1. What's New
  2. Version 3.2.5:
  3. DropDMG now sets the Finder icon positions for invisible files, so that if the user has the Finder set to show invisible files (e.g. using AppleShowAllFiles) they do not cover up the background picture or the icons in your disk image’s layout.
  4. DropDMG now accepts background pictures with resolutions that are off by a fraction of a dot per inch, as thats’s how some graphics programs save them.
  5. DropDMG can now be told to mount disk images via AppleScript. You can control whether verification and file ownership are enabled, whether a shadow file is used, and whether the disk image is mounted at a custom location in the file system. For encrypted disk images, you can specify the passphrase directly or tell DropDMG to load it from a particular configuration in your keychain.
  6. DropDMG now supports making the mounted disk image window smaller than the background picture. The window is always anchored at the top-left of the background picture but can be inset a certain number of points from its bottom and right edges. There is currently no user interface for setting the insets, but you can edit them by quitting DropDMG and editing the windowInsets value in the layout’s Info.plist file.
  7. Modernized lots of code and removed old code that’s no longer needed for compatibility with legacy OS versions.
  8. DropDMG now uses power assertions to prevent App Nap from slowing user-initiated operations when the window is in the background or blocked by the screensaver.
  9. Adjusted the icon badging for Mac OS X 10.10’s new mounted disk image icon.
  10. Updated the disk image icon for Mac OS X 10.10.
  11. Improved the following sections of the manual (among others):
  12. Create OS X Install Disk
  13. Custom volume icon
  14. Restoring Files and Disks
  15. Uninstalling DropDMG
  16. Updating From a Previous Version
  17. Esoteric preferences links are now directly clickable in the Apple Help and PDF manual.
  18. The log database no longer uses WAL mode.
  19. Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.10 that could cause DropDMG to freeze at launch.
  20. Worked around a bug in Mac OS X 10.10 that prevented the creation of encrypted disk images when the passphrase was not specified in the configuration.
  21. Worked around an Xcode bug that caused DropDMG to complain in Console about missing images.
  22. Improved DropDMG’s error handling.
  23. Improved the crash reporter.
  24. Updated the Gatekeeper signature format.
  25. The Software Update… feature is better at explaining what you can do if installation fails.
  26. Fixed a bug where the release notes in the Software Update… window were shown in the wrong font.
  27. Adjusted the way the Purchase… window displays the remaining demo time to try to make it clearer.
  28. The images in the PDF manual and Apple Help are now Retina-resolution.
  29. Adjusted the font sizes in the PDF manual.
  30. Better handling of localized strings when a bundle is missing (because the application is damaged).
  31. Mac OS X 10.10 no longer logs an error related to the main window’s trial button.
  32. Worked around an OS bug that could cause a crash when reading DropDMG’s log file.
  33. Fixed a bug where DropDMG would report an error if you tried to delete from the log detail drawer.
  34. Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when editing license agreements.
  35. Fixed a bug where blank disk images sometimes had the wrong internal file ownership.
  36. Fixed a regression where the Preferences window wouldn’t open when running in Japanese.
  37. Updated the localizations.
  38. We need help keeping DropDMG’s Italian and Japanese localizations up-to-date. Please contact [email protected] if you’re interested.
  39. DropDMG now requires Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later.
  40. DropDMG’s Automator action now requires Mac OS X 10.9 or later. This is because Xcode has dropped support for Objective-C garbage collection, but Mac OS X 10.8 and earlier only support garbage collected Automator actions. If you need to use DropDMG and Automator with Mac OS X 10.8 or earlier, you can run DropDMG