1. [Bug?] Abilities consuming buffs on animation ending
  2. Pre 7.x every ability that consumed a buff did so when the animation started, now it does so when the animation is finished. This is super annoying and I'm not sure it is intentional since it feels buggy/weird.
  3. Example:
  4. Old:
  5. Player gains Wrecking Ball Buff
  6. Player presses Whirlwind
  7. Whirlwind animation starts
  8. Buff Fades
  9. Whirlwind animation ends
  10. New:
  11. Player gains Wrecking Ball Buff
  12. Player presses Whirlwind
  13. Whirlwind animation starts
  14. Whirlwind animation ends
  15. Buff Fades
  16. It's not only Wrecking Ball but every other proc like Divine Purpose etc, that's why I assume it was a global change.
  17. Would love to see this reconsidered