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  28. | P R.E S E N T S . |
  29. | / . |
  30. | Jump Start Adobe XD |
  31. | |
  32. | |
  33. | |
  34. | DATE: 2017-11-16 SIZE: 13.69 MB DISKS: 2x 10MB PAGES: n/a |
  35. | |
  36. | PUBLISHER: SitePoint GENRE: |
  37. | |
  38. | AUTHOR: Daniel Schwarz |
  39. | |
  41. | |
  42. | URL: https://is.gd/Q8Fk5T |
  43. | |
  44. | LANGUAGE: English ISBN: 9781492020660 |
  45. : :
  46. : Get a Jump Start on the up and coming UX design and prototyping power tool :
  47. : Experience Design! Experience Design CC (also known as XD) is a brand new :
  48. : design tool from Adobe. With a clean, uncluttered UI and a raft of powerfu :
  49. : features--such as live preview, Repeat Grids, artboards, symbols and :
  50. : collaboration tools--XD is designed from the ground up to streamline the U :
  51. : design process. It makes creating interactive, sharable prototypes a snap! :
  52. : This book provides a rapid and practical introduction to using Adobe XD fo :
  53. : UX design and prototyping. You'll: Get to grips with XD's clean UI and :
  54. : efficient keyboard shortcuts Use XD's powerful tools, such as repeat grid :
  55. : and symbols, to rapidly create wireframes and prototypes Create interactiv :
  56. : prototypes with ease Collaborate with stakeholders using built-in sharing :
  57. : and feedback tools And more! :
  58. . :
  59. .:
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