1. [email protected]:Klausman99 | Username = a.kautz10 | Date of birth = 9/1/01 | Country = NEW ZEALAND | Plan = Spotify Premium | Next Billing Date = 9/23/20
  2. [email protected]:Ray820412 | Username = gmzt5zmrvuft0lw35ludom66z | Date of birth = 4/12/93 | Country = TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Plan = Spotify Premium Family | Next Billing Date = 9/26/20 | Payment Method = Your card ending in 3688 | Expiry = 07/2022 | invite Token = B1C19Cyb726cb1Z | Max Cpacity = 6 | Invites Left = 3/6 | invite link = https://www.spotify.com/tw/family/join/invite/B1C19Cyb726cb1Z/ | is Child Account = False | Address = No. 38, Lane 150, Yongai Road, Su'ao Township, Yilan County, Taiwan 270 | Onboarding State = finished | home Id = 83a8a865-903d-4604-8cc9-a45f56ba3213
  3. [email protected]:Martina14 | Username = martina7x2 | Date of birth = 2/20/95 | Country = SPAIN | Plan = Spotify Premium Family | Next Billing Date = | Expiry = | Max Cpacity = 6 | Invites Left = 6/6 | invite link = https://www.spotify.com/es/family/join/invite/<invite Token>/ | is Child Account = False | home Id = 16e5b1f5-21b0-494d-bce3-a46ac4fc6c11
  4. [email protected]:82DW7frz99 | Date of birth = 1/3/99 | Country = BRAZIL | Plan = Spotify Premium Family | Next Billing Date = | Expiry = | Max Cpacity = 6 | Invites Left = 4/6 | invite link = https://www.spotify.com/br/family/join/invite/<invite Token>/ | is Child Account = False | home Id = 34a3c7ce-1b97-427c-9843-a6b25ad23e64
  5. [email protected]:Blakbox1! | Username = sam.lucas999 | Date of birth = 2/2/99 | Country = AUSTRALIA | Plan = Premium for Students | Next Billing Date = 9/24/20 | Payment Method = Mastercard ending in 4551 | Expiry = 03/2023