1. #############
  2. # nova.conf #
  3. #############
  4. [DEFAULT]
  5. ######## defined in nova.openstack.common.cfg:CommonConfigOpts ########
  6. debug=true
  7. #### (BoolOpt) Print debugging output
  8. verbose=true
  9. #### (BoolOpt) Print more verbose output
  10. # log_config=/etc/nova/logging.conf
  11. #### (StrOpt) If this option is specified, the logging configuration file
  12. #### specified is used and overrides any other logging options
  13. #### specified. Please see the Python logging module
  14. #### documentation for details on logging configuration files.
  15. # log_format=%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s [%(name)s] %(message)s
  16. #### (StrOpt) A logging.Formatter log message format string which may use
  17. #### any of the available logging.LogRecord attributes. Default:
  18. #### %default
  19. # log_date_format=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
  20. #### (StrOpt) Format string for %(asctime)s in log records. Default:
  21. #### %default
  22. # log_file=<None>
  23. #### (StrOpt) (Optional) Name of log file to output to. If not set,
  24. #### logging will go to stdout.
  25. # log_dir=/var/log/nova
  26. #### (StrOpt) (Optional) The directory to keep log files in (will be
  27. #### prepended to --logfile)
  28. # use_syslog=false
  29. #### (BoolOpt) Use syslog for logging.
  30. # syslog_log_facility=LOG_USER
  31. #### (StrOpt) syslog facility to receive log lines
  32. ######## defined in nova.crypto ########
  33. # ca_file=cacert.pem
  34. #### (StrOpt) Filename of root CA
  35. # key_file=private/cakey.pem
  36. #### (StrOpt) Filename of private key
  37. # crl_file=crl.pem
  38. #### (StrOpt) Filename of root Certificate Revocation List
  39. # keys_path=$state_path/keys
  40. #### (StrOpt) Where we keep our keys
  41. # ca_path=$state_path/CA
  42. #### (StrOpt) Where we keep our root CA
  43. # use_project_ca=false
  44. #### (BoolOpt) Should we use a CA for each project?
  45. # user_cert_subject=/C=US/ST=California/O=OpenStack/OU=NovaDev/CN=%.16s-%.16s-%s
  46. #### (StrOpt) Subject for certificate for users, %s for project, user,
  47. #### timestamp
  48. # project_cert_subject=/C=US/ST=California/O=OpenStack/OU=NovaDev/CN=project-ca-%.16s-%s
  49. #### (StrOpt) Subject for certificate for projects, %s for project,
  50. #### timestamp
  51. ######## defined in nova.flags ########
  52. # connection_type=<None>
  53. #### (StrOpt) Deprecated (use compute_driver instead): Virtualization api
  54. #### connection type : libvirt, xenapi, or fake
  55. sql_connection=mysql://nova:86b323a10850769331e69ea0ec02f424@mysql-ha/nova
  56. #### (StrOpt) The SQLAlchemy connection string used to connect to the
  57. #### database
  58. api_paste_config=/etc/nova/api-paste.ini
  59. #### (StrOpt) File name for the paste.deploy config for nova-api
  60. # pybasedir=/usr/lib/python/site-packages
  61. #### (StrOpt) Directory where the nova python module is installed
  62. # bindir=$pybasedir/bin
  63. #### (StrOpt) Directory where nova binaries are installed
  64. state_path=/var/lib/nova
  65. #### (StrOpt) Top-level directory for maintaining nova's state
  66. lock_path=/var/lock/nova
  67. #### (StrOpt) Directory to use for lock files
  68. # fake_network=false
  69. #### (BoolOpt) If passed, use fake network devices and addresses
  70. # sql_connection_debug=0
  71. #### (IntOpt) Verbosity of SQL debugging information. 0=None,
  72. #### 100=Everything
  73. # sql_connection_trace=false
  74. #### (BoolOpt) Add python stack traces to SQL as comment strings
  75. my_ip=
  76. #### (StrOpt) ip address of this host
  77. # region_list=
  78. #### (ListOpt) list of region=fqdn pairs separated by commas
  79. # aws_access_key_id=admin
  80. #### (StrOpt) AWS Access ID
  81. # aws_secret_access_key=admin
  82. #### (StrOpt) AWS Access Key
  83. glance_host=glance-api-ha
  84. #### (StrOpt) default glance hostname or ip
  85. glance_port=9292
  86. #### (IntOpt) default glance port
  87. # glance_api_servers=$glance_host:$glance_port
  88. #### (ListOpt) A list of the glance api servers available to nova. Prefix
  89. #### with https:// for ssl-based glance api servers.
  90. #### ([hostname|ip]:port)
  91. # glance_api_insecure=false
  92. #### (BoolOpt) Allow to perform insecure SSL (https) requests to glance
  93. # glance_num_retries=0
  94. #### (IntOpt) Number retries when downloading an image from glance
  95. # s3_port=3333
  96. #### (IntOpt) port used when accessing the s3 api
  97. # s3_host=$my_ip
  98. #### (StrOpt) hostname or ip for openstack to use when accessing the s3
  99. #### api
  100. # cert_topic=cert
  101. #### (StrOpt) the topic cert nodes listen on
  102. # compute_topic=compute
  103. #### (StrOpt) the topic compute nodes listen on
  104. # console_topic=console
  105. #### (StrOpt) the topic console proxy nodes listen on
  106. # scheduler_topic=scheduler
  107. #### (StrOpt) the topic scheduler nodes listen on
  108. # volume_topic=volume
  109. #### (StrOpt) the topic volume nodes listen on
  110. # network_topic=network
  111. #### (StrOpt) the topic network nodes listen on
  112. # api_rate_limit=true
  113. #### (BoolOpt) whether to rate limit the api
  114. # enabled_apis=ec2,osapi_compute,osapi_volume,metadata
  115. #### (ListOpt) a list of APIs to enable by default
  116. # ec2_host=$my_ip
  117. #### (StrOpt) the ip of the ec2 api server
  118. # ec2_dmz_host=$my_ip
  119. #### (StrOpt) the internal ip of the ec2 api server
  120. # ec2_port=8773
  121. #### (IntOpt) the port of the ec2 api server
  122. # ec2_scheme=http
  123. #### (StrOpt) the protocol to use when connecting to the ec2 api server
  124. #### (http, https)
  125. # ec2_path=/services/Cloud
  126. #### (StrOpt) the path prefix used to call the ec2 api server
  127. # osapi_compute_ext_list=
  128. #### (ListOpt) Specify list of extensions to load when using
  129. #### osapi_compute_extension option with
  130. #### nova.api.openstack.compute.contrib.select_extensions
  131. # osapi_compute_extension=nova.api.openstack.compute.contrib.standard_extensions
  132. #### (MultiStrOpt) osapi compute extension to load
  133. # osapi_volume_ext_list=
  134. #### (ListOpt) Specify list of extensions to load when using
  135. #### osapi_volume_extension option with
  136. #### nova.api.openstack.volume.contrib.select_extensions
  137. # osapi_volume_extension=nova.api.openstack.volume.contrib.standard_extensions
  138. #### (MultiStrOpt) osapi volume extension to load
  139. # osapi_path=/v1.1/
  140. #### (StrOpt) the path prefix used to call the openstack api server
  141. # osapi_compute_link_prefix=<None>
  142. #### (StrOpt) Base URL that will be presented to users in links to the
  143. #### OpenStack Compute API
  144. # osapi_glance_link_prefix=<None>
  145. #### (StrOpt) Base URL that will be presented to users in links to glance
  146. #### resources
  147. # osapi_max_limit=1000
  148. #### (IntOpt) the maximum number of items returned in a single response
  149. #### from a collection resource
  150. # metadata_host=$my_ip
  151. #### (StrOpt) the ip for the metadata api server
  152. # metadata_port=8775
  153. #### (IntOpt) the port for the metadata api port
  154. # default_image=ami-11111
  155. #### (StrOpt) default image to use, testing only
  156. # default_instance_type=m1.small
  157. #### (StrOpt) default instance type to use, testing only
  158. # null_kernel=nokernel
  159. #### (StrOpt) kernel image that indicates not to use a kernel, but to use
  160. #### a raw disk image instead
  161. # vpn_image_id=0
  162. #### (StrOpt) image id used when starting up a cloudpipe vpn server
  163. # vpn_key_suffix=-vpn
  164. #### (StrOpt) Suffix to add to project name for vpn key and secgroups
  165. # sqlite_db=nova.sqlite
  166. #### (StrOpt) the filename to use with sqlite
  167. # sqlite_synchronous=true
  168. #### (BoolOpt) If passed, use synchronous mode for sqlite
  169. # sql_idle_timeout=3600
  170. #### (IntOpt) timeout before idle sql connections are reaped
  171. # sql_max_retries=10
  172. #### (IntOpt) maximum db connection retries during startup. (setting -1
  173. #### implies an infinite retry count)
  174. # sql_retry_interval=10
  175. #### (IntOpt) interval between retries of opening a sql connection
  176. # compute_manager=nova.compute.manager.ComputeManager
  177. #### (StrOpt) full class name for the Manager for compute
  178. # console_manager=nova.console.manager.ConsoleProxyManager
  179. #### (StrOpt) full class name for the Manager for console proxy
  180. # cert_manager=nova.cert.manager.CertManager
  181. #### (StrOpt) full class name for the Manager for cert
  182. # instance_dns_manager=nova.network.dns_driver.DNSDriver
  183. #### (StrOpt) full class name for the DNS Manager for instance IPs
  184. # instance_dns_domain=
  185. #### (StrOpt) full class name for the DNS Zone for instance IPs
  186. # floating_ip_dns_manager=nova.network.dns_driver.DNSDriver
  187. #### (StrOpt) full class name for the DNS Manager for floating IPs
  188. # network_manager=nova.network.manager.VlanManager
  189. #### (StrOpt) full class name for the Manager for network
  190. # volume_manager=nova.volume.manager.VolumeManager
  191. #### (StrOpt) full class name for the Manager for volume
  192. # scheduler_manager=nova.scheduler.manager.SchedulerManager
  193. #### (StrOpt) full class name for the Manager for scheduler
  194. # host=nova
  195. #### (StrOpt) Name of this node. This can be an opaque identifier. It is
  196. #### not necessarily a hostname, FQDN, or IP address. However,
  197. #### the node name must be valid within an AMQP key, and if using
  198. #### ZeroMQ, a valid hostname, FQDN, or IP address
  199. # node_availability_zone=nova
  200. #### (StrOpt) availability zone of this node
  201. # memcached_servers=<None>
  202. #### (ListOpt) Memcached servers or None for in process cache.
