1. # |Global storage for entire part 1|
  2. #_______________________________________________________________________________
  3. global hp
  4. hp = 20
  5. global dice
  6. import random
  7. dice = random.randint(3,5)
  8. global beardamage
  9. import random
  10. beardamage = random.randint(1,9)
  11. global hunger
  12. hunger = 5
  13. global spiderhp
  14. spiderhp = 5
  15. global bearhp
  16. bearhp = 10
  17. global potion
  18. potion = 0
  19. global xp
  20. xp = 0
  21. # |Data storage for part 1|
  22. #_______________________________________________________________________________
  23. #
  24. x = ("attack")
  25. passwordcode = ("5665598")
  26. road =("left")
  27. key = ("key")
  28. choicekey = ("yes")
  29. hutchoice = ("gotoit")
  30. menucheat = ("cheat menu")
  31. menureadme = ("readme")
  32. menustart = ("start game")
  33. death = 1
  34. menuhelp = ("help")
  35. potionadd = 1
  36. examinationyes = ("examine")
  37. SmallHealing = random.randint(8,15)
  38. cheat01 = ("cheat_01")
  39. cheat02 = ("shutdown")
  40. bearxp = 100
  41. spiderxp = 350
  42. bow = random.randint(5,10)
  43. passwordcheat = ("password")
  44. # |End of data storage for adventure part 1.|
  45. #_______________________________________________________________________________
  46. text = ("Loading files....")
  47. import time
  48. import sys
  49. from random import randrange
  50. for c in text:
  51. sys.stdout.write(c)
  52. sys.stdout.flush()
  53. seconds = "0." + str(randrange(1, 4, 1))
  54. seconds = float(0.5)
  55. time.sleep(0.01)
  56. text = ("-1%||||||||||||||||100%-")
  57. print("")
  58. import time
  59. import sys
  60. from random import randrange
  61. for c in text:
  62. sys.stdout.write(c)
  63. sys.stdout.flush()
  64. seconds = "0." + str(randrange(1, 4, 1))
  65. seconds = float(0.01)
  66. time.sleep(0.01)
  67. print("")
  68. import time
  69. time.sleep(1)
  70. import os
  71. import sys
  72. os.system("CLS")
  73. print("")
  74. print("")
  75. print(" ")
  76. print(" _ _ _ _ _ ")
  77. print(" / \ __| |_ _____ _ __ | |_ _ _ _ __ ___ _ __ _ _| |_| |__ ___ _ __ ")
  78. print(" / _ \ / _` \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| __| | | | '__/ _ \ | '_ \| | | | __| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ ")
  79. print(" / ___ \ (_| |\ V / __/ | | | |_| |_| | | | __/ | |_) | |_| | |_| | | | (_) | | | |")
  80. print("/_/ \_\__,_| \_/ \___|_| |_|\__|\__,_|_| \___| | .__/ \__, |\__|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|")
  81. print(" |_| |___/ ")
  82. print(" //|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\\")
  83. print(" // || Main menu || \\")
  84. print("||______________________________||_____________||________________________||")
  85. print("|| || HELP || ||")
  86. print("||______________________________||_____________||________________________||")
  87. print("|| || README || ||")
  88. print("||______________________________||_____________||________________________||")
  89. print("|| || START GAME || ||")
  90. print("||______________________________||_____________||________________________||")
  91. print(" \\ || CHEAT MENU || //")
  92. print(" \\|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||//")
  93. thing = 2
  94. thini = 1
  95. print(" Enter the selected command")
  96. commandprompt = input("")
  97. while thing > thini:
  98. if commandprompt == menucheat:
  99. print("Enter the password")
  100. commandprompt = input("")
  101. if commandprompt == passwordcheat:
  102. print("Access granted")
  103. print("")
  104. print("Cheat list")
  105. print("",(cheat01)," - Walkthrough")
  106. print("",(cheat02)," - You should know what that one does")
  107. commandprompt = input("")
  108. if commandprompt == cheat01:
  109. print("Cheat activated")
  110. print("")
  111. print("")
  112. import time
  113. time.sleep(2)
  114. print("WALKTHROUGH")
  115. print("HIT/RUN")
  116. print("Examine")
  117. print("Left")
  118. print("yes")
  119. print("go")
  120. print("5665598")
  121. print("HIT/RUN")
  122. elif commandprompt == cheat02:
  123. yes = ("yes")
  124. no = ("no")
  125. print("Are you sure?")
