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  100. [img]http://imgr.us/images/9dub26wwarq55gkiln.png[/img]
  101. RESiSTANCE Presents:
  102. Breaking The Taboo 2012 WEBRip XviD AC3 - RESiSTANCE
  103. RELEASE DATE.: 7/12/12
  104. STORE DATE...: N/A
  105. RUNTiME......: 58min 08sec
  106. SiZE.........: 1.40GB
  107. TOTAL BiTRATE: 3,452 Kbps
  108. GENRE........: Documentary
  109. SOURCE.......: 1080p Youtube
  110. CODEC........: XviD
  111. ViDEO BiTRATE: 3,186 Kbps
  112. RESOLUTiON...: 720x384
  113. ASPECT RATiO.: 1.875
  114. FRAME RATE...: 23.976 FPS
  115. SUBS.........: Harcoded English for non english parts
  116. SAMPLE.......: YES
  117. AUDiO........: AC3
  118. AUDiO BiTRATE: 256 Kbps
  119. CHANNELS.....: 2
  120. LANGUAGE.....: English
  121. IMDB.........: imdb.com/title/tt1951090/
  122. PLOT.........: Documentary uncovering the failure of the UN sanctioned war on drugs.
  123. TRAiLER......: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2vqpNT1kV4
  124. NOTES:
  125. Well the full documentary is available to watch on youtube
  126. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UtNF-Le2L0
  127. I decided to encode it for people who would prefer to download it so they can
  128. watch it on their tv, or just incase the government decide to censor the video.
  129. Enjoy...
  130. Long Live The - RESiSTANCE :bow:
  131. Screens:
  132. [img]http://imgr.us/images/uvyogop7w6r04epvzuw1.jpg[/img]
  133. [img]http://imgr.us/images/ir7spg0u4nu1uk1fhm.jpg[/img]
  134. [img]http://imgr.us/images/az8je0xafn4y1ou2z.jpg[/img]
  135. [img]http://imgr.us/images/bian1kyfti1r6qgcxxxf.jpg[/img]
  136. [img]http://imgr.us/images/c2uln3xcpx3lh6ktdrpd.jpg[/img]
  137. Greetz:
  138. Almost Everyone :)