  203. # instance_usage_audit_period=month
  204. #### (StrOpt) time period to generate instance usages for. Time period
  205. #### must be hour, day, month or year
  206. # bandwidth_poll_interval=600
  207. #### (IntOpt) interval to pull bandwidth usage info
  208. # start_guests_on_host_boot=false
  209. #### (BoolOpt) Whether to restart guests when the host reboots
  210. # resume_guests_state_on_host_boot=false
  211. #### (BoolOpt) Whether to start guests that were running before the host
  212. #### rebooted
  213. # default_ephemeral_format=<None>
  214. #### (StrOpt) The default format an ephemeral_volume will be formatted
  215. #### with on creation.
  216. # root_helper=sudo
  217. #### (StrOpt) Deprecated: command to use for running commands as root
  218. rootwrap_config=/etc/nova/rootwrap.conf
  219. #### (StrOpt) Path to the rootwrap configuration file to use for running
  220. #### commands as root
  221. # network_driver=nova.network.linux_net
  222. #### (StrOpt) Driver to use for network creation
  223. # use_ipv6=false
  224. #### (BoolOpt) use ipv6
  225. # enable_instance_password=true
  226. #### (BoolOpt) Allows use of instance password during server creation
  227. # password_length=12
  228. #### (IntOpt) Length of generated instance admin passwords
  229. # monkey_patch=false
  230. #### (BoolOpt) Whether to log monkey patching
  231. # monkey_patch_modules=nova.api.ec2.cloud:nova.notifier.api.notify_decorator,nova.compute.api:nova.notifier.api.notify_decorator
  232. #### (ListOpt) List of modules/decorators to monkey patch
  233. # allow_resize_to_same_host=false
  234. #### (BoolOpt) Allow destination machine to match source for resize. Useful
  235. #### when testing in single-host environments.
  236. # reclaim_instance_interval=0
  237. #### (IntOpt) Interval in seconds for reclaiming deleted instances
  238. # zombie_instance_updated_at_window=172800
  239. #### (IntOpt) Number of seconds zombie instances are cleaned up.
  240. # service_down_time=60
  241. #### (IntOpt) maximum time since last check-in for up service
  242. # default_schedule_zone=<None>
  243. #### (StrOpt) availability zone to use when user doesn't specify one
  244. # isolated_images=
  245. #### (ListOpt) Images to run on isolated host
  246. # isolated_hosts=
  247. #### (ListOpt) Host reserved for specific images
  248. # cache_images=all
  249. #### (StrOpt) Cache glance images locally. `all` will cache all images,
  250. #### `some` will only cache images that have the image_property
  251. #### `cache_in_nova=True`, and `none` turns off caching entirely
  252. # use_cow_images=true
  253. #### (BoolOpt) Whether to use cow images
  254. # compute_api_class=nova.compute.api.API
  255. #### (StrOpt) The full class name of the compute API class to use
  256. network_api_class=nova.network.quantumv2.api.API
  257. #### (StrOpt) The full class name of the network API class to use
  258. # volume_api_class=nova.volume.api.API
  259. #### (StrOpt) The full class name of the volume API class to use
  260. # security_group_handler=nova.network.sg.NullSecurityGroupHandler
  261. #### (StrOpt) The full class name of the security group handler class
  262. # default_access_ip_network_name=<None>
  263. #### (StrOpt) Name of network to use to set access ips for instances
  264. auth_strategy=keystone
  265. #### (StrOpt) The strategy to use for auth: noauth or keystone.
  266. # non_inheritable_image_properties=cache_in_nova,instance_uuid,user_id,image_type,backup_type,min_ram,min_disk
  267. #### (ListOpt) These are image properties which a snapshot should not
  268. #### inherit from an instance
  269. # defer_iptables_apply=false
  270. #### (BoolOpt) Whether to batch up the application of IPTables rules during
  271. #### a host restart and apply all at the end of the init phase
  272. compute_driver=libvirt.LibvirtDriver
  273. #### (StrOpt) Driver to use for controlling virtualization. Options
  274. #### include: libvirt.LibvirtDriver, xenapi.XenAPIDriver,
  275. #### fake.FakeDriver, baremetal.BareMetalDriver,
  276. #### vmwareapi.VMWareESXDriver
  277. # control_exchange=nova
  278. #### (StrOpt) AMQP exchange to connect to if using RabbitMQ or Qpid
  279. ######## defined in nova.notifications ########
  280. # notify_on_any_change=false
  281. #### (BoolOpt) If set, send compute.instance.update notifications on
  282. #### instance state changes. Valid values are False for no
  283. #### notifications, True for notifications on any instance
  284. #### changes.
  285. # notify_on_state_change=<None>
  286. #### (StrOpt) If set, send compute.instance.update notifications on
  287. #### instance state changes. Valid values are None for no
  288. #### notifications, "vm_state" for notifications on VM state
  289. #### changes, or "vm_and_task_state" for notifications on VM and
  290. #### task state changes.
  291. ######## defined in nova.policy ########
  292. # policy_file=policy.json
  293. #### (StrOpt) JSON file representing policy
  294. # policy_default_rule=default
  295. #### (StrOpt) Rule checked when requested rule is not found
  296. ######## defined in nova.quota ########
  297. # quota_instances=10
  298. #### (IntOpt) number of instances allowed per project
  299. # quota_cores=20
  300. #### (IntOpt) number of instance cores allowed per project
  301. # quota_ram=51200
  302. #### (IntOpt) megabytes of instance ram allowed per project
  303. # quota_volumes=10
  304. #### (IntOpt) number of volumes allowed per project
  305. # quota_gigabytes=1000
  306. #### (IntOpt) number of volume gigabytes allowed per project
  307. # quota_floating_ips=10
  308. #### (IntOpt) number of floating ips allowed per project
  309. # quota_metadata_items=128
  310. #### (IntOpt) number of metadata items allowed per instance
  311. # quota_injected_files=5
  312. #### (IntOpt) number of injected files allowed
  313. # quota_injected_file_content_bytes=10240
  314. #### (IntOpt) number of bytes allowed per injected file
  315. # quota_injected_file_path_bytes=255
  316. #### (IntOpt) number of bytes allowed per injected file path
  317. # quota_security_groups=10
  318. #### (IntOpt) number of security groups per project
  319. # quota_security_group_rules=20
  320. #### (IntOpt) number of security rules per security group
  321. # quota_key_pairs=100
  322. #### (IntOpt) number of key pairs per user
  323. # reservation_expire=86400
  324. #### (IntOpt) number of seconds until a reservation expires
  325. # until_refresh=0
  326. #### (IntOpt) count of reservations until usage is refreshed
  327. # max_age=0
  328. #### (IntOpt) number of seconds between subsequent usage refreshes
  329. # quota_driver=nova.quota.DbQuotaDriver
  330. #### (StrOpt) default driver to use for quota checks
  331. ######## defined in nova.service ########
  332. # report_interval=10
  333. #### (IntOpt) seconds between nodes reporting state to datastore
  334. # periodic_interval=60
  335. #### (IntOpt) seconds between running periodic tasks
  336. # periodic_fuzzy_delay=60
  337. #### (IntOpt) range of seconds to randomly delay when starting the
  338. #### periodic task scheduler to reduce stampeding. (Disable by
  339. #### setting to 0)
  340. # ec2_listen=
  341. #### (StrOpt) IP address for EC2 API to listen
  342. # ec2_listen_port=8773
  343. #### (IntOpt) port for ec2 api to listen
  344. # ec2_workers=<None>
  345. #### (IntOpt) Number of workers for EC2 API service
  346. # osapi_compute_listen=
  347. #### (StrOpt) IP address for OpenStack API to listen
  348. # osapi_compute_listen_port=8774
  349. #### (IntOpt) list port for osapi compute
  350. # osapi_compute_workers=<None>
  351. #### (IntOpt) Number of workers for OpenStack API service
  352. # metadata_manager=nova.api.manager.MetadataManager
  353. #### (StrOpt) OpenStack metadata service manager
  354. # metadata_listen=
  355. #### (StrOpt) IP address for metadata api to listen
  356. # metadata_listen_port=8775
  357. #### (IntOpt) port for metadata api to listen
  358. # metadata_workers=<None>
  359. #### (IntOpt) Number of workers for metadata service
  360. # osapi_volume_listen=
  361. #### (StrOpt) IP address for OpenStack Volume API to listen
  362. # osapi_volume_listen_port=8776
  363. #### (IntOpt) port for os volume api to listen
  364. # osapi_volume_workers=<None>
  365. #### (IntOpt) Number of workers for OpenStack Volume API service
  366. ######## defined in nova.api.auth ########
  367. # use_forwarded_for=false
  368. #### (BoolOpt) Treat X-Forwarded-For as the canonical remote address. Only
  369. #### enable this if you have a sanitizing proxy.