  126. commandprompt = input("")
  127. if commandprompt == yes:
  128. print("Shut down in 10 seconds")
  129. import os
  130. os.system("shutdown -r -t 10 ")
  131. elif commandprompt == no:
  132. print("Terminated")
  133. break
  134. else:
  135. print("Unknown command!")
  136. if commandprompt == menustart:
  137. print("Press enter to start")
  138. input("")
  139. break
  140. commandprompt = input("")
  141. if commandprompt == menureadme:
  142. print("_________________________________")
  143. print("Made by AO")
  144. print("Version 1.8")
  145. print("Dice system inplemented")
  146. print("Global system")
  147. print("Part 2 done")
  148. print("900+ lines of coding")
  149. print("_________________________________")
  150. import time
  151. time.sleep(5)
  152. if commandprompt == menuhelp:
  153. print("Help")
  154. print("Type commands exactly, no caps")
  155. else:
  156. print("Invalid command!")
  157. import time
  158. time.sleep(5)
  159. import os
  160. import sys
  161. os.system("CLS")
  162. import time
  163. import sys
  164. from random import randrange
  165. text = ("This is a story which set's back long before golden age...")
  166. for c in text:
  167. sys.stdout.write(c)
  168. sys.stdout.flush()
  169. seconds = "0." + str(randrange(1, 4, 1))
  170. seconds = float(0.1)
  171. time.sleep(0.1)
  172. import time
  173. time.sleep(1)
  174. print("")
  175. text = ("In a time of witchcraft, mysteries and myths.")
  176. for c in text:
  177. sys.stdout.write(c)
  178. sys.stdout.flush()
  179. seconds = "0." + str(randrange(1, 4, 1))
  180. seconds = float(0.1)
  181. time.sleep(0.1)
  182. import time
  183. time.sleep(1)
  184. print("")
  185. import time
  186. time.sleep(1)
  187. print("")
  188. text = ("!||SLENDER THE GAME||!")
  189. for c in text:
  190. sys.stdout.write(c)
  191. sys.stdout.flush()
  192. seconds = "0." + str(randrange(1, 4, 1))
  193. seconds = float(0.1)
  194. time.sleep(0.1)
  195. print("")
  196. print("You have 20 hitpoints.")
  197. print("You have 5 hunger bars.")
  198. import time
  199. time.sleep(3)
  200. print("")
  201. import time
  202. time.sleep(1)
  203. text = ("You - Where I'm i?")
  204. for c in text:
  205. sys.stdout.write(c)
  206. sys.stdout.flush()
  207. seconds = "0." + str(randrange(1, 4, 1))
  208. seconds = float(0.1)
  209. time.sleep(0.1)
  210. print("")
  211. print("You stand up")
  212. import time
  213. time.sleep(1)
  214. text = ("You - Hmm.")
  215. import os
  216. import sys
  217. os.system("CLS")
  218. for c in text:
  219. sys.stdout.write(c)
  220. sys.stdout.flush()
  221. seconds = "0." + str(randrange(1, 4, 1))
  222. seconds = float(0.1)
  223. time.sleep(0.1)
  224. print("")
  225. print("You approach the door")
  226. print("But you hear a growling noise.")
  227. import time
  228. time.sleep(2)
  229. print("The door is smashed in half as a monster sees you.")
  230. import time
  231. time.sleep(2)
  232. print("It's a giant bear!")
  233. import time
  234. time.sleep(2)
  235. text = ("You - Ahhhh! Wait, It's so small!")
  236. for c in text:
  237. sys.stdout.write(c)
  238. sys.stdout.flush()
  239. seconds = "0." + str(randrange(1, 4, 1))
  240. seconds = float(0.1)
  241. time.sleep(0.1)
  242. print("")
  243. text = ("You - What could possibly go wrong?")
