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- Total War: ROME II - Hannibal at the Gates (c) SEGA
- 03/2014 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Steam+CEG
- 1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Strategy
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- ----
- This release is standalone, an addon of this DLC would require 17 GB over a 23
- GB installation dir.
- It includes full game with latest update, Caesar in Gaul and Hannibal at the
- Gates official campaign addons.
- This release includes the following DLC:
- - Greek States Culture Pack
- - Nomadic Tribes Culture Pack
- - Baktria Faction Pack
- - Seleucid Empire Faction Pack
- - Blood & Gore
- - Caesar in Gaul
- - Beasts of War
- - Hannibal at the Gates
- ----
- Total War: ROME II Hannibal at the Gates
- Dropping you into the Western Mediterranean at the outbreak of the 2nd Punic
- War, Hannibal at the Gates features a new campaign map focused on the period
- that brought the ancient-world superpowers of Rome and Carthage to all-out
- war.
- One of the most famous in history, the conflict demonstrated the tactical
- genius of great rival generals Scipio and Hannibal. Can you recreate their
- remarkable strategies, or can you do better? How will you change history?
- You enter the war as Carthage or Rome, command the noble Hellenic city-state
- of Syracuse, or, for the first time in ROME II, play an Iberian faction as
- the Arevaci or the Lusitani.
- Hannibal at the Gates also features:
- New Campaign Map:
- A more detailed representation of the western Mediterranean than the ROME II
- map, with players able to expand across 19 provinces dotted with resources
- and settlements. The major powers of the time, Rome and Carthage, begin at
- loggerheads but with a number of key regions and client states under their
- control. Syracuse, the Arevaci and the Lusitani all start with a single
- region, offering a significantly different and more formidable challenge than
- playing as one of the two great empires.
- Diplomacy-focused Technology:
- Rome and Carthage both feature new civil tech-tree branches focused on
- diplomacy. Both sides begin with multiple allies and client states, and can
- undermine their opponents' support by diplomatic means.
- 12 Turns per-year:
- With a time period covering events between 218 - 202BC, each turn in Hannibal
- at the Gates represents a month, and the campaign transitions through all
- four seasons of the year, complete with seasonal gameplay effects.
- Compact, focused Multiplayer Campaign:
- For those generals seeking a more rapid Multiplayer Campaign game, Hannibal
- at the Gates' tighter geographic scope makes co-op or competitive 2-player
- campaigns more focused and faster than a full Grand Campaign.
- New Historical Battles:
- Hannibal at the Gates adds two new Historical Battles: the Battle of Cannae
- (216BC) and the Battle of Zama (202BC). Both battles marked key points in the
- 2nd Punic War, with Cannae representing the high point of Hannibal's invasion
- of Italy, and Zama marking the completion of Rome's victory and dominance
- over Carthage.
- New Playable Factions for Total War: ROME II
- In addition to mighty Carthage and Rome, players can fight the 2nd Punic War
- as three new factions: the Arevaci, the Lusitani and Syracuse, each one
- featuring its own faction traits, characteristics, unique units and campaign
- start-position. If Hannibal at the Gates is owned, these factions are also
- playable in the ROME II Grand Campaign.
- The Arevaci
- Imperialist expansion has brought both Carthage and Rome to the Arevaci's
- door, although it is Hannibal that currently shares a border with the warlike
- Celtiberian tribe. As the campaign begins, the Arevaci are neutral but have a
- clear choice before them: unite with Hannibal and risk genocidal retaliation
- from the Romans, or remain on good terms with Rome and face the certainty of
- Carthaginian wrath. Despite their knowledge of the terrain and superb
- fighting prowess, the Arevaci cannot take on both superpowers at once. For
- now, they maintain their neutrality, but it cannot last. Someone must control
- the Iberian peninsula, could it be the Arevaci?
- The Lusitani
- The Lusitani lived in Iberia long before Carthage or Rome disturbed the
- region. They are, like their distant cousins the Suebi, not a single clan but
- a confederation of smaller tribes, working together for defensive and mutual
- gain Fierce and agile warriors, the Lusitani are well suited to guerrilla
- warfare. As Hannibal's Carthaginian army marches through lands previously
- controlled by Rome, there is opportunity for the Lusitani to expand beyond
- their bounds and claim back Iberia from its invaders. However, though there
- may be prudence in caution, even fraternisation with the enemy at first,
- eventually they must be expelled from the land!
- Syracuse
- The city-state of Syracuse is renowned throughout the ancient world as a
- centre for culture and science. It is also rich; Syracuse benefits greatly
- from its prime position in the central Mediterranean. A string of tyrants
- dominate its history, defending the city's autonomy against fellow Greeks,
- Carthaginians and threats from within. In 218BC, both Rome and Carthage would
- like to see Syracuse under their control once and for all. As the two
- superpowers go to war again, it stands on a precipice - will Syracuse forge
- its own destiny or fall into obscurity as just another colonial possession?
- New Units
- Alongside their regular unit rosters, the playable factions in Hannibal at
- the Gates get the following new units. If you own Hannibal at the Gates,
- these units will also be available in the ROME II Grand Campaign:
- Arevaci
- Painted Warriors (melee infantry)
- Painted bodies and unpleasant stenches instil fear in unlucky opponents,
- which is half the battle.
- Celtiberian Cavalry (melee cavalry)
- A versatile cavalry strike force when commanded by a skilled general.
- Lusitani
- Lusitani Guerrillas (stealth spear infantry)
- Moving unseen to ambush their opponents, these stealthy guerrilla fighters
- are masters of their craft.
- Lusitani Spearmen (spear infantry)
- Skilled tribal spearmen whose reputation on the battlefield is fully
- deserved.
- Syracuse
- Picked Hoplites (elite hoplites, also available to Athens)
- The cream of citizen hoplites to proudly defend their city from invasion.
- New Roman Auxiliary units:
- Auxiliary Scutarii (Iberian melee infantry)
- These Iberians are more than able to serve Rome at the front of a battle
- line.
- Auxiliary Scutarii Cavalry (Iberian melee cavalry)
- These heavy cavalrymen add a touch of Iberian fire to otherwise conservative
- Roman ranks.
- New Iberian Mercenary units:
- Mercenary Scutarii (Iberian melee infantry)
- Large, well-paid men with falcatas can settle a surprisingly large number of
- arguments.
- Mercenary Scutarii Cavalry (Iberian melee cavalry)
- These mounted mercenaries are a fine force for close-quarters combat.
- New Italian Mercenary units:
- Mercenary Etruscan Hoplites (Italian hoplites)
- Equipped and trained in the Greek fashion, Rome's former masters remain a
- force to be reckoned with.
- Mercenary Samnite Warriors (Italian heavy infantry)
- Conquered peoples can still produce the finest warriors.
- Mercenary Campanian Cavalry (Italian heavy cavalry)
- Noble horsemen from some of the finest pastures of the peninsula.
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- 1. Unrar.
- 2. Burn or mount the image.
- 3. Install the game.
- 4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory on the image to
- your game install directory.
- 5. Play the game.
- 6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
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