  370. ######## defined in nova.api.ec2 ########
  371. # lockout_attempts=5
  372. #### (IntOpt) Number of failed auths before lockout.
  373. # lockout_minutes=15
  374. #### (IntOpt) Number of minutes to lockout if triggered.
  375. # lockout_window=15
  376. #### (IntOpt) Number of minutes for lockout window.
  377. # keystone_ec2_url=http://localhost:5000/v2.0/ec2tokens
  378. #### (StrOpt) URL to get token from ec2 request.
  379. ec2_private_dns_show_ip=true
  380. #### (BoolOpt) Return the IP address as private dns hostname in describe
  381. #### instances
  382. # ec2_strict_validation=true
  383. #### (BoolOpt) Validate security group names according to EC2 specification
  384. ######## defined in nova.api.metadata.base ########
  385. # config_drive_skip_versions=1.0 2007-01-19 2007-03-01 2007-08-29 2007-10-10 2007-12-15 2008-02-01 2008-09-01
  386. #### (StrOpt) List of metadata versions to skip placing into the config
  387. #### drive
  388. ######## defined in nova.api.openstack.compute ########
  389. # allow_instance_snapshots=true
  390. #### (BoolOpt) Permit instance snapshot operations.
  391. ######## defined in nova.api.sizelimit ########
  392. # osapi_max_request_body_size=114688
  393. #### (IntOpt) the maximum body size per each osapi request(bytes)
  394. ######## defined in nova.cloudpipe.pipelib ########
  395. # vpn_instance_type=m1.tiny
  396. #### (StrOpt) Instance type for vpn instances
  397. # boot_script_template=$pybasedir/nova/cloudpipe/bootscript.template
  398. #### (StrOpt) Template for cloudpipe instance boot script
  399. # dmz_net=
  400. #### (StrOpt) Network to push into openvpn config
  401. # dmz_mask=
  402. #### (StrOpt) Netmask to push into openvpn config
  403. ######## defined in nova.common.deprecated ########
  404. # fatal_deprecations=false
  405. #### (BoolOpt) make deprecations fatal
  406. ######## defined in nova.common.eventlet_backdoor ########
  407. # backdoor_port=<None>
  408. #### (IntOpt) port for eventlet backdoor to listen
  409. ######## defined in nova.compute.manager ########
  410. instances_path=/gluster/nova/instances
  411. #### (StrOpt) where instances are stored on disk
  412. # base_dir_name=_base
  413. #### (StrOpt) Where cached images are stored under $instances_path.This is
  414. #### NOT the full path - just a folder name.For per-compute-host
  415. #### cached images, set to _base_$my_ip
  416. # console_host=nova
  417. #### (StrOpt) Console proxy host to use to connect to instances on this
  418. #### host.
  419. # live_migration_retry_count=30
  420. #### (IntOpt) Number of 1 second retries needed in live_migration
  421. # reboot_timeout=0
  422. #### (IntOpt) Automatically hard reboot an instance if it has been stuck
  423. #### in a rebooting state longer than N seconds. Set to 0 to
  424. #### disable.
  425. # instance_build_timeout=0
  426. #### (IntOpt) Amount of time in seconds an instance can be in BUILD before
  427. #### going into ERROR status.Set to 0 to disable.
  428. # rescue_timeout=0
  429. #### (IntOpt) Automatically unrescue an instance after N seconds. Set to 0
  430. #### to disable.
  431. # resize_confirm_window=0
  432. #### (IntOpt) Automatically confirm resizes after N seconds. Set to 0 to
  433. #### disable.
  434. # host_state_interval=120
  435. #### (IntOpt) Interval in seconds for querying the host status
  436. # running_deleted_instance_timeout=0
  437. #### (IntOpt) Number of seconds after being deleted when a running
  438. #### instance should be considered eligible for cleanup.
  439. # running_deleted_instance_poll_interval=30
  440. #### (IntOpt) Number of periodic scheduler ticks to wait between runs of
  441. #### the cleanup task.
  442. # running_deleted_instance_action=log
  443. #### (StrOpt) Action to take if a running deleted instance is
  444. #### detected.Valid options are 'noop', 'log' and 'reap'. Set to
  445. #### 'noop' to disable.
  446. # image_cache_manager_interval=0
  447. #### (IntOpt) Number of periodic scheduler ticks to wait between runs of
  448. #### the image cache manager.
  449. # heal_instance_info_cache_interval=60
  450. #### (IntOpt) Number of seconds between instance info_cache self healing
  451. #### updates
  452. # instance_usage_audit=false
  453. #### (BoolOpt) Generate periodic compute.instance.exists notifications
  454. ######## defined in nova.compute.resource_tracker ########
  455. # reserved_host_disk_mb=0
  456. #### (IntOpt) Amount of disk in MB to reserve for the host
  457. # reserved_host_memory_mb=512
  458. #### (IntOpt) Amount of memory in MB to reserve for the host
  459. # claim_timeout_seconds=600
  460. #### (IntOpt) How long, in seconds, before a resource claim times out
  461. # compute_stats_class=nova.compute.stats.Stats
  462. #### (StrOpt) Class that will manage stats for the local compute host
  463. ######## defined in nova.console.manager ########
  464. # console_driver=nova.console.xvp.XVPConsoleProxy
  465. #### (StrOpt) Driver to use for the console proxy
  466. # stub_compute=false
  467. #### (BoolOpt) Stub calls to compute worker for tests
  468. # console_public_hostname=nova
  469. #### (StrOpt) Publicly visible name for this console host
  470. ######## defined in nova.console.vmrc ########
  471. # console_vmrc_port=443
  472. #### (IntOpt) port for VMware VMRC connections
  473. # console_vmrc_error_retries=10
  474. #### (IntOpt) number of retries for retrieving VMRC information
  475. ######## defined in nova.console.xvp ########
  476. # console_xvp_conf_template=$pybasedir/nova/console/xvp.conf.template
  477. #### (StrOpt) XVP conf template
  478. # console_xvp_conf=/etc/xvp.conf
  479. #### (StrOpt) generated XVP conf file
  480. # console_xvp_pid=/var/run/xvp.pid
  481. #### (StrOpt) XVP master process pid file
  482. # console_xvp_log=/var/log/xvp.log
  483. #### (StrOpt) XVP log file
  484. # console_xvp_multiplex_port=5900
  485. #### (IntOpt) port for XVP to multiplex VNC connections on
  486. ######## defined in nova.consoleauth ########
  487. # consoleauth_topic=consoleauth
  488. #### (StrOpt) the topic console auth proxy nodes listen on
  489. ######## defined in nova.consoleauth.manager ########
  490. # console_token_ttl=600
  491. #### (IntOpt) How many seconds before deleting tokens
  492. # consoleauth_manager=nova.consoleauth.manager.ConsoleAuthManager
  493. #### (StrOpt) Manager for console auth
  494. ######## defined in nova.db.api ########
  495. # db_backend=sqlalchemy
  496. #### (StrOpt) The backend to use for db
  497. # enable_new_services=true
  498. #### (BoolOpt) Services to be added to the available pool on create
  499. # instance_name_template=instance-%08x
  500. #### (StrOpt) Template string to be used to generate instance names
  501. # volume_name_template=volume-%s
  502. #### (StrOpt) Template string to be used to generate instance names
  503. # snapshot_name_template=snapshot-%s
  504. #### (StrOpt) Template string to be used to generate snapshot names
  505. ######## defined in nova.db.base ########
  506. # db_driver=nova.db
  507. #### (StrOpt) driver to use for database access
  508. ######## defined in nova.image.s3 ########
  509. # image_decryption_dir=/tmp
  510. #### (StrOpt) parent dir for tempdir used for image decryption
  511. # s3_access_key=notchecked
  512. #### (StrOpt) access key to use for s3 server for images
  513. # s3_secret_key=notchecked
  514. #### (StrOpt) secret key to use for s3 server for images
  515. # s3_use_ssl=false
  516. #### (BoolOpt) whether to use ssl when talking to s3
  517. # s3_affix_tenant=false
  518. #### (BoolOpt) whether to affix the tenant id to the access key when
  519. #### downloading from s3
  520. ######## defined in nova.ipv6.api ########
  521. # ipv6_backend=rfc2462
  522. #### (StrOpt) Backend to use for IPv6 generation
  523. ######## defined in nova.network.ldapdns ########
  524. # ldap_dns_url=ldap://ldap.example.com:389
  525. #### (StrOpt) URL for ldap server which will store dns entries
  526. # ldap_dns_user=uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org
  527. #### (StrOpt) user for ldap DNS
  528. # ldap_dns_password=password
  529. #### (StrOpt) password for ldap DNS
  530. #### (StrOpt) Hostmaster for ldap dns driver Statement of Authority
  531. # ldap_dns_servers=dns.example.org
