1. grib2scan -v sref_prob.20140604.15z.grib2
  2. Record 1 starts at 0 of length 186437
  3. Discipline=0 (Meteorological)
  4. Reference Time = 2014-06-04 15:00:00 (Start of Forecast)
  5. Field 1
  6. GDT=30 (Lambert Conformal) nx*ny=385441
  7. nx=697 ny=553 lon1=214.500000 lat1=1.000000
  8. reflon=253.000000 dx=16232.000000 dy=16232.000000
  9. latin1=50.000000 latin2=50.000000
  10. PDT=9 6 Hour Accumulation BegTime = 2014-06-05 09:00 EndTime = 2014-06-05 15:00
  11. Parameter: disc,cat,num,sp = 0,1,8,1
  12. Level: ltype,lval = 1,0 (sf,sval = 0 0)
  13. Prob: type,lim = 1,1.27 (Probability of event above 1.27)
  14. DRT=40 (Grid Point Data - JPEG2000 Compression) (Lossless)
  15. ctl: var1.1 0,1,0 a1,1.27 0,1,8,1 description
  16. Record 2 starts at 186437 of length 23772
  17. Discipline=0 (Meteorological)
  18. Reference Time = 2014-06-04 15:00:00 (Start of Forecast)
  19. Field 1
  20. GDT=30 (Lambert Conformal) nx*ny=385441
  21. nx=697 ny=553 lon1=214.500000 lat1=1.000000
  22. reflon=253.000000 dx=16232.000000 dy=16232.000000
  23. latin1=50.000000 latin2=50.000000
  24. PDT=9 3 Hour Accumulation BegTime = 2014-06-05 18:00 EndTime = 2014-06-05 21:00
  25. Parameter: disc,cat,num,sp = 0,1,8,1
  26. Level: ltype,lval = 1,0 (sf,sval = 0 0)
  27. Prob: type,lim = 1,12.7 (Probability of event above 12.7)
  28. DRT=40 (Grid Point Data - JPEG2000 Compression) (Lossless)
  29. ctl: var2.1 0,1,0 a1,12.7 0,1,8,1 description
  30. Record 3 starts at 210209 of length 293919
  31. Discipline=0 (Meteorological)
  32. Reference Time = 2014-06-04 15:00:00 (Start of Forecast)
  33. Field 1
  34. GDT=30 (Lambert Conformal) nx*ny=385441
  35. nx=697 ny=553 lon1=214.500000 lat1=1.000000
  36. reflon=253.000000 dx=16232.000000 dy=16232.000000
  37. latin1=50.000000 latin2=50.000000
  38. PDT=9 3 Hour Accumulation BegTime = 2014-06-06 03:00 EndTime = 2014-06-06 06:00
  39. Parameter: disc,cat,num,sp = 0,1,8,1
  40. Level: ltype,lval = 1,0 (sf,sval = 0 0)
  41. Prob: type,lim = 1,0.25 (Probability of event above 0.25)
  42. DRT=40 (Grid Point Data - JPEG2000 Compression) (Lossless)
  43. ctl: var3.1 0,1,0 a1,0.25 0,1,8,1 description
  44. Record 4 starts at 504128 of length 41367
  45. Discipline=0 (Meteorological)
  46. Reference Time = 2014-06-04 15:00:00 (Start of Forecast)
  47. Field 1
  48. GDT=30 (Lambert Conformal) nx*ny=385441
  49. nx=697 ny=553 lon1=214.500000 lat1=1.000000
  50. reflon=253.000000 dx=16232.000000 dy=16232.000000
  51. latin1=50.000000 latin2=50.000000
  52. PDT=9 24 Hour Accumulation BegTime = 2014-06-05 12:00 EndTime = 2014-06-06 12:00
  53. Parameter: disc,cat,num,sp = 0,1,8,1
  54. Level: ltype,lval = 1,0 (sf,sval = 0 0)
  55. Prob: type,lim = 1,38.1 (Probability of event above 38.1)
  56. DRT=40 (Grid Point Data - JPEG2000 Compression) (Lossless)
  57. ctl: var4.1 0,1,0 a1,38.1 0,1,8,1 description
  58. Record 5 starts at 545495 of length 154476
  59. Discipline=0 (Meteorological)
  60. Reference Time = 2014-06-04 15:00:00 (Start of Forecast)
  61. Field 1
  62. GDT=30 (Lambert Conformal) nx*ny=385441
  63. nx=697 ny=553 lon1=214.500000 lat1=1.000000
  64. reflon=253.000000 dx=16232.000000 dy=16232.000000
  65. latin1=50.000000 latin2=50.000000
  66. PDT=9 6 Hour Accumulation BegTime = 2014-06-06 18:00 EndTime = 2014-06-07 00:00
  67. Parameter: disc,cat,num,sp = 0,1,8,1
  68. Level: ltype,lval = 1,0 (sf,sval = 0 0)
  69. Prob: type,lim = 1,2.54 (Probability of event above 2.54)
  70. DRT=40 (Grid Point Data - JPEG2000 Compression) (Lossless)
  71. ctl: var5.1 0,1,0 a1,2.54 0,1,8,1 description
  72. Record 6 starts at 699971 of length 5037
  73. Discipline=0 (Meteorological)
  74. Reference Time = 2014-06-04 15:00:00 (Start of Forecast)
  75. Field 1
  76. GDT=30 (Lambert Conformal) nx*ny=385441
  77. nx=697 ny=553 lon1=214.500000 lat1=1.000000
  78. reflon=253.000000 dx=16232.000000 dy=16232.000000
  79. latin1=50.000000 latin2=50.000000
  80. PDT=9 12 Hour Accumulation BegTime = 2014-06-06 21:00 EndTime = 2014-06-07 09:00
  81. Parameter: disc,cat,num,sp = 0,1,8,1
  82. Level: ltype,lval = 1,0 (sf,sval = 0 0)
  83. Prob: type,lim = 1,101.6 (Probability of event above 101.6)
  84. DRT=40 (Grid Point Data - JPEG2000 Compression) (Lossless)
  85. ctl: var6.1 0,1,0 a1,101.6 0,1,8,1 description
  86. Record 7 starts at 705008 of length 24448
  87. Discipline=0 (Meteorological)
  88. Reference Time = 2014-06-04 15:00:00 (Start of Forecast)
  89. Field 1
  90. GDT=30 (Lambert Conformal) nx*ny=385441
  91. nx=697 ny=553 lon1=214.500000 lat1=1.000000
  92. reflon=253.000000 dx=16232.000000 dy=16232.000000
  93. latin1=50.000000 latin2=50.000000
  94. PDT=9 3 Hour Accumulation BegTime = 2014-06-07 18:00 EndTime = 2014-06-07 21:00
  95. Parameter: disc,cat,num,sp = 0,1,8,1
  96. Level: ltype,lval = 1,0 (sf,sval = 0 0)
  97. Prob: type,lim = 1,12.7 (Probability of event above 12.7)
  98. DRT=40 (Grid Point Data - JPEG2000 Compression) (Lossless)
  99. ctl: var7.1 0,1,0 a1,12.7 0,1,8,1 description
  100. EOF rc=0