1. 1489447 DBG_ANALYZER idaDefineStyle() internal assertion when the same style is defined twice
  2. 1489431 DBG_ANALYZER idaDefineStyle() has character restrictions in style name which do not trigger an error
  3. 1503435 DBG_ANALYZER Problem in sending e events to waves with IDA
  4. 1469726 DBG_ANALYZER copy command error when using ida_database -open -name /tmp/aaa/ida.db command
  5. 1447284 DBG_ANALYZER IDA shows wrong stack when using "first of"
  6. 1471913 DBG_ANALYZER No syntax highlighting for file with .vh extension (file meant to be `included)
  7. 1342814 DBG_ANALYZER ESW_BETA: View of waveform window follow the DEBUG_LOCATION Marker.
  8. 1456402 DBG_ANALYZER Missing disassembly
  9. 1437729 DBG_ANALYZER Breaking in assembly window
  10. 1514089 DBG_ANALYZER [ESWD] Multi-image PC trace mode - No disassembly, No second assembler source
  11. 1510976 DBG_ANALYZER [ESWD] PC trace mode warning pop-up every time debug cores changed
  12. 1353636 DBG_ANALYZER ESW_BETA : breakpoints not saved when saving user state
  13. 1421826 DBG_ANALYZER Stars manager for ESWD shows name "EMPTY DATA" for all items
  14. 1493237 DBG_ANALYZER "Cores" window refresh issue
  15. 1501065 DBG_ANALYZER [ESWD] Callstack window doesn't work properly (showing redundant functions)
  16. 1507098 DBG_ANALYZER not able to use the "go to previous operation" of a core
  17. 1487186 DBG_ANALYZER Disassembly is not stepping into statically linked library function
  18. 1507107 DBG_ANALYZER multi-core issue in disassembly / source / WF
  19. 1409224 DBG_ANALYZER better granularity for PC / ASM code link
  20. 1469010 DBG_ANALYZER OS signal 11 when restoring User State
  21. 1500510 DBG_ANALYZER [ESWD] supporting step/back into dis-assembly window
  22. 1539761 DBG_ANALYZER missing disassembly with multi-elf processor trace mode
  23. 1510161 DBG_ANALYZER assignment via set_value() is not recorded using debug analyzer
  24. 1504289 DBG_ANALYZER output from filtered method is shown as emty (NULL structs and empty lists).
  25. 1338868 DBG_ANALYZER debug_analyzer script gives error message with garbage when using -file with the irun command
  26. 1498853 DBG_ANALYZER IDA: OPTNOML: Multiple -R option specified, only 1 required.
  27. 1378379 DBG_ANALYZER ida feature request - db filename in title bar of smartlog
  28. 1463108 DBG_ANALYZER Save user state dialogue box defaults to .sav
  29. 1483023 DBG_ANALYZER Monospace fond for disassembly code
  30. 1287626 DBG_ANALYZER when restoring the 'value' attribute after it was removed - the radix option disappears from the drop-down menu
  31. 1345405 DBG_ANALYZER debug analyzer gui does not comes up
  32. 1487960 DBG_ANALYZER Undocked source debugger window is fixed on top
  33. 1491320 DBG_ANALYZER issue when changing variableS radix
  34. 1501039 DBG_ANALYZER [ESWD] cannot change dis-assembly window to monospace font
  35. 1492718 DBG_ANALYZER Cannot change radix anymore after removing columns in time tables
  36. 1501053 DBG_ANALYZER [ESWD] Changing Radix on the Variables doesn't work
  37. 1501055 DBG_ANALYZER [ESWD] set monospace font as default of Source window
  38. 1497620 DBG_ANALYZER filtering issues of variables
  39. 1501018 DBG_ANALYZER [ESWD] Support showing Japanese charactoers on the Source Viewer
  40. 1493952 DBG_ANALYZER GUI freeze when changing Time table radix
  41. 1400055 DBG_ANALYZER Order tools are set in the Path impacts simulator behavior.
  42. 1395880 DBG_ANALYZER Unconsitent color map case sensitivity
  43. 1512865 DBG_ANALYZER 'Jump Address' of Indago ESWD memory viewer doesn't work on testcase
  44. 1512591 DBG_ANALYZER 'Lowest Address' and 'Highest Address' forms of the memory viewer tab are not wide enough
  45. 1153467 DBG_ANALYZER Support refinement for temporal evaluations
  46. 1436515 DBG_ANALYZER When recording from a particular time, ida does not record to smartlog.
  47. 1449022 DBG_ANALYZER Recording of $fwrite results in huge log
  48. 1451972 DBG_ANALYZER nested deep_copy not recorded
  49. 1438118 DBG_ANALYZER messages that contain *E that are not error messages are starred when i invoke the GUI (marked as error message
  50. 1438652 DBG_ANALYZER direct access arrow is shown on a specific line , but the blue scope indication is missing.