  532. #### (MultiStrOpt) DNS Servers for ldap dns driver
  533. # ldap_dns_base_dn=ou=hosts,dc=example,dc=org
  534. #### (StrOpt) Base DN for DNS entries in ldap
  535. # ldap_dns_soa_refresh=1800
  536. #### (StrOpt) Refresh interval (in seconds) for ldap dns driver Statement
  537. #### of Authority
  538. # ldap_dns_soa_retry=3600
  539. #### (StrOpt) Retry interval (in seconds) for ldap dns driver Statement of
  540. #### Authority
  541. # ldap_dns_soa_expiry=86400
  542. #### (StrOpt) Expiry interval (in seconds) for ldap dns driver Statement
  543. #### of Authority
  544. # ldap_dns_soa_minimum=7200
  545. #### (StrOpt) Minimum interval (in seconds) for ldap dns driver Statement
  546. #### of Authority
  547. ######## defined in nova.network.linux_net ########
  548. dhcpbridge_flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf
  549. #### (StrOpt) location of flagfile for dhcpbridge
  550. # networks_path=$state_path/networks
  551. #### (StrOpt) Location to keep network config files
  552. # public_interface=eth0
  553. #### (StrOpt) Interface for public IP addresses
  554. # network_device_mtu=<None>
  555. #### (StrOpt) MTU setting for vlan
  556. dhcpbridge=/usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge
  557. #### (StrOpt) location of nova-dhcpbridge
  558. # routing_source_ip=$my_ip
  559. #### (StrOpt) Public IP of network host
  560. # dhcp_lease_time=120
  561. #### (IntOpt) Lifetime of a DHCP lease in seconds
  562. # dns_server=<None>
  563. #### (StrOpt) if set, uses specific dns server for dnsmasq
  564. # dmz_cidr=
  565. #### (ListOpt) A list of dmz range that should be accepted
  566. # dnsmasq_config_file=
  567. #### (StrOpt) Override the default dnsmasq settings with this file
  568. # linuxnet_interface_driver=nova.network.linux_net.LinuxBridgeInterfaceDriver
  569. #### (StrOpt) Driver used to create ethernet devices.
  570. # linuxnet_ovs_integration_bridge=br-int
  571. #### (StrOpt) Name of Open vSwitch bridge used with linuxnet
  572. # send_arp_for_ha=false
  573. #### (BoolOpt) send gratuitous ARPs for HA setup
  574. # send_arp_for_ha_count=3
  575. #### (IntOpt) send this many gratuitous ARPs for HA setup
  576. # use_single_default_gateway=false
  577. #### (BoolOpt) Use single default gateway. Only first nic of vm will get
  578. #### default gateway from dhcp server
  579. ######## defined in nova.network.manager ########
  580. # flat_network_bridge=<None>
  581. #### (StrOpt) Bridge for simple network instances
  582. # flat_network_dns=
  583. #### (StrOpt) Dns for simple network
  584. # flat_injected=false
  585. #### (BoolOpt) Whether to attempt to inject network setup into guest
  586. # flat_interface=<None>
  587. #### (StrOpt) FlatDhcp will bridge into this interface if set
  588. # vlan_start=100
  589. #### (IntOpt) First VLAN for private networks
  590. # vlan_interface=<None>
  591. #### (StrOpt) vlans will bridge into this interface if set
  592. # num_networks=1
  593. #### (IntOpt) Number of networks to support
  594. # vpn_ip=$my_ip
  595. #### (StrOpt) Public IP for the cloudpipe VPN servers
  596. # vpn_start=1000
  597. #### (IntOpt) First Vpn port for private networks
  598. # multi_host=false
  599. #### (BoolOpt) Default value for multi_host in networks
  600. # network_size=256
  601. #### (IntOpt) Number of addresses in each private subnet
  602. # floating_range=
  603. #### (StrOpt) Floating IP address block
  604. # default_floating_pool=nova
  605. #### (StrOpt) Default pool for floating ips
  606. # fixed_range=
  607. #### (StrOpt) Fixed IP address block
  608. # fixed_range_v6=fd00::/48
  609. #### (StrOpt) Fixed IPv6 address block
  610. # gateway=<None>
  611. #### (StrOpt) Default IPv4 gateway
  612. # gateway_v6=<None>
  613. #### (StrOpt) Default IPv6 gateway
  614. # cnt_vpn_clients=0
  615. #### (IntOpt) Number of addresses reserved for vpn clients
  616. # fixed_ip_disassociate_timeout=600
  617. #### (IntOpt) Seconds after which a deallocated ip is disassociated
  618. # create_unique_mac_address_attempts=5
  619. #### (IntOpt) Number of attempts to create unique mac address
  620. # auto_assign_floating_ip=false
  621. #### (BoolOpt) Autoassigning floating ip to VM
  622. # network_host=nova
  623. #### (StrOpt) Network host to use for ip allocation in flat modes
  624. # fake_call=false
  625. #### (BoolOpt) If True, skip using the queue and make local calls
  626. force_dhcp_release=true
  627. #### (BoolOpt) If True, send a dhcp release on instance termination
  628. # dhcp_domain=novalocal
  629. #### (StrOpt) domain to use for building the hostnames
  630. # l3_lib=nova.network.l3.LinuxNetL3
  631. #### (StrOpt) Indicates underlying L3 management library
  632. ######## defined in nova.network.quantumv2.api ########
  633. quantum_url=http://quantum-ha:9696
  634. #### (StrOpt) URL for connecting to quantum
  635. quantum_url_timeout=30
  636. #### (IntOpt) timeout value for connecting to quantum in seconds
  637. quantum_admin_username=quantum
  638. #### (StrOpt) username for connecting to quantum in admin context
  639. quantum_admin_password=bbfb266a91c43391bdeb6231a5082607
  640. #### (StrOpt) password for connecting to quantum in admin context
  641. quantum_admin_tenant_name=service
  642. #### (StrOpt) tenant name for connecting to quantum in admin context
  643. quantum_admin_auth_url=http://keystone-ha:5000/v2.0
  644. #### (StrOpt) auth url for connecting to quantum in admin context
  645. quantum_auth_strategy=keystone
  646. #### (StrOpt) auth strategy for connecting to quantum in admin context
  647. ######## defined in nova.objectstore.s3server ########
  648. # buckets_path=$state_path/buckets
  649. #### (StrOpt) path to s3 buckets
  650. # s3_listen=
  651. #### (StrOpt) IP address for S3 API to listen
  652. # s3_listen_port=3333
  653. #### (IntOpt) port for s3 api to listen
  654. ######## defined in nova.openstack.common.log ########
  655. logdir=/var/log/nova
  656. #### (StrOpt) Log output to a per-service log file in named directory
  657. # logfile=<None>
  658. #### (StrOpt) Log output to a named file
  659. # use_stderr=true
  660. #### (BoolOpt) Log output to standard error
  661. # logfile_mode=0644
  662. #### (StrOpt) Default file mode used when creating log files
  663. # logging_context_format_string=%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_id)s %(project_id)s] %(instance)s%(message)s
  664. #### (StrOpt) format string to use for log messages with context
  665. # logging_default_format_string=%(asctime)s %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s
  666. #### (StrOpt) format string to use for log messages without context
  667. # logging_debug_format_suffix=%(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d
  668. #### (StrOpt) data to append to log format when level is DEBUG
  669. # logging_exception_prefix=%(asctime)s %(process)d TRACE %(name)s %(instance)s
  670. #### (StrOpt) prefix each line of exception output with this format
  671. # default_log_levels=amqplib=WARN,sqlalchemy=WARN,boto=WARN,suds=INFO,keystone=INFO,eventlet.wsgi.server=WARN
  672. #### (ListOpt) list of logger=LEVEL pairs
  673. # publish_errors=false
  674. #### (BoolOpt) publish error events
  675. # instance_format="[instance: %(uuid)s] "
  676. #### (StrOpt) If an instance is passed with the log message, format it
  677. #### like this
  678. # instance_uuid_format="[instance: %(uuid)s] "
  679. #### (StrOpt) If an instance UUID is passed with the log message, format
  680. #### it like this
  681. ######## defined in nova.openstack.common.notifier.api ########
  682. #### (MultiStrOpt) Driver or drivers to handle sending notifications
  683. # default_notification_level=INFO
  684. #### (StrOpt) Default notification level for outgoing notifications
  685. # default_publisher_id=$host
  686. #### (StrOpt) Default publisher_id for outgoing notifications
  687. ######## defined in nova.openstack.common.notifier.rabbit_notifier ########
  688. # notification_topics=notifications
  689. #### (ListOpt) AMQP topic used for openstack notifications
  690. ######## defined in nova.openstack.common.rpc ########
  691. # rpc_backend=nova.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu
  692. #### (StrOpt) The messaging module to use, defaults to kombu.
