- [Rainmeter]
- Author=RudeBoySes
- Website=http://rudeboyses.deviantart.com/
- [Metadata]
- Name=Essential Bar
- Config=
- Description=Display Bar for Minimalist
- Instructions=Enable background for your monitor size, enable desired displays.
- Version=1.0
- Tags=Essential, Minimal, Bar
- License=
- Variant=
- Preview=
- ;End of added Metadata
- [Variables]
- ;Find your code at Weather.com,
- ;e.g: Taipei is TWXX0021.
- ;e.g: Willow Grove, PA is "USPA1801"
- ;Replace "Location=TWXX0021" below with your code.
- ;Replace Metric=F with Metric=C for Celcius
- ;Font=Segoe UI can also be replaced with your liking.
- Font=Segoe UI
- Metric=F
- Location=USPA1801
- [MeasureWeatherRSS]
- Measure=Plugin
- Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll
- UpdateRate=3600
- Url=http://xml.weather.com/weather/local/#Location#?cc=*&unit=#Metric#&dayf=0
- RegExp="(?siU)<weather ver="(.*)">(.*)<tmp>(.*)</tmp>(.*)<t>(.*)</t>(.*)<icon>(.*)</icon>(.*)"
- StringIndex=1
- IfAboveValue=1
- IfAboveAction=!execute [!RainmeterHideMeter MeterIconNA][!RainmeterShowMeter MeterIcon]
- ;Debug=1
- [MeasureWeatherTemp]
- Measure=Plugin
- Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll
- Url=[MeasureWeatherRSS]
- StringIndex=3
- [MeasureWeatherDesc]
- Measure=Plugin
- Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll
- Url=[MeasureWeatherRSS]
- StringIndex=5
- [MeasureWeatherIcon]
- Measure=Plugin
- Plugin=Plugins\WebParser.dll
- Url=[MeasureWeatherRSS]
- StringIndex=7
- [MeterTemp]
- MeasureName=MeasureWeatherTemp
- Meter=STRING
- X=6
- Y=4
- FontColor=C6DEFF
- StringStyle=NORMAL
- FontSize=7
- StringAlign=LEFT
- FontFace=calibri
- Antialias=1
- Postfix="°"
- [MeterRSS]
- MeasureName=MeasureWeatherIcon
- Meter=STRING
- X=50
- Y=18
- FontColor=ffffff
- FontSize=5
- StringAlign=LEFT
- StringStyle=NORMAL
- FontFace=tahoma
- Antialias=1
- [MeterIconNA]
- ImageName=na.png
- Meter=IMAGE
- X=3
- Y=2
- [MeterIcon]
- MeasureName=MeasureWeatherIcon
- Meter=IMAGE
- X=3
- Y=2
Weather Update for Rainmeter 3.0