  244. for c in text:
  245. sys.stdout.write(c)
  246. sys.stdout.flush()
  247. seconds = "0." + str(randrange(1, 4, 1))
  248. seconds = float(0.1)
  249. time.sleep(0.1)
  250. print("")
  251. print("The bear looks agressive. The bear has",(bearhp)," hp. Type attack or run")
  252. y =input("")
  253. if (y) == (x):
  254. while (bearhp > death):
  255. print("You hit the bear")
  256. print("")
  257. import time
  258. time.sleep(3)
  259. print("You do",(dice),"damage")
  260. print("")
  261. import time
  262. time.sleep(2)
  263. import os
  264. import sys
  265. os.system("CLS")
  266. bearhp = bearhp - dice
  267. if bearhp < death:
  268. print("You do a final blow against the bear")
  269. print("")
  270. print("The bear has died")
  271. import os
  272. import sys
  273. os.system("CLS")
  274. break
  275. import time
  276. time.sleep(3)
  277. print("The bear does ",(beardamage),"damage")
  278. hp = hp - beardamage
  279. import time
  280. time.sleep(2)
  281. import os
  282. import sys
  283. os.system("CLS")
  284. print("")
  285. if hp < death:
  286. print("OW! The bear does final blow against you!")
  287. print("You have died")
  288. import time
  289. time.sleep(2)
  290. print("Game over")
  291. import time
  292. time.sleep(99999)
  293. break
  294. import time
  295. time.sleep(3)
  296. if bearhp < death:
  297. print("You do a final blow against the bear")
  298. print("")
  299. print("The bear has died")
  300. break
  301. import time
  302. print("You have",(hp),"left")
  303. print("")
  304. import time
  305. time.sleep(1)
  306. print("The bear has",(bearhp),"left")
  307. import time
  308. time.sleep(1)
  309. import os
  310. import sys
  311. os.system("CLS")
  312. else:
  313. print("You run away.")
  314. import time
  315. time.sleep(2)
  316. print("You have wasted your hunger bar")
  317. hungerbar = 1
  318. hunger = hunger - hunger
  319. print("Hunger is",(hungerbar)," ")
  320. import time
  321. time.sleep(3)
  322. time.sleep(2)
  323. import time
  324. import sys
  325. from random import randrange
  326. text = ("You are in a strange room")
  327. for c in text:
  328. sys.stdout.write(c)
  329. sys.stdout.flush()
  330. seconds = "0." + str(randrange(1, 4, 1))
  331. seconds = float(0.1)
  332. time.sleep(0.1)
  333. print("")
  334. print("You see a shelf")
  335. import time
  336. time.sleep(2)
  337. print("Hint - try examining it.","examine")
  338. examination = input("")
  339. if (examination) == (examinationyes):
  340. print("You find a small vial")
  341. import time
  342. time.sleep(2)
  343. print("It's a potion of healing!")
  344. import time
  345. time.sleep(2)
  346. print("You take the potion")
  347. potion = potion + potionadd
  348. import time
  349. time.sleep(2)
  350. print("You have",(potion),"in your inventury")
  351. import time
  352. time.sleep(2)
  353. print("You walk out of the door and you see a path")
  354. import time
  355. time.sleep(2)
  356. print("You go down the road")
  357. else:
  358. print("You walk out of the door and you see a path")
  359. import time
  360. time.sleep(2)
  361. print("You go down the road")
  362. print("You see a road which splits into 2 paths.")
  363. print("Do you wish to go left or right?")
  364. roadchoice = input("")
  365. if (roadchoice) == (road):
  366. print("You go left")
  367. else:
  368. print("You go right")
  369. import time
  370. time.sleep(5)
  371. print("You are walking slowly down the road.")
  372. import time
  373. time.sleep(3)
  374. print("You see a slender man.")
  375. import time
  376. time.sleep(3)
  377. import webbrowser
  378. webbrowser.open('http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=slender+screen&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&sa=N&tbo=d&tbm=isch&tbnid=evaUdI26IM5C9M:&imgrefurl=http://templardigital.blogspot.com/2012/07/video-game-review-slender.html&docid=gV0cU5I4FRgbLM&imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_BUhzLBaxQM/UBMEEXFKthI/AAAAAAAABa8/Miacjv_EtQs/s1600/Slender%252B2.png&w=474&h=348&ei=wpy0UNv_IsWy0QXKvoD4CA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=1&sig=117123526119168881900&page=1&tbnh=145&tbnw=202&start=0&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:17,s:0,i:135&tx=140&ty=96&biw=1280&bih=876')
  379. print("GAME OVER")
  380. time.sleep(3)
  381. print("SLENDER MAN HAS GOT YOU")
  382. import time
  383. time.sleep(5)
  385. import time
  386. time.sleep(60)
  387. print("As you are walking down the misty road...")