  693. # rpc_thread_pool_size=64
  694. #### (IntOpt) Size of RPC thread pool
  695. # rpc_conn_pool_size=30
  696. #### (IntOpt) Size of RPC connection pool
  697. # rpc_response_timeout=60
  698. #### (IntOpt) Seconds to wait for a response from call or multicall
  699. # rpc_cast_timeout=30
  700. #### (IntOpt) Seconds to wait before a cast expires (TTL). Only supported
  701. #### by impl_zmq.
  702. # allowed_rpc_exception_modules=nova.openstack.common.exception,nova.exception,cinder.exception
  703. #### (ListOpt) Modules of exceptions that are permitted to be recreatedupon
  704. #### receiving exception data from an rpc call.
  705. # fake_rabbit=false
  706. #### (BoolOpt) If passed, use a fake RabbitMQ provider
  707. ######## defined in nova.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu ########
  708. # kombu_ssl_version=
  709. #### (StrOpt) SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled)
  710. # kombu_ssl_keyfile=
  711. #### (StrOpt) SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled)
  712. # kombu_ssl_certfile=
  713. #### (StrOpt) SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled)
  714. # kombu_ssl_ca_certs=
  715. #### (StrOpt) SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL enabled)
  716. rabbit_host=rabbitmq-ha
  717. #### (StrOpt) the RabbitMQ host
  718. rabbit_port=5672
  719. #### (IntOpt) the RabbitMQ port
  720. rabbit_use_ssl=false
  721. #### (BoolOpt) connect over SSL for RabbitMQ
  722. rabbit_userid=guest
  723. #### (StrOpt) the RabbitMQ userid
  724. rabbit_password=guest
  725. #### (StrOpt) the RabbitMQ password
  726. rabbit_virtual_host=/
  727. #### (StrOpt) the RabbitMQ virtual host
  728. rabbit_retry_interval=1
  729. #### (IntOpt) how frequently to retry connecting with RabbitMQ
  730. rabbit_retry_backoff=2
  731. #### (IntOpt) how long to backoff for between retries when connecting to
  732. #### RabbitMQ
  733. rabbit_max_retries=0
  734. #### (IntOpt) maximum retries with trying to connect to RabbitMQ (the
  735. #### default of 0 implies an infinite retry count)
  736. rabbit_durable_queues=false
  737. #### (BoolOpt) use durable queues in RabbitMQ
  738. ######## defined in nova.openstack.common.rpc.matchmaker ########
  739. # matchmaker_ringfile=/etc/nova/matchmaker_ring.json
  740. #### (StrOpt) Matchmaker ring file (JSON)
  741. ######## defined in nova.scheduler.driver ########
  742. # scheduler_host_manager=nova.scheduler.host_manager.HostManager
  743. #### (StrOpt) The scheduler host manager class to use
  744. # scheduler_max_attempts=3
  745. #### (IntOpt) Maximum number of attempts to schedule an instance
  746. ######## defined in nova.scheduler.filters.core_filter ########
  747. # cpu_allocation_ratio=16.0
  748. #### (FloatOpt) Virtual CPU to Physical CPU allocation ratio
  749. ######## defined in nova.scheduler.filters.disk_filter ########
  750. # disk_allocation_ratio=1.0
  751. #### (FloatOpt) virtual disk to physical disk allocation ratio
  752. ######## defined in nova.scheduler.filters.ram_filter ########
  753. # ram_allocation_ratio=1.5
  754. #### (FloatOpt) virtual ram to physical ram allocation ratio
  755. ######## defined in nova.scheduler.filters.trusted_filter ########
  756. # server=<None>
  757. #### (StrOpt) attestation server http
  758. # server_ca_file=<None>
  759. #### (StrOpt) attestation server Cert file for Identity verification
  760. # port=8443
  761. #### (StrOpt) attestation server port
  762. # api_url=/OpenAttestationWebServices/V1.0
  763. #### (StrOpt) attestation web API URL
  764. # auth_blob=<None>
  765. #### (StrOpt) attestation authorization blob - must change
  766. ######## defined in nova.scheduler.host_manager ########
  767. # scheduler_available_filters=nova.scheduler.filters.standard_filters
  768. #### (MultiStrOpt) Filter classes available to the scheduler which may be
  769. #### specified more than once. An entry of
  770. #### "nova.scheduler.filters.standard_filters" maps to all
  771. #### filters included with nova.
  772. # scheduler_default_filters=RetryFilter,AvailabilityZoneFilter,RamFilter,ComputeFilter,ComputeCapabilitiesFilter,ImagePropertiesFilter
  773. #### (ListOpt) Which filter class names to use for filtering hosts when not
  774. #### specified in the request.
  775. ######## defined in nova.scheduler.least_cost ########
  776. # least_cost_functions=nova.scheduler.least_cost.compute_fill_first_cost_fn
  777. #### (ListOpt) Which cost functions the LeastCostScheduler should use
  778. # noop_cost_fn_weight=1.0
  779. #### (FloatOpt) How much weight to give the noop cost function
  780. # compute_fill_first_cost_fn_weight=-1.0
  781. #### (FloatOpt) How much weight to give the fill-first cost function. A
  782. #### negative value will reverse behavior: e.g. spread-first
  783. ######## defined in nova.scheduler.manager ########
  784. # scheduler_driver=nova.scheduler.multi.MultiScheduler
  785. #### (StrOpt) Default driver to use for the scheduler
  786. ######## defined in nova.scheduler.multi ########
  787. # compute_scheduler_driver=nova.scheduler.filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler
  788. #### (StrOpt) Driver to use for scheduling compute calls
  789. # volume_scheduler_driver=nova.scheduler.chance.ChanceScheduler
  790. #### (StrOpt) Driver to use for scheduling volume calls
  791. # default_scheduler_driver=nova.scheduler.chance.ChanceScheduler
  792. #### (StrOpt) Default driver to use for scheduling calls
  793. ######## defined in nova.scheduler.scheduler_options ########
  794. # scheduler_json_config_location=
  795. #### (StrOpt) Absolute path to scheduler configuration JSON file.
