.unsuccessfulbuild".
  129. 7>ClCompile:
  130. 7> airport.cpp
  131. 7> animated_tile.cpp
  132. 7> articulated_vehicles.cpp
  133. 7> autoreplace.cpp
  134. 7> bmp.cpp
  135. 7> cargomonitor.cpp
  136. 7> cargopacket.cpp
  137. 7> cargotype.cpp
  138. 7> cheat.cpp
  139. 7> command.cpp
  140. 7> console.cpp
  141. 7> console_cmds.cpp
  142. 7> crashlog.cpp
  143. 7> currency.cpp
  144. 7> date.cpp
  145. 7> debug.cpp
  146. 7> dedicated.cpp
  147. 7> depot.cpp
  148. 7> driver.cpp
  149. 7> economy.cpp
  150. 7> effectvehicle.cpp
  151. 7> elrail.cpp
  152. 7> engine.cpp
  153. 7> fileio.cpp
  154. 7> fios.cpp
  155. 7> fontcache.cpp
  156. 7> base_consist.cpp
  157. 7> gamelog.cpp
  158. 7> genworld.cpp
  159. 7> gfx.cpp
  160. 7> gfxinit.cpp
  161. 7> goal.cpp
  162. 7> ground_vehicle.cpp
  163. 7> heightmap.cpp
  164. 7> highscore.cpp
  165. 7> hotkeys.cpp
  166. 7> ini.cpp
  167. 7> ini_load.cpp
  168. 7> landscape.cpp
  169. 7> map.cpp
  170. 7> misc.cpp
  171. 7> mixer.cpp
  172. 7> music.cpp
  173. 7> network.cpp
  174. 7> network_admin.cpp
  175. 7> network_client.cpp
  176. 7> network_command.cpp
  177. 7> network_content.cpp
  178. 7> network_gamelist.cpp
  179. 7> network_server.cpp
  180. 7> network_udp.cpp
  181. 7> openttd.cpp
  182. 7> order_backup.cpp
  183. 7> os_timer.cpp
  184. 7> pbs.cpp
  185. 7> progress.cpp
  186. 7> rail.cpp
  187. 7> rev.cpp
  188. 7> road.cpp
  189. 7> roadstop.cpp
  190. 7> screenshot.cpp
  191. 7> sdl.cpp
  192. 7> settings.cpp
  193. 7> signal.cpp
  194. 7> signs.cpp
  195. 7> sound.cpp
  196. 7> sprite.cpp
  197. 7> spritecache.cpp
  198. 7> station.cpp
  199. 7> strgen_base.cpp
  200. 7> string.cpp
  201. 7> stringfilter.cpp
  202. 7> strings.cpp
  203. 7> subsidy.cpp
  204. 7> textbuf.cpp
  205. 7> texteff.cpp
  206. 7> tgp.cpp
  207. 7> tile_map.cpp
  208. 7> tilearea.cpp
  209. 7> townname.cpp
  210. 7> vehicle.cpp
  211. 7> vehiclelist.cpp
  212. 7> viewport.cpp
  213. 7> waypoint.cpp
  214. 7> widget.cpp
  215. 7> window.cpp
  216. 7> alloc_func.cpp
  217. 7> bitmath_func.cpp
  218. 7> geometry_func.cpp
  219. 7> math_func.cpp
  220. 7> pool_func.cpp
  221. 7> random_func.cpp
  222. 7> aircraft_gui.cpp
  223. 7> airport_gui.cpp
  224. 7> autoreplace_gui.cpp
  225. 7> bootstrap_gui.cpp
  226. 7> bridge_gui.cpp
  227. 7> build_vehicle_gui.cpp
  228. 7> cheat_gui.cpp
  229. 7> company_gui.cpp
  230. 7> console_gui.cpp
  231. 7> date_gui.cpp
  232. 7> depot_gui.cpp
  233. 7> dock_gui.cpp
  234. 7> engine_gui.cpp
  235. 7> error_gui.cpp
  236. 7> fios_gui.cpp
  237. 7> genworld_gui.cpp
  238. 7> goal_gui.cpp
  239. 7> graph_gui.cpp
  240. 7> group_gui.cpp
  241. 7> highscore_gui.cpp
  242. 7> industry_gui.cpp
  243. 7> intro_gui.cpp
  244. 7>..\src\group_gui.cpp(514): warning C4018: '>' : signed/unsigned mismatch
  245. 7> main_gui.cpp
  246. 7> misc_gui.cpp
  247. 7> music_gui.cpp
  248. 7> network_chat_gui.cpp
  249. 7> network_content_gui.cpp
  250. 7> network_gui.cpp
  251. 7> newgrf_debug_gui.cpp
  252. 7> newgrf_gui.cpp
  253. 7> news_gui.cpp
  254. 7> object_gui.cpp
  255. 7> order_gui.cpp
  256. 7> osk_gui.cpp
  257. 7> rail_gui.cpp
  258. 7> road_gui.cpp
  259. 7> roadveh_gui.cpp
  260. 7> settings_gui.cpp
  261. 7> ship_gui.cpp
  262. 7> signs_gui.cpp
  263. 7> smallmap_gui.cpp
