1. Kal Desar, Karthacki Footsman
  2. Race: Human(1)
  3. Att: 160 (7)
  4. Skills: 6 (3)
  5. Profs: 18 (7)
  6. Wealth: Minor Noble [3W] (6)
  7. Boons: -10 (2)
  8. 26/26 CRP
  9. Money: Enough
  10. CP: 16/14
  11. MP: 8
  12. FR: 2x (3 Fatigue Per Round)
  13. CAR: 11/12
  14. STR 6 AGI 8 HT 6 END 6
  15. WIL 6 WIT 4 INT 4 PER 8
  16. ADR 6 TOU 6 CHA 9 MOB 10 GRIT 6 CAR 12
  17. Profs:
  18. Noble School Level 8 10gp
  19. Polearm (+2) Katakama Yari
  20. 1H Sword (+0)
  21. Bow (+0)
  22. Grappling (+0)
  23. Talents:
  24. Flourishing Drills [N]
  25. Slowpoke [N]
  26. In-Fighter [N]
  27. Good Form: Hook [J]
  28. Head Guard [J]
  29. Ironwall [J]
  30. Skills:
  31. Athletics 3
  32. Observation 3
  33. Drill 3
  34. Leadership 1
  35. Weapons:
  36. Karthacki Hook Spear (Ge) w/ Tight Grip 1 and Fineforging 3 Polearm|2H|VL|7(+3p)|7(+2p)|7(0)|AP Swing 1, Heavy Weapon, Hook, Tight Grip 1 5WT|5sp
  37. Khyber Knife Sword|1H|S|7(+0c)|7(+1p)|7(0)|Draw 2, Thin Blade|0WT|1sp
  38. Armor:
  39. Conical Helm 8/7/6 Upper Head Hard, +2 vs Downward Swings 2WT|2sp
  40. Quilted Coif+Camail 2/3/4 Upper Head, Lower Head, Neck, Shoulders Textile 1sp
  41. Mail Coif 6/4/3 Upper Head, Lower Head, Neck Layer 1 1WT|2sp
  42. Steel Facemask 8/7/6 Faceϕ Constricts Breathing 1, Hard 2WT/-1PP 8sp
  43. Lamellar Vest 5/5/5 Full Torso Hard 1WT|1gp
  44. Mail Vest and Short Sleeves Full Torso, Shoulder, Upper Arm Hard, Layer 1, Mail 1WT
  45. Quilted Sash 2/3/4 Belly, Groin, Hips, Thighs Textile 1sp
  46. Couters 8/7/6 Elbowϕ Hard 1WT 5sp
  47. Vambraces 8/7/6 Forearm Hard 1WT 5sp
  48. Gauntlets 8/7/6 Handϕ Hard 2WT 5sp
  49. Hardened Leather Kneeguards and Greaves 2sp
  50. Leather Leggings 2sp
  51. Leather Boots 3/2/2 Feet 1sp
  52. ???sp|11WT
  53. Misc Items:
  54. Burdinadin Prosthetic Lower Leg 25gp
  55. Boons & Banes (-10):
  56. True Grit (6)
  57. Literate (1)
  58. Allies (5, SC)
  59. Hale and Hearty (2, SC)
  60. Oath, Fealty to the God-King (-2)
  61. Severed Limb, Left Lower Leg (-15)