  51. 1470953 DBG_ANALYZER IDA - Warning/Error should be given when nothing is matching in the ignore_sv_files argument
  52. 1457251 DBG_ANALYZER Recording Issue: Flow information not recorded
  53. 1481643 DBG_ANALYZER IDA performance: -sv_flow option 40 times slower than without IDA
  54. 1460415 DBG_ANALYZER Performance: 10X Slowdown when running with both -log and -wave
  55. 1463116 DBG_ANALYZER Bad formatting of sprintf messages in smartlog
  56. 1366672 DBG_ANALYZER searcher doesn't show progress status
  57. 1438131 DBG_ANALYZER Add Smart print to log window focus
  58. 1519825 DBG_ANALYZER Support having direct access arrows from the smartLog when using VMM
  59. 1420981 DBG_ANALYZER Not able to filter message by destination file
  60. 1463083 DBG_ANALYZER Smartlog query not saving end time properly
  61. 1507549 DBG_ANALYZER Value of packed union is not displayed in the Variables window of IDA
  62. 1342452 DBG_ANALYZER IDA can not open arrays which are located under a struct in SV, as opposed to a class
  63. 1465236 DBG_ANALYZER wrong value shown in the variables table for automatic variable
  64. 1524190 DBG_ANALYZER variable table shows incorrect value while LOG shows correct value of local variable
  65. 1487925 DBG_ANALYZER watch window shows N/A values for local variables and function params in 14.20.017-s. this works fine in previous vers
  66. 1506540 DBG_ANALYZER OS Signal11 when clicking class in variable window
  67. 1343169 DBG_ANALYZER virtual interface values are not shown in the variables table when the vif is inside a class
  68. 1533887 DBG_ANALYZER bug in recording of a value of a function output
  69. 1379669 DBG_ANALYZER Be able to add array elements to time tables
  70. 1379670 DBG_ANALYZER Be able to see more levels of hierarchy in time tables
  71. 1494228 DBG_ESW [ESWD] Encountered a parse error with R4 and M3
  72. 1487538 DBG_ESW Add an API to specify an offset of the recorded TARMAC
  73. 1490182 DBG_ESW ESWD crash when generating DB
  74. 1475649 DBG_ESW Need descriptive error message for mismatched arch kind and tarmac file when creating esw db
  75. 1517040 DBG_ESW [ESWD] Internal error when giving arch config file in pcshm flow
  76. 1507470 DBG_ESW need a way to change disassembly_tool for ARM cores
  77. 1486439 DBG_ESW Unclear error from Indago ESWD on architecture configuration file for generic processor trace format with single mode
  78. 1540477 DBG_ESW ESWD not showing global variables
  79. 1495036 DBG_ESW ESWD config disassembly_tool options issue
  80. 1469829 DBG_ESW Regression failure fixes on avs151/tip_in
  81. 1514115 DBG_ESW [ESWD] PC = FFFFFFFF in 32-bit mode
  82. 1512684 DBG_ESW [ESWD] PC-trace mode 64-bit PC truncated into 32-bit in eswtrace.shm
  83. 1510510 DBG_ESW Cannot trace a specific ESW function invocation, while the doc says it can
  84. 1501517 DBG_ESW [ESWD] multiple warn/error of probe variable causes internal exception
  85. 1504407 DBG_ESW [ESWD] [SOIO] Register probes installed using short name are not recorded under correct heirarchy in SHM
  86. 1501046 DBG_ESW [ESWD] esw -probe -variable produces no output for pointer types int *, long * etc
  87. 1440172 DBG_ESW Call stack shows "unknown function" from assembly source code
  88. 1440166 DBG_ESW "Step over" & "run to method start/end" funtion from assembly source code does not work
  89. 1442127 DBG_ESW Executed source lines are not shown as executed in source browser
  90. 1437556 DBG_ESW Step over function does not work
  91. 1494534 DBG_ESW Unclear error from Indago ESWD for user configuration file
  92. 1492677 DBG_ESW case issue for db creation
  93. 1492686 DBG_ESW multi-elf issue in processor trace mode
  94. 1507104 DBG_ESW Indago GUI lost due to ESWD tool failure when getting call stack frames
  95. 1506922 DBG_ESW not able to start indago
  96. 1507618 DBG_ESW ESWD tool failure for DWARF functions with 0 address ranges
  97. 1465406 DBG_ESW Internal Exception error when accessing global variables
  98. 1492959 DBG_ESW Does register probe capture over 0x8000000 value?
  99. 1491718 DBG_ESW [ESWD] probing register cause internal exception
  100. 1308369 DBG_SIMCOMPARE SimCompare prematurely displays success though comparison is still running
  101. 1441133 DBG_SIMVISION SimVision incorrectly uses vpi_handle(vpiConstraintExpr, ...) rather than vpi_iterate(vpiConstraintExpr, ...)
  102. 1441554 DBG_SIMVISION Enable Simvision to query for rand_mode not only in randomization call
  103. 1452811 DBG_SIMVISION Users must be able to see rand_mode within the watch window at any time, not just within randomize calls
  104. 1501192 DBG_SIMVISION simvision fit data y-axis does not work
  105. 1479075 DBG_SIMVISION IDA seems to become unresponsive.
  106. 1442918 DBG_SIMVISION Simvision shows internal errors while retrieving class objects
  107. 1278334 DBG_SIMVISION checkbutton to filter LP objects in the Signal pane of the Design Browser
  108. 1496926 DBG_SIMVISION Is there a reason why uvm_subscriber aren't showing up in UVM-hier in Design browser?
  109. 1513058 DBG_SIMVISION IES becomes unresponsive when probing uvm hier.
  110. 1456773 DBG_SIMVISION "-nclibdirname" option in simvision dosn't work.
  111. 1511971 DBG_SIMVISION