  388. import time
  389. time.sleep(3)
  390. print("You see a small, old note.")
  391. print("Do you want to look at it?")
  392. keychoices = input("")
  393. if (keychoices) == (choicekey):
  394. print("Note - To open the ancient door, you must say 5665598")
  395. import time
  396. time.sleep(5)
  397. print("Remember not to forget it, otherwise you will die!")
  398. import time
  399. time.sleep(2)
  400. print("SteveXI - If you are reading this, then i am dead.")
  401. import time
  402. time.sleep(2)
  403. print("SteveXI - Good luck!")
  404. import time
  405. time.sleep(10)
  406. import os
  407. import sys
  408. os.system("CLS")
  409. else:
  410. print("You leave the note alone.")
  411. import os
  412. import sys
  413. os.system("CLS")
  414. import time
  415. time.sleep(3)
  416. print("In the distance, you see a small hut. It stands on a small hill.")
  417. import time
  418. time.sleep(3)
  419. print("You make a camp")
  420. import time
  421. time.sleep(2)
  422. print("What do you want to do now?")
  423. print(" 1) go 2) or do nothing")
  424. hutchoices = input("")
  425. something = 10
  426. somethings = 1
  427. hutchoiceyes = ("go")
  428. while something > somethings:
  429. if (hutchoices) == (hutchoiceyes):
  430. print("You walk to the hut.")
  431. import time
  432. time.sleep(5)
  433. break
  434. else:
  435. print("You do nothing.")
  436. hutchoices = input("")
  437. import time
  438. time.sleep(3)
  439. import time
  440. time.sleep(5)
  441. print("You find an ancient sandstone door.")
  442. import time
  443. time.sleep(5)
  444. print("Say the inscription, if you know it.")
  445. password = input("")
  446. if (password) == (passwordcode):
  447. print("The door slides slowly out of the way.")
  448. print("You go down a cobweb filled passage")
  449. import time
  450. time.sleep(3)
  451. print(" You have completed the game, Welldone!")
  452. else:
  453. print("A trapdoor opens beneath you!")
  454. print("You fall down to your doom.")
  455. import webbrowser
  456. webbrowser.open('http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=slender+screen&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&sa=N&tbo=d&tbm=isch&tbnid=evaUdI26IM5C9M:&imgrefurl=http://templardigital.blogspot.com/2012/07/video-game-review-slender.html&docid=gV0cU5I4FRgbLM&imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_BUhzLBaxQM/UBMEEXFKthI/AAAAAAAABa8/Miacjv_EtQs/s1600/Slender%252B2.png&w=474&h=348&ei=wpy0UNv_IsWy0QXKvoD4CA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=1&sig=117123526119168881900&page=1&tbnh=145&tbnw=202&start=0&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:17,s:0,i:135&tx=140&ty=96&biw=1280&bih=876')
  457. import time
  458. time.sleep(5)
  459. print("You die, End of game.")
  460. import time
  461. time.sleep(5)
  462. print("SLENDERTEXT THE GAME")
  463. import time
  464. time.sleep(60)
  465. def clearscreen():
  466. if os.name == "posix":
  467. # Unix/Linux/MacOS/BSD/etc
  468. os.system('clear')
  469. elif os.name in ("nt", "dos", "ce"):
  470. # DOS/Windows
  471. os.system('CLS')
  472. print("Adventure part 2")
  473. import time
  474. time.sleep(4)
  475. print("Adventure start's now!")
  476. import time
  477. time.sleep(2)
  478. #This is part 2 of the adventure. All data must be below.
  479. #All data will be stored and loaded below.