  796. ######## defined in nova.scheduler.simple ########
  797. # max_gigabytes=10000
  798. #### (IntOpt) maximum number of volume gigabytes to allow per host
  799. ######## defined in nova.virt.baremetal.driver ########
  800. # baremetal_type=baremetal
  801. #### (StrOpt) baremetal domain type
  802. ######## defined in nova.virt.baremetal.nodes ########
  803. # baremetal_driver=tilera
  804. #### (StrOpt) Bare-metal driver runs on
  805. ######## defined in nova.virt.baremetal.tilera ########
  806. # tile_monitor=/usr/local/TileraMDE/bin/tile-monitor
  807. #### (StrOpt) Tilera command line program for Bare-metal driver
  808. ######## defined in nova.virt.configdrive ########
  809. # config_drive_format=iso9660
  810. #### (StrOpt) Config drive format. One of iso9660 (default) or vfat
  811. # config_drive_tempdir=<None>
  812. #### (StrOpt) Where to put temporary files associated with config drive
  813. #### creation
  814. ######## defined in nova.virt.disk.api ########
  815. # injected_network_template=$pybasedir/nova/virt/interfaces.template
  816. #### (StrOpt) Template file for injected network
  817. # img_handlers=loop,nbd,guestfs
  818. #### (ListOpt) Order of methods used to mount disk images
  819. # virt_mkfs=default=mkfs.ext3 -L %(fs_label)s -F %(target)s
  820. # virt_mkfs=linux=mkfs.ext3 -L %(fs_label)s -F %(target)s
  821. # virt_mkfs=windows=mkfs.ntfs --force --fast --label %(fs_label)s %(target)s
  822. #### (MultiStrOpt) mkfs commands for ephemeral device. The format is
  823. #### <os_type>=<mkfs command>
  824. ######## defined in nova.virt.disk.nbd ########
  825. # timeout_nbd=10
  826. #### (IntOpt) time to wait for a NBD device coming up
  827. # max_nbd_devices=16
  828. #### (IntOpt) maximum number of possible nbd devices
  829. ######## defined in nova.virt.firewall ########
  830. firewall_driver=nova.virt.libvirt.firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver
  831. #### (StrOpt) Firewall driver (defaults to hypervisor specific iptables
  832. #### driver)
  833. # allow_same_net_traffic=true
  834. #### (BoolOpt) Whether to allow network traffic from same network
  835. ######## defined in nova.virt.hyperv.vmops ########
  836. # vswitch_name=<None>
  837. #### (StrOpt) Default vSwitch Name, if none provided first external is
  838. #### used
  839. # limit_cpu_features=false
  840. #### (BoolOpt) required for live migration among hosts with different CPU
  841. #### features
  842. ######## defined in nova.virt.hyperv.volumeops ########
  843. # hyperv_attaching_volume_retry_count=10
  844. #### (IntOpt) The number of times we retry on attaching volume
  845. # hyperv_wait_between_attach_retry=5
  846. #### (IntOpt) The seconds to wait between an volume attachment attempt
  847. ######## defined in nova.virt.images ########
  848. # force_raw_images=true
  849. #### (BoolOpt) Force backing images to raw format
  850. ######## defined in nova.virt.libvirt.driver ########
  851. # rescue_image_id=<None>
  852. #### (StrOpt) Rescue ami image
  853. # rescue_kernel_id=<None>
  854. #### (StrOpt) Rescue aki image
  855. # rescue_ramdisk_id=<None>
  856. #### (StrOpt) Rescue ari image
  857. libvirt_type=kvm
  858. #### (StrOpt) Libvirt domain type (valid options are: kvm, lxc, qemu, uml,
  859. #### xen)
  860. # libvirt_uri=
  861. #### (StrOpt) Override the default libvirt URI (which is dependent on
  862. #### libvirt_type)
  863. # libvirt_inject_password=false
  864. #### (BoolOpt) Inject the admin password at boot time, without an agent.
  865. # libvirt_inject_key=true
  866. #### (BoolOpt) Inject the ssh public key at boot time
  867. # libvirt_inject_partition=1
  868. #### (IntOpt) The partition to inject to : -1 => inspect (libguestfs
  869. #### only), 0 => not partitioned, >0 => partition number
  870. # use_usb_tablet=true
  871. #### (BoolOpt) Sync virtual and real mouse cursors in Windows VMs
  872. # live_migration_uri=qemu+tcp://%s/system
  873. #### (StrOpt) Migration target URI (any included "%s" is replaced with the
  874. #### migration target hostname)
  876. #### (StrOpt) Migration flags to be set for live migration
  878. #### (StrOpt) Migration flags to be set for block migration
  879. # live_migration_bandwidth=0
  880. #### (IntOpt) Maximum bandwidth to be used during migration, in Mbps
  881. # snapshot_image_format=<None>
  882. #### (StrOpt) Snapshot image format (valid options are : raw, qcow2, vmdk,
  883. #### vdi). Defaults to same as source image
  884. libvirt_vif_driver=nova.virt.libvirt.vif.LibvirtHybridOVSBridgeDriver
  885. #### (StrOpt) The libvirt VIF driver to configure the VIFs.
  886. # libvirt_volume_drivers=iscsi=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtISCSIVolumeDriver,local=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtVolumeDriver,fake=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtFakeVolumeDriver,rbd=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtNetVolumeDriver,sheepdog=nova.virt.libvirt.volume.LibvirtNetVolumeDriver,nfs=nova.virt.libvirt.volume_nfs.NfsVolumeDriver
  887. #### (ListOpt) Libvirt handlers for remote volumes.
  888. # libvirt_disk_prefix=<None>
  889. #### (StrOpt) Override the default disk prefix for the devices attached to
  890. #### a server, which is dependent on libvirt_type. (valid options
  891. #### are: sd, xvd, uvd, vd)
  892. # libvirt_wait_soft_reboot_seconds=120
  893. #### (IntOpt) Number of seconds to wait for instance to shut down after
  894. #### soft reboot request is made. We fall back to hard reboot if
  895. #### instance does not shutdown within this window.
  896. # libvirt_nonblocking=true
  897. #### (BoolOpt) Use a separated OS thread pool to realize non-blocking
  898. #### libvirt calls
  899. # force_config_drive=<None>
  900. #### (StrOpt) Set to force injection to take place on a config drive (if
  901. #### set, valid options are: always)
  902. # libvirt_cpu_mode=<None>
  903. #### (StrOpt) Set to "host-model" to clone the host CPU feature flags; to
  904. #### "host-passthrough" to use the host CPU model exactly; to
  905. #### "custom" to use a named CPU model; to "none" to not set any
  906. #### CPU model. If libvirt_type="kvm|qemu", it will default to
  907. #### "host-model", otherwise it will default to "none"
  908. # libvirt_cpu_model=<None>
  909. #### (StrOpt) Set to a named libvirt CPU model (see names listed in
  910. #### /usr/share/libvirt/cpu_map.xml). Only has effect if
  911. #### libvirt_cpu_mode="custom" and libvirt_type="kvm|qemu"
  912. # libvirt_snapshots_directory=$instances_path/snapshots
  913. #### (StrOpt) Location where libvirt driver will store snapshots before
  914. #### uploading them to image service
  915. ######## defined in nova.virt.libvirt.imagebackend ########
  916. # libvirt_images_type=default
  917. #### (StrOpt) VM Images format. Acceptable values are: raw, qcow2, lvm,
  918. #### default. If default is specified, then use_cow_images flag
  919. #### is used instead of this one.
  920. # libvirt_images_volume_group=<None>
  921. #### (StrOpt) LVM Volume Group that is used for VM images, when you
  922. #### specify libvirt_images_type=lvm.
  923. # libvirt_sparse_logical_volumes=false
  924. #### (BoolOpt) Create sparse logical volumes (with virtualsize) if this
  925. #### flag is set to True.
  926. ######## defined in nova.virt.libvirt.imagecache ########
  927. # remove_unused_base_images=true
  928. #### (BoolOpt) Should unused base images be removed?
  929. # remove_unused_resized_minimum_age_seconds=3600
  930. #### (IntOpt) Unused resized base images younger than this will not be
  931. #### removed
  932. # remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds=86400
  933. #### (IntOpt) Unused unresized base images younger than this will not be
  934. #### removed
  935. # checksum_base_images=false
  936. #### (BoolOpt) Write a checksum for files in _base to disk
  937. ######## defined in nova.virt.libvirt.utils ########
  938. # image_info_filename_pattern=$instances_path/$base_dir_name/%(image)s.info
  939. #### (StrOpt) Allows image information files to be stored in non-standard
  940. #### locations
  941. ######## defined in nova.virt.libvirt.vif ########
  942. libvirt_ovs_bridge=br-int
  943. #### (StrOpt) Name of Integration Bridge used by Open vSwitch
  944. libvirt_use_virtio_for_bridges=true
  945. #### (BoolOpt) Use virtio for bridge interfaces
  946. ######## defined in nova.virt.libvirt.volume_nfs ########
  947. # nfs_mount_point_base=$state_path/mnt
  948. #### (StrOpt) Base dir where nfs expected to be mounted on compute
  949. ######## defined in nova.virt.powervm.driver ########
  950. # powervm_mgr_type=ivm
  951. #### (StrOpt) PowerVM manager type (ivm, hmc)
  952. # powervm_mgr=<None>
  953. #### (StrOpt) PowerVM manager host or ip
  954. # powervm_mgr_user=<None>
  955. #### (StrOpt) PowerVM manager user name
  956. # powervm_mgr_passwd=<None>
  957. #### (StrOpt) PowerVM manager user password
  958. # powervm_img_remote_path=<None>
  959. #### (StrOpt) PowerVM image remote path
  960. # powervm_img_local_path=<None>
  961. #### (StrOpt) Local directory to download glance images to
  962. ######## defined in nova.virt.vmwareapi.driver ########
  963. # vmwareapi_host_ip=<None>
  964. #### (StrOpt) URL for connection to VMWare ESX host.Required if
  965. #### compute_driver is vmwareapi.VMWareESXDriver.
