1. Another exquisit release
  2. Packt.Ultimate.CSS.Grid.Course.From.Beginner.to.Advanced-XQZT
  3. Title: Ultimate CSS Grid Course: From Beginner to Advanced
  4. Publisher: Packt
  5. Size: 425M (444847626 B)
  6. Files: 9F
  7. Date: 11/16/2017
  8. Course #: 9781788994477
  9. Type: N/A
  10. Published: Wednesday, November 15, 2017
  11. Modified: N/A
  12. URL: www.packtpub.com/virtualization-and-cloud/implementing-configuration-management-monitoring-and-security-devops-video
  13. Author: Peter Sommerhoff
  14. Duration: 2 hours and 17 minutes
  15. Skill: N/A
  16. Exercise: [X]
  17. Installation:
  18. Unpack that shit, run that shit
  19. Weve abandoned iso format as it provides no benefits to bookware!
  20. Notes:
  21. In this course, you'll learn how to use all CSS properties
  22. defined in the CSS Grid specification, complete several
  23. exercise sheets to apply your new skills and create your own
  24. layouts with CSS Grids, write concise and readable CSS code, even
  25. for complex layouts, sketch layout prototypes in no time using CSS
  26. grid layouts, learn the basics of how this complements Flexbox and
  27. can work in combination with Sass. This course provides an
  28. excellent in-depth look at how to get up and running using
  29. SASS/SCSS. The instructor was very knowledgeable about
  30. SASS/SCSS and was able to provide explanations and examples that
  31. were relatively easy to follow assuming you have a pretty good
  32. understanding of CSS. There are many practice exercises
  33. included in this course for you to apply what you learn, along
  34. with my proposed solutions to look up on GitHub. So you'll get to
  35. apply and manifest your skills right away.