1. /admin hero skill learn <palyer> <class> <skill> <flag>
  2. `/admin hero skill prepare <player> <skill> <flag>
  3. I could do that
  4. As a recap
  5. There are three main components to what I got
  6. 4 actually
  7. Skills now have their own individual level in respect to the class they are for
  8. so you can have stuff like Fireball I, Fireball II.
  9. skill would need to look at the level and scale acordingly however
  10. Skill can be set to require that you learn them
  11. Skills can be set to require that you prepare them
  12. Learned = knowing the skill
  13. Prepared = you know the skill, but the skill may need some prep time.
  14. Kainzo - Today at 8:04 PM
  15. OMG
  16. That's awesome
  17. Driving will finish soon
  18. Soren - Today at 8:05 PM
  19. Finally, something I forgot about until I skimmed the codebase
  20. There is the ability to designate a Heroclass as the global skill set
  21. A heroclass that you dont asign, but exists as a pool of skills that everyone can access
  22. Here is where you would put skills that come from say holding items
  23. that can be used by any class
  24. so items can have skills
  25. ya, its all coming back to me
  26. Kainzo - Today at 8:30 PM
  27. hmmm
  28. can you explain to me how tha twould work?
  29. We assign and lock "Global" class and then we assign "all skills" to global
  30. and hten anyone can use them?
  31. Soren - Today at 9:05 PM
  32. ya, you would configure this class to be primary: false, profession: false, global: true
  33. The players would never see this class, but would have access to its skills.
  34. atleast thats how I had intended it to work, I am actually finding places where I may not have implemented it into various systems.
  35. How that would work for item skills.
  36. Basicly you have a skill in the Global Class
  37. that skill requires preperation to use
  38. when an item is heald, set prepared to true
  39. when the item is no longer heald, set prepared to false
  40. thus you can only use that skill while holding the item, the item is the preperation for said skill
  41. Kainzo - Today at 9:33 PM
  42. Oh cool
  43. Can you show me an example config for that?
  44. Would it go in skills.yml?
  45. Soren - Today at 9:35 PM
  46. It looks for the global class same way it looks for the default hero class and profession
  47. so its just a matter of having this in a heroclasses config
  48. default: false
  49. default-prof: false
  50. global: true