  966. # vmwareapi_host_username=<None>
  967. #### (StrOpt) Username for connection to VMWare ESX host. Used only if
  968. #### compute_driver is vmwareapi.VMWareESXDriver.
  969. # vmwareapi_host_password=<None>
  970. #### (StrOpt) Password for connection to VMWare ESX host. Used only if
  971. #### compute_driver is vmwareapi.VMWareESXDriver.
  972. # vmwareapi_task_poll_interval=5.0
  973. #### (FloatOpt) The interval used for polling of remote tasks. Used only if
  974. #### compute_driver is vmwareapi.VMWareESXDriver.
  975. # vmwareapi_api_retry_count=10
  976. #### (IntOpt) The number of times we retry on failures, e.g., socket
  977. #### error, etc. Used only if compute_driver is
  978. #### vmwareapi.VMWareESXDriver.
  979. # vmwareapi_vlan_interface=vmnic0
  980. #### (StrOpt) Physical ethernet adapter name for vlan networking
  981. ######## defined in nova.virt.vmwareapi.vim ########
  982. # vmwareapi_wsdl_loc=<None>
  983. #### (StrOpt) VIM Service WSDL Location e.g
  984. #### http://<server>/vimService.wsdl. Due to a bug in vSphere ESX
  985. #### 4.1 default wsdl. Refer readme-vmware to setup
  986. ######## defined in nova.virt.vmwareapi.vmops ########
  987. # vmware_vif_driver=nova.virt.vmwareapi.vif.VMWareVlanBridgeDriver
  988. #### (StrOpt) The VMWare VIF driver to configure the VIFs.
  989. ######## defined in nova.virt.xenapi.agent ########
  990. # agent_version_timeout=300
  991. #### (IntOpt) number of seconds to wait for agent to be fully operational
  992. ######## defined in nova.virt.xenapi.driver ########
  993. # xenapi_connection_url=<None>
  994. #### (StrOpt) URL for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform. Required
  995. #### if compute_driver=xenapi.XenAPIDriver
  996. # xenapi_connection_username=root
  997. #### (StrOpt) Username for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform.
  998. #### Used only if compute_driver=xenapi.XenAPIDriver
  999. # xenapi_connection_password=<None>
  1000. #### (StrOpt) Password for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform.
  1001. #### Used only if compute_driver=xenapi.XenAPIDriver
  1002. # xenapi_connection_concurrent=5
  1003. #### (IntOpt) Maximum number of concurrent XenAPI connections. Used only
  1004. #### if compute_driver=xenapi.XenAPIDriver
  1005. # xenapi_vhd_coalesce_poll_interval=5.0
  1006. #### (FloatOpt) The interval used for polling of coalescing vhds. Used only
  1007. #### if compute_driver=xenapi.XenAPIDriver
  1008. # xenapi_check_host=true
  1009. #### (BoolOpt) Ensure compute service is running on host XenAPI connects
  1010. #### to.
  1011. # xenapi_vhd_coalesce_max_attempts=5
  1012. #### (IntOpt) Max number of times to poll for VHD to coalesce. Used only
  1013. #### if compute_driver=xenapi.XenAPIDriver
  1014. # xenapi_agent_path=usr/sbin/xe-update-networking
  1015. #### (StrOpt) Specifies the path in which the xenapi guest agent should be
  1016. #### located. If the agent is present, network configuration is
  1017. #### not injected into the image. Used if
  1018. #### compute_driver=xenapi.XenAPIDriver and flat_injected=True
  1019. # xenapi_sr_base_path=/var/run/sr-mount
  1020. #### (StrOpt) Base path to the storage repository
  1021. # target_host=<None>
  1022. #### (StrOpt) iSCSI Target Host
  1023. # target_port=3260
  1024. #### (StrOpt) iSCSI Target Port, 3260 Default
  1025. # iqn_prefix=iqn.2010-10.org.openstack
  1026. #### (StrOpt) IQN Prefix
  1027. # xenapi_remap_vbd_dev=false
  1028. #### (BoolOpt) Used to enable the remapping of VBD dev (Works around an
  1029. #### issue in Ubuntu Maverick)
  1030. # xenapi_remap_vbd_dev_prefix=sd
  1031. #### (StrOpt) Specify prefix to remap VBD dev to (ex. /dev/xvdb ->
  1032. #### /dev/sdb)
  1033. # xenapi_login_timeout=10
  1034. #### (IntOpt) Timeout in seconds for XenAPI login.
  1035. ######## defined in nova.virt.xenapi.pool ########
  1036. # use_join_force=true
  1037. #### (BoolOpt) To use for hosts with different CPUs
  1038. ######## defined in nova.virt.xenapi.vif ########
  1039. # xenapi_ovs_integration_bridge=xapi1
  1040. #### (StrOpt) Name of Integration Bridge used by Open vSwitch
  1041. ######## defined in nova.virt.xenapi.vm_utils ########
  1042. # default_os_type=linux
  1043. #### (StrOpt) Default OS type
  1044. # block_device_creation_timeout=10
  1045. #### (IntOpt) Time to wait for a block device to be created
  1046. # max_kernel_ramdisk_size=16777216
  1047. #### (IntOpt) Maximum size in bytes of kernel or ramdisk images
  1048. # sr_matching_filter=other-config:i18n-key=local-storage
  1049. #### (StrOpt) Filter for finding the SR to be used to install guest
  1050. #### instances on. The default value is the Local Storage in
  1051. #### default XenServer/XCP installations. To select an SR with a
  1052. #### different matching criteria, you could set it to other-
  1053. #### config:my_favorite_sr=true. On the other hand, to fall back
  1054. #### on the Default SR, as displayed by XenCenter, set this flag
  1055. #### to: default-sr:true
  1056. # xenapi_sparse_copy=true
  1057. #### (BoolOpt) Whether to use sparse_copy for copying data on a resize down
  1058. #### (False will use standard dd). This speeds up resizes down
  1059. #### considerably since large runs of zeros won't have to be
  1060. #### rsynced
  1061. # xenapi_num_vbd_unplug_retries=10
  1062. #### (IntOpt) Maximum number of retries to unplug VBD
  1063. ######## defined in nova.virt.xenapi.vmops ########
  1064. # xenapi_running_timeout=60
  1065. #### (IntOpt) number of seconds to wait for instance to go to running
  1066. #### state
  1067. # xenapi_vif_driver=nova.virt.xenapi.vif.XenAPIBridgeDriver
  1068. #### (StrOpt) The XenAPI VIF driver using XenServer Network APIs.