  264. 7> station_gui.cpp
  265. 7> statusbar_gui.cpp
  266. 7> subsidy_gui.cpp
  267. 7> terraform_gui.cpp
  268. 7> textfile_gui.cpp
  269. 7> timetable_gui.cpp
  270. 7> toolbar_gui.cpp
  271. 7> town_gui.cpp
  272. 7> train_gui.cpp
  273. 7> transparency_gui.cpp
  274. 7> tree_gui.cpp
  275. 7> vehicle_gui.cpp
  276. 7> viewport_gui.cpp
  277. 7> waypoint_gui.cpp
  278. 7> dropdown.cpp
  279. 7> aircraft_cmd.cpp
  280. 7> autoreplace_cmd.cpp
  281. 7> clear_cmd.cpp
  282. 7> company_cmd.cpp
  283. 7> depot_cmd.cpp
  284. 7> disaster_cmd.cpp
  285. 7> group_cmd.cpp
  286. 7> industry_cmd.cpp
  287. 7> misc_cmd.cpp
  288. 7> object_cmd.cpp
  289. 7> order_cmd.cpp
  290. 7> rail_cmd.cpp
  291. 7> road_cmd.cpp
  292. 7> roadveh_cmd.cpp
  293. 7> ship_cmd.cpp
  294. 7> signs_cmd.cpp
  295. 7>..\src\road_cmd.cpp(798): warning C4800: 'RoadBits' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
  296. 7> station_cmd.cpp
  297. 7> terraform_cmd.cpp
  298. 7> timetable_cmd.cpp
  299. 7> town_cmd.cpp
  300. 7> train_cmd.cpp
  301. 7> tree_cmd.cpp
  302. 7> tunnelbridge_cmd.cpp
  303. 7> vehicle_cmd.cpp
  304. 7> void_cmd.cpp
  305. 7> water_cmd.cpp
  306. 7> waypoint_cmd.cpp
  307. 7> afterload.cpp
  308. 7> ai_sl.cpp
  309. 7> airport_sl.cpp
  310. 7> animated_tile_sl.cpp
  311. 7> autoreplace_sl.cpp
  312. 7> cargomonitor_sl.cpp
  313. 7> cargopacket_sl.cpp
  314. 7> cheat_sl.cpp
  315. 7> company_sl.cpp
  316. 7> depot_sl.cpp
  317. 7> economy_sl.cpp
  318. 7> engine_sl.cpp
  319. 7> game_sl.cpp
  320. 7> gamelog_sl.cpp
  321. 7> goal_sl.cpp
  322. 7> group_sl.cpp
  323. 7> industry_sl.cpp
  324. 7> labelmaps_sl.cpp
  325. 7> map_sl.cpp
  326. 7> misc_sl.cpp
  327. 7> newgrf_sl.cpp
  328. 7> object_sl.cpp
  329. 7> oldloader.cpp
  330. 7> oldloader_sl.cpp
  331. 7> order_sl.cpp
  332. 7> saveload.cpp
  333. 7> signs_sl.cpp
  334. 7> station_sl.cpp
  335. 7> storage_sl.cpp
  336. 7> strings_sl.cpp
  337. 7> subsidy_sl.cpp
  338. 7> town_sl.cpp
  339. 7> vehicle_sl.cpp
  340. 7> waypoint_sl.cpp
  341. 7> md5.cpp
  342. 7> script_config.cpp
  343. 7> script_info.cpp
  344. 7> script_info_dummy.cpp
  345. 7> script_instance.cpp
  346. 7> script_scanner.cpp
  347. 7> squirrel.cpp
  348. 7> squirrel_std.cpp
  349. 7> sqapi.cpp
  350. 7> sqbaselib.cpp
  351. 7> sqclass.cpp
  352. 7> sqcompiler.cpp
  353. 7> sqdebug.cpp
  354. 7> sqfuncstate.cpp
  355. 7> sqlexer.cpp
  356. 7> sqmem.cpp
  357. 7> sqobject.cpp
  358. 7> sqstate.cpp
  359. 7> sqstdaux.cpp
  360. 7> sqstdmath.cpp
  361. 7> sqtable.cpp
  362. 7> sqvm.cpp
  363. 7> ai_config.cpp
  364. 7> ai_core.cpp
  365. 7> ai_gui.cpp
  366. 7> ai_info.cpp
  367. 7> ai_instance.cpp
  368. 7> ai_scanner.cpp
  369. 7> game_config.cpp
  370. 7> game_core.cpp
  371. 7> game_info.cpp
  372. 7> game_instance.cpp
  373. 7> game_scanner.cpp
  374. 7> game_text.cpp
  375. 7> script_accounting.cpp
  376. 7> script_admin.cpp
  377. 7> script_airport.cpp
  378. 7> script_base.cpp
  379. 7> script_basestation.cpp
  380. 7> script_bridge.cpp
  381. 7> script_bridgelist.cpp
  382. 7> script_cargo.cpp
  383. 7> script_cargolist.cpp
  384. 7> script_cargomonitor.cpp
  385. 7> script_company.cpp
  386. 7> script_companymode.cpp
  387. 7> script_controller.cpp
  388. 7> script_date.cpp
  389. 7> script_depotlist.cpp
