1. ___¦¦¦¦___ ___¦
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  17. _¦¦¦_ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦___ ̦¦¦ ANSi·JED<ACiD>
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  22. +---- In Their 29th Year of Glory, FairLight Released #1099 ----+
  23. ++---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  24. ++ Anna's Quest (c) Daedalic Entertainment ++
  25. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------++
  26. : Supplied by: FAIRLIGHT : : Release Date: 02/07/2015 :
  27. ¦ Cracked by: FAIRLIGHT ¦ ¦ Game Type: Adventure ¦
  28. ¦ Packaged by: FAIRLIGHT ¦ ¦ Image Format: ISO ¦
  29. +-------------------------------------¦ +------------------------------------¦
  30. ¦ DISCS: 1 ¦ ¦ Protection: - ¦
  31. ¦ ------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------- ¦
  32. ¦ System Requirements : Nobody knows! ¦
  33. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  34. Game information:
  35. =================
  36. Dragons, witches, trolls... No one can stop Anna. With her telekinesis,
  37. unorthodox use of torture instruments, a knack for improvisation and the
  38. help of a shady fox she just makes her way. She communes with the dead,
  39. shuts off the local taverns beer supply and gets old ladies behind bars...
  40. The world of author Dane Krams' debut on the game development stage isn't
  41. as cuddly as it may seem. Anna however, is actually perfectly nice - or is
  42. she? It all starts with freeing talking teddy bear...
  43. Anna's Quest unfolds a hand-drawn, grim tale with a good dash of
  44. self-irony.
  45. Features:
  46. =========
  47. * Unlimited inventory with special slot for a baby dragon
  48. * Small-time Vandalism
  49. * Discover a Unicorn's inner beauty
  50. * Black magic and telekinesis - this time, not exclusive to
  51. villains!
  52. * Executions for the whole family!
  53. * light-hearted, courageous, bad-ass: Anna
  54. * Classic Point & Click controls with hotspot-indicator
  55. * Awesome ending (really!)
  56. Installation Information:
  57. =========================
  58. * Burn or mount
  59. * Install
  60. * Play the game
  61. NOTE: As usual, block the game exe in your firewall.
  63. ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  64. ++ +-+ QUALITY, TRADITION AND PRIDE +-+ ++
  65. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+