1. <blockquote>A developer recently said,
  2. "We "scramble" our copy protection
  3. source code directly every time a
  4. release build is performed. It
  5. takes a while to get something like
  6. that, build times are longer, and
  7. debugging can be a bit more tricky, but
  8. for us, it was worth it. The latest
  9. working cracks for our products are
  10. nearly 2 years old. Six new products
  11. have not been cracked (yet), which
  12. never happened before."
  13. A witch says,
  14. Developer added many new protections
  15. and files are getting fat. But none
  16. of them are effective for our 2019
  17. crack method. One witch says, it
  18. took her 2 hours to complete first
  19. crack (to check the change from 2019).
  20. Then we spent 5-15 minutes per product.
  21. Developer is misunderstanding something.
  22. Another fact is that we haven't even checked
  23. thier products for a while because we spent
  24. more time for dongles. Say thanks to PACE
  25. and WIBU for protecting AudioThing :)</blockquote>