  390. 7> script_engine.cpp
  391. 7> script_enginelist.cpp
  392. 7> script_error.cpp
  393. 7> script_event.cpp
  394. 7> script_event_types.cpp
  395. 7> script_execmode.cpp
  396. 7> script_game.cpp
  397. 7> script_gamesettings.cpp
  398. 7> script_goal.cpp
  399. 7> script_group.cpp
  400. 7> script_grouplist.cpp
  401. 7> script_industry.cpp
  402. 7> script_industrylist.cpp
  403. 7> script_industrytype.cpp
  404. 7> script_industrytypelist.cpp
  405. 7> script_infrastructure.cpp
  406. 7> script_list.cpp
  407. 7> script_log.cpp
  408. 7> script_map.cpp
  409. 7> script_marine.cpp
  410. 7> script_news.cpp
  411. 7> script_object.cpp
  412. 7> script_order.cpp
  413. 7> script_rail.cpp
  414. 7> script_railtypelist.cpp
  415. 7> script_road.cpp
  416. 7> script_sign.cpp
  417. 7> script_signlist.cpp
  418. 7> script_station.cpp
  419. 7> script_stationlist.cpp
  420. 7> script_subsidy.cpp
  421. 7> script_subsidylist.cpp
  422. 7> script_testmode.cpp
  423. 7> script_text.cpp
  424. 7> script_tile.cpp
  425. 7> script_tilelist.cpp
  426. 7> script_town.cpp
  427. 7> script_townlist.cpp
  428. 7> script_tunnel.cpp
  429. 7> script_vehicle.cpp
  430. 7> script_vehiclelist.cpp
  431. 7> script_viewport.cpp
  432. 7> script_waypoint.cpp
  433. 7> script_waypointlist.cpp
  434. 7> script_window.cpp
  435. 7> 32bpp_anim.cpp
  436. 7> 32bpp_base.cpp
  437. 7> 32bpp_optimized.cpp
  438. 7> 32bpp_simple.cpp
  439. 7> 8bpp_base.cpp
  440. 7> 8bpp_optimized.cpp
  441. 7> 8bpp_simple.cpp
  442. 7> base.cpp
  443. 7> null.cpp
  444. 7> grf.cpp
  445. 7> newgrf.cpp
  446. 7> newgrf_airport.cpp
  447. 7> newgrf_airporttiles.cpp
  448. 7> newgrf_canal.cpp
  449. 7> newgrf_cargo.cpp
  450. 7> newgrf_commons.cpp
  451. 7> newgrf_config.cpp
  452. 7> newgrf_engine.cpp
  453. 7> newgrf_generic.cpp
  454. 7> newgrf_house.cpp
  455. 7> newgrf_industries.cpp
  456. 7> newgrf_industrytiles.cpp
  457. 7> newgrf_object.cpp
  458. 7> newgrf_railtype.cpp
  459. 7> newgrf_sound.cpp
  460. 7> newgrf_spritegroup.cpp
  461. 7> newgrf_station.cpp
  462. 7> newgrf_storage.cpp
  463. 7> newgrf_text.cpp
  464. 7> newgrf_town.cpp
  465. 7> newgrf_townname.cpp
  466. 7> bridge_map.cpp
  467. 7> road_map.cpp
  468. 7> tunnel_map.cpp
  469. 7> countedobj.cpp
  470. 7> dbg_helpers.cpp
  471. 7> getoptdata.cpp
  472. 7> address.cpp
  473. 7> core.cpp
  474. 7> host.cpp
  475. 7> packet.cpp
  476. 7> tcp.cpp
  477. 7> tcp_admin.cpp
  478. 7> tcp_connect.cpp
  479. 7> tcp_content.cpp
  480. 7> tcp_game.cpp
  481. 7> tcp_http.cpp
  482. 7> udp.cpp
  483. 7> opf_ship.cpp
  484. 7> aystar.cpp
  485. 7> npf.cpp
  486. 7> queue.cpp
  487. 7> yapf_rail.cpp
  488. 7> yapf_road.cpp
  489. 7> yapf_ship.cpp
  490. 7> dedicated_v.cpp
  491. 7> null_v.cpp
  492. 7> sdl_v.cpp
  493. 7> win32_v.cpp
  494. 7> dmusic.cpp
  495. 7> null_m.cpp
  496. 7> win32_m.cpp
  497. 7> null_s.cpp
  498. 7> sdl_s.cpp
  499. 7> win32_s.cpp
  500. 7> crashlog_win.cpp
  501. 7>..\src\music\dmusic.cpp(25): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'dmusici.h': No such file or directory
  502. 7> win32.cpp
  503. 7> thread_win32.cpp
  504. 7>
  505. 7>Build FAILED.
  506. 7>
  507. 7>Time Elapsed 00:00:38.69
  508. ========== Rebuild All: 5 succeeded, 1 failed, 1 skipped ==========