2. Master the top 50 formulas in just 50 minutes!
  3. Understand the essence of these formulas, without memorizing them!
  4. See how each of these formulas is used with real examples!
  5. After this class you will be able to:
  6. Actually SMILE when you open a spreadsheet :-)
  7. Brag to your friends about how you can use Excel formulas and Excel functions confidently!
  8. If you're like me, you use Microsoft Excel on a daily basis for important tasks, text processing, or calculations. Whether it's for business or personal related projects, everyone wants to be able to use these formulas freely and easily.
  9. If you're ready to gain full control of Excel Formulas TODAY, take the “Excel -Master the Top 50 Formulas in 50 minutes from Scratch" course right now and master the following formulas:
  10. Text Formulas:
  11. Concatenate
  12. Find
  13. Left
  14. Len
  15. Lower
  16. Mid
  17. Proper
  18. Rept
  19. Substitute
  20. Trim
  21. Upper
  22. Value
  23. Mathematical Formulas:
  24. Average
  25. Int
  26. Mod
  27. Rand
  28. Round
  29. Sum
  30. Date and Time Formulas:
  31. Day
  32. Hour
  33. Minute
  34. Month
  35. Networkdays
  36. Now
  37. Second
  38. Today
  39. Weekday
  40. Year
  41. Logic Formulas:
  42. And
  43. Countblank
  44. Countif
  45. If
  46. Large
  47. Max
  48. Min
  49. Not
  50. Or
  51. Small
  52. Sumif
  53. Vlookup
  54. Financial Formulas:
  55. Fv
  56. Npv
  57. Pmt
  58. Ppmt
  59. Informational Formulas:
  60. Column
  61. Isblank
  62. Iserror
  63. Isnumber
  64. Istext
  65. Row
  66. More Excel topics are being added monthly! We have partnered up with MyExcelOnline to bring more Excel content to you and make you better in Excel!
  67. POWER BI
  68. We will learn how to create your own report dashboard from your source data! You will learn:
  69. Installing Power BI Desktop for FREE
  70. Getting Data from a data source (Power Query)
  71. Cleaning Data (Power Query)
  72. Creating a Data Model (Power Pivot)
  73. Create cool visualizations and charts (Power View)
  74. Publishing it to your own dashboard online (Power BI Website)
  75. And you will use live source data in creating your own Power BI Dashboard!
  76. CHARTS
  77. In this section we explain the various Charts that are in Excel, like the Bar, Column, Line, Pie, XY Scatter, Bubble, Stock, Smart Art and Sparklines!
  79. We take it up a notch in this section and showcase the new Charts that were introduced in Excel 2016, like:
  80. • Box and Whisker
  81. • Histogram Chart
  82. • Pareto Chart
  83. • Sunburst Chart
  84. • Treemap Chart
  85. • Waterfall Chart
  86. We also show you how you can combine various Charts in a graph:
  87. • Area Chart: Highlight Chart Sections
  88. • Add an Interactive Vertical Column in Your Excel Line Chart
  89. • Add Marker Options in a Chart
  90. • Overlap Graphs
  91. • Add Trendlines to Charts
  93. We take it up a notch to clean your dirty data and showcase the things you can do in Excel Power Query!
  94. Introduction
  95. - Excel Power Query Editor Ribbon
  96. Transform Data
  97. - Trim in Excel Power Query
  98. - Format Dates and Values in Excel Power Query
  99. - Parsing URLs in Excel Power Query
  100. - Split Text Fields in Excel Power Query
  101. - Group By in Excel Power Query
  102. - Unpivoting Columns
  103. - Pivoting Columns
  104. - Split Columns into Other Columns
  105. - Filtering Rows and adding a "Year" Column
  106. - Sorting Data
  107. - Transform vs Add Columns
  108. From Folder
  109. - Import From Folder in Excel Power Query
  110. - Doing Auto Cleanup in Excel Power Query
  111. - Extract Data from Forms in Excel Power Query
  112. From Workbook
  113. - Extract Multiple Criteria in Excel Power Query
  114. - Extract Multiple Worksheets in Excel Power Query
  115. Joins
  116. - Intro to Joins
  117. - Merging
  118. - Full Outer Join
  119. - Right Anti Join
  120. Tips and Tricks
  121. - Convert Reports into Pivot Tables
  122. - Modulo