  1069. # xenapi_generate_swap=false
  1070. #### (BoolOpt) Whether to generate swap (False means fetching it from OVA)
  1071. ######## defined in nova.vnc ########
  1072. # novncproxy_base_url=
  1073. #### (StrOpt) location of vnc console proxy, in the form
  1074. #### ""
  1075. # xvpvncproxy_base_url=
  1076. #### (StrOpt) location of nova xvp vnc console proxy, in the form
  1077. #### ""
  1078. # vncserver_listen=
  1079. #### (StrOpt) Ip address on which instance vncserversshould listen
  1080. # vncserver_proxyclient_address=
  1081. #### (StrOpt) the address to which proxy clients (like nova-xvpvncproxy)
  1082. #### should connect
  1083. # vnc_enabled=true
  1084. #### (BoolOpt) enable vnc related features
  1085. # vnc_keymap=en-us
  1086. #### (StrOpt) keymap for vnc
  1087. ######## defined in nova.vnc.xvp_proxy ########
  1088. # xvpvncproxy_port=6081
  1089. #### (IntOpt) Port that the XCP VNC proxy should bind to
  1090. # xvpvncproxy_host=
  1091. #### (StrOpt) Address that the XCP VNC proxy should bind to
  1092. ######## defined in nova.volume.api ########
  1093. # snapshot_same_host=true
  1094. #### (BoolOpt) Create volume from snapshot at the host where snapshot
  1095. #### resides
  1096. ######## defined in nova.volume.cinder ########
  1097. # cinder_catalog_info=volume:cinder:publicURL
  1098. #### (StrOpt) Info to match when looking for cinder in the service
  1099. #### catalog. Format is : separated values of the form:
  1100. #### <service_type>:<service_name>:<endpoint_type>
  1101. # cinder_endpoint_template=<None>
  1102. #### (StrOpt) Override service catalog lookup with template for cinder
  1103. #### endpoint e.g. http://localhost:8776/v1/%(project_id)s
  1104. ######## defined in nova.volume.driver ########
  1105. # volume_group=nova-volumes
  1106. #### (StrOpt) Name for the VG that will contain exported volumes
  1107. # num_shell_tries=3
  1108. #### (IntOpt) number of times to attempt to run flakey shell commands
  1109. # num_iscsi_scan_tries=3
  1110. #### (IntOpt) number of times to rescan iSCSI target to find volume
  1111. # iscsi_num_targets=100
  1112. #### (IntOpt) Number of iscsi target ids per host
  1113. # iscsi_target_prefix=iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:
  1114. #### (StrOpt) prefix for iscsi volumes
  1115. # iscsi_ip_address=$my_ip
  1116. #### (StrOpt) use this ip for iscsi
  1117. # iscsi_port=3260
  1118. #### (IntOpt) The port that the iSCSI daemon is listening on
  1119. # rbd_pool=rbd
  1120. #### (StrOpt) the RADOS pool in which rbd volumes are stored
  1121. # rbd_user=<None>
  1122. #### (StrOpt) the RADOS client name for accessing rbd volumes
  1123. # rbd_secret_uuid=<None>
  1124. #### (StrOpt) the libvirt uuid of the secret for the rbd_uservolumes
  1125. # volume_tmp_dir=<None>
  1126. #### (StrOpt) where to store temporary image files if the volume driver
  1127. #### does not write them directly to the volume
  1128. ######## defined in nova.volume.iscsi ########
  1129. iscsi_helper=tgtadm
  1130. #### (StrOpt) iscsi target user-land tool to use
  1131. # volumes_dir=$state_path/volumes
  1132. #### (StrOpt) Volume configuration file storage directory
  1133. ######## defined in nova.volume.manager ########
  1134. # storage_availability_zone=nova
  1135. #### (StrOpt) availability zone of this service
  1136. # volume_driver=nova.volume.driver.ISCSIDriver
  1137. #### (StrOpt) Driver to use for volume creation
  1138. # use_local_volumes=true
  1139. #### (BoolOpt) if True, will not discover local volumes
  1140. # volume_force_update_capabilities=false
  1141. #### (BoolOpt) if True will force update capabilities on each check
  1142. ######## defined in nova.volume.netapp ########
  1143. # netapp_wsdl_url=<None>
  1144. #### (StrOpt) URL of the WSDL file for the DFM server
  1145. # netapp_login=<None>
  1146. #### (StrOpt) User name for the DFM server
  1147. # netapp_password=<None>
  1148. #### (StrOpt) Password for the DFM server
  1149. # netapp_server_hostname=<None>
  1150. #### (StrOpt) Hostname for the DFM server
  1151. # netapp_server_port=8088
  1152. #### (IntOpt) Port number for the DFM server
  1153. # netapp_storage_service=<None>
  1154. #### (StrOpt) Storage service to use for provisioning (when
  1155. #### volume_type=None)
  1156. # netapp_storage_service_prefix=<None>
  1157. #### (StrOpt) Prefix of storage service name to use for provisioning
  1158. #### (volume_type name will be appended)
  1159. # netapp_vfiler=<None>
  1160. #### (StrOpt) Vfiler to use for provisioning
  1161. ######## defined in nova.volume.netapp_nfs ########
  1162. # synchronous_snapshot_create=0
  1163. #### (IntOpt) Does snapshot creation call returns immediately
  1164. # netapp_wsdl_url=<None>
  1165. #### (StrOpt) URL of the WSDL file for the DFM server
  1166. # netapp_login=<None>
  1167. #### (StrOpt) User name for the DFM server
  1168. # netapp_password=<None>
  1169. #### (StrOpt) Password for the DFM server
  1170. # netapp_server_hostname=<None>
  1171. #### (StrOpt) Hostname for the DFM server
  1172. # netapp_server_port=8088
  1173. #### (IntOpt) Port number for the DFM server
  1174. # netapp_storage_service=<None>
  1175. #### (StrOpt) Storage service to use for provisioning (when
  1176. #### volume_type=None)
  1177. # netapp_storage_service_prefix=<None>
  1178. #### (StrOpt) Prefix of storage service name to use for provisioning
  1179. #### (volume_type name will be appended)
  1180. # netapp_vfiler=<None>
  1181. #### (StrOpt) Vfiler to use for provisioning
  1182. ######## defined in nova.volume.nexenta.volume ########
  1183. # nexenta_host=
  1184. #### (StrOpt) IP address of Nexenta SA
  1185. # nexenta_rest_port=2000
  1186. #### (IntOpt) HTTP port to connect to Nexenta REST API server
  1187. # nexenta_rest_protocol=auto
  1188. #### (StrOpt) Use http or https for REST connection (default auto)
  1189. # nexenta_user=admin
  1190. #### (StrOpt) User name to connect to Nexenta SA
  1191. # nexenta_password=nexenta
  1192. #### (StrOpt) Password to connect to Nexenta SA
  1193. # nexenta_iscsi_target_portal_port=3260
  1194. #### (IntOpt) Nexenta target portal port
  1195. # nexenta_volume=nova
  1196. #### (StrOpt) pool on SA that will hold all volumes
  1197. # nexenta_target_prefix=iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:nova-
  1198. #### (StrOpt) IQN prefix for iSCSI targets
  1199. # nexenta_target_group_prefix=nova/
  1200. #### (StrOpt) prefix for iSCSI target groups on SA
  1201. # nexenta_blocksize=
  1202. #### (StrOpt) block size for volumes (blank=default,8KB)
  1203. # nexenta_sparse=false
  1204. #### (BoolOpt) flag to create sparse volumes
  1205. ######## defined in nova.volume.nfs ########
  1206. # nfs_shares_config=<None>
  1207. #### (StrOpt) File with the list of available nfs shares
  1208. # nfs_disk_util=df
  1209. #### (StrOpt) Use du or df for free space calculation
  1210. # nfs_sparsed_volumes=true
  1211. #### (BoolOpt) Create volumes as sparsed files which take no space.If set
  1212. #### to False volume is created as regular file.In such case
  1213. #### volume creation takes a lot of time.
  1214. ######## defined in nova.volume.san ########
  1215. # san_thin_provision=true
  1216. #### (BoolOpt) Use thin provisioning for SAN volumes?
  1217. # san_ip=
  1218. #### (StrOpt) IP address of SAN controller
  1219. # san_login=admin
  1220. #### (StrOpt) Username for SAN controller
  1221. # san_password=
  1222. #### (StrOpt) Password for SAN controller
  1223. # san_private_key=
  1224. #### (StrOpt) Filename of private key to use for SSH authentication
  1225. # san_clustername=
  1226. #### (StrOpt) Cluster name to use for creating volumes
  1227. # san_ssh_port=22
  1228. #### (IntOpt) SSH port to use with SAN
  1229. # san_is_local=false
  1230. #### (BoolOpt) Execute commands locally instead of over SSH; use if the
  1231. #### volume service is running on the SAN device
  1232. # san_zfs_volume_base=rpool/
  1233. #### (StrOpt) The ZFS path under which to create zvols for volumes.
  1234. ######## defined in nova.volume.solidfire ########
  1235. # sf_emulate_512=true
  1236. #### (BoolOpt) Set 512 byte emulation on volume creation;
  1237. # sf_mvip=
  1238. #### (StrOpt) IP address of SolidFire MVIP
  1239. # sf_login=admin
  1240. #### (StrOpt) Username for SF Cluster Admin
  1241. # sf_password=
  1242. #### (StrOpt) Password for SF Cluster Admin
  1243. # sf_allow_tenant_qos=true
  1244. #### (BoolOpt) Allow tenants to specify QOS on create
  1245. ######## defined in nova.volume.storwize_svc ########
  1246. # storwize_svc_volpool_name=volpool
  1247. #### (StrOpt) Storage system storage pool for volumes
  1248. # storwize_svc_vol_vtype=striped
  1249. #### (StrOpt) Storage system volume type for volumes
  1250. # storwize_svc_vol_rsize=2%
  1251. #### (StrOpt) Storage system space-efficiency parameter for volumes
  1252. # storwize_svc_vol_warning=0
  1253. #### (StrOpt) Storage system threshold for volume capacity warnings
  1254. # storwize_svc_vol_autoexpand=true
  1255. #### (BoolOpt) Storage system autoexpand parameter for volumes (True/False)
  1256. # storwize_svc_vol_grainsize=256
  1257. #### (StrOpt) Storage system grain size parameter for volumes
  1258. #### (32/64/128/256)
  1259. # storwize_svc_vol_compression=false
  1260. #### (BoolOpt) Storage system compression option for volumes
  1261. # storwize_svc_flashcopy_timeout=120
  1262. #### (StrOpt) Maximum number of seconds to wait for FlashCopy to be
  1263. #### prepared. Maximum value is 600 seconds (10 minutes).
  1264. # Total option count: 505