  480. #_____________________________________________________________________________
  481. spiderchoiseyes = ("hit")
  482. spiderchoiseno = ("no")
  483. reservespace = ("")
  484. roadchoice1exec = ("1")
  485. roadchoice2exec = ("2")
  486. villager = ("yes")
  487. hammerchoiceexec = ("yes")
  488. hungertakeaway = 1
  489. spiderdamage = random.randint(1,8)
  490. global acid
  491. acid = 0
  492. global portion
  493. potion = 0
  494. global queenhp
  495. queenhp = 30
  496. queendamage = random.randint(3,6)
  497. #_____________________________________________________________________________
  498. print("You start the adventure")
  499. print("")
  500. print("")
  501. print("")
  502. print("")
  503. print("")
  504. print("")
  505. print("")
  506. print("")
  507. print("")
  508. print("")
  509. print("")
  510. print("")
  511. print("")
  512. print("")
  513. print("")
  514. print("")
  515. print("")
  516. print("")
  517. print("")
  518. print("")
  519. print("")
  520. print("")
  521. print("")
  522. print("")
  523. print("")
  524. print("")
  525. print("")
  526. print("")
  527. print("")
  528. print("")
  529. print("")
  530. print("")
  531. print("")
  532. print("")
  533. print("")
  534. print("")
  535. print("")
  536. print("")
  537. print("")
  538. print("")
  539. print("")
  540. print("")
  541. print("")
  542. print("")
  543. print("")
  544. print("")
  545. print("")
  546. print("")
  547. print("As you walk to the entrance, you see a giant spider!")
  548. import time
  549. time.sleep(3)
  550. print("You need to hit it")
  551. import time
  552. time.sleep(3)
  553. print("Hit it as many times as it takes to kill it.")
  554. import time
  555. time.sleep(2)
  556. spider = input("")
  557. if (spider) == (spiderchoiseyes):
  558. while (spiderhp > death):
  559. print("You hit the spider")
  560. print("")
  561. import time
  562. time.sleep(3)
  563. print("You do",(dice),"damage")
  564. print("")
  565. spiderhp = spiderhp - dice
  566. if spiderhp < death:
  567. print("You do a final blow against the spider")
  568. print("")
  569. print("The spider has died")
  570. break
  571. import time
  572. time.sleep(3)
  573. print("The spider does ",(spiderdamage),"damage")
  574. print("")
  575. if hp < death:
  576. print("OW! The spider does final blow against you!")
  577. print("You have died")
  578. import time
  579. time.sleep(120)
  580. break
  581. hp = hp - spiderdamage
  582. import time
  583. time.sleep(3)
  584. if spiderhp < death:
  585. print("You do a final blow against the spider")
  586. print("")
  587. print("The spider has died")
  588. break
  589. import time
  590. print("You have",(hp),"left")
  591. import time
  592. time.sleep(1)
  593. print("The spider ",(spiderhp),"left")
  594. else:
  595. print("You run away!")
  596. import time
  597. time.sleep(2)
  598. print("As you walk down the read slowly.")
  599. import time
  600. time.sleep(2)
  601. print("You see 2 roads again.")
  602. import time
  603. time.sleep(2)
  604. print("There's two roads.")
  605. import time
  606. time.sleep(2)
  607. #Road choices start's from here!
  608. print("There's 2 choises")
  609. print("Press enter to see the roads")
  610. input("")
  611. print("2 There's a road leading to a cave")
  612. input("")
  613. print("1 There's second road, it's leading to a dark forest")
  614. import time
  615. time.sleep(2)
  616. print("Which road do you want to go to? 1 or 2.")
  617. roadchoice2 = input("")
  618. if (roadchoice2) == (roadchoice2exec):
  619. print("You have gone left")
  620. import time
  621. time.sleep(3)
  622. print("You are walking to the cave")
  623. import time
  624. time.sleep(2)
  625. print("You see a muddy footsteps leading to a massive cave.")
  626. import time
  627. time.sleep("1")
  628. print("You see a pickaxe, do you want to examine and add it to your inventury?")
  629. hammerchoice = input("")
  630. if (hammerchoice) == (hammerchoiceexec):
  631. print("You examine the pickaxe")
  632. import time
  633. time.sleep(2)
  634. print("The axe looks a bit rusty")
  635. import time
  636. time.sleep(2)
  637. print("It might have a use later on.")
  638. else:
  639. print("You walk past it")
  640. import time
  641. time.sleep(2)
  642. print("You continue to walk towards the cave")
  643. import time
  644. time.sleep
  645. print("Your hunger level",hunger)
  646. import time
  647. time.sleep(1)
  648. print("You - You feel hungry, try seaching for a food source")
  649. elif (roadchoice2) == (roadchoice1exec):
  650. print("You have gone right")
  651. import time
  652. time.sleep(3)
  653. print("As are walking to the dark forest.")
  654. import time
  655. time.sleep(2)
  656. print("Mist slowly decends down to the forest floor")
  657. import time
  658. time.sleep(3)
  659. print("You are a bit lost")
  660. import time
  661. time.sleep(3)
  662. print("There's a full moon, but the mist is blinding your view.")
  663. import time
  664. time.sleep(3)
  665. print("There's a villager")
  666. import time
  667. time.sleep(3)
  668. print("Do you wish to talk to him?")
  669. villagertalk = input("")
  670. else:
  671. print("Slenderman killed you")
  672. print("End of the game")
  673. import time
  674. time.sleep(60)
  675. if (villagertalk) == (villager):
  676. print("You start a conversation with him")
  677. import time
  678. time.sleep(3)
  679. print("Villagersteve - Watch out for those woods")
  680. import time
  681. time.sleep(3)
  682. print("Villagersteve - These woods contain the most brutal undead.")
  683. import time
  684. time.sleep(2)
  685. print("Villagersteve - Here, Take this bow.")
  686. import time
  687. time.sleep(3)
  688. print("You - Item aquired.")
  689. import time
  690. time.sleep(2)
  691. print("Villagersteve - Wait, I must tell you...")
  692. import time
  693. time.sleep(3)
  694. print("You - You hear a screeching noise.")
  695. import time
  696. time.sleep(3)
  697. print("Villagerbob - I must runnnnnn.......THEY ARE COMING FOR ME!")
  698. import time
  699. time.sleep(3)
  700. print("Villagersteve runs away.")
  701. import time
  702. time.sleep(3)
  703. value = 0
  704. print("Suddenly, You blacked out")
  705. time.sleep(2)
  706. print("You find yourself in a strange cave...")
  707. import time
  708. time.sleep(2)
  709. if value < potion:
  710. print("You think, you need to use a portion now.")
  711. import time
  712. time.sleep(2)
  713. print("Do you want to use potion now?")
  714. rawinput = input("")
  715. boolean = ("yes")
  716. if rawinput == boolean:
  717. decreasevalue = 1
  718. print("You have used the potion!")
  719. potion = potion - decreasevalue
  720. import time
  721. time.sleep(2)
  722. print("You have",(potion),"left")
  723. import time
  724. time.sleep(2)
  725. print("You gain",(SmallHealing),"hp")
  726. hp = hp + SmallHealing
  727. import time
  728. time.sleep(2)
  729. print("You have now",(hp),"left")
  730. import time
  731. time.sleep(2)
  732. print("Suddenly, you see a gigantic spider!")
  733. import time
  734. time.sleep(2)
  735. print("The queen has",(queenhp),"hp")
  736. import time
  737. time.sleep(2)
  738. print("The battle beggins!")
  739. while queenhp > death:
  740. print("You hit queen spider")
  741. print("")
  742. import time
  743. time.sleep(3)
  744. print("You do",(dice),"damage")
  745. print("")
  746. import time
  747. time.sleep(2)
  748. print("Spider queen has",(queenhp),"left")
  749. print("")
  750. queenhp = queenhp - dice
  751. if queenhp == death:
  752. print("You do a final blow against the queen!")
  753. print("")
  754. print("The queen spider has died")
  755. import time
  756. time.sleep(2)
  757. print("You finish the game!")
  758. import time
  759. time.sleep(2)
  760. print("To be continued....")
  761. break
  762. import time
  763. time.sleep(3)
  764. print("The spider does ",(queendamage),"damage")
  765. queendamage = queendamage - hp
  766. print("You have",(hp),"left")
  767. hp = hp - queendamage
  768. print("")
  769. if hp == death:
  770. print("OW! The spider rips you in half.")
  771. print("You have died")
  772. import time
  773. time.sleep(120)
  774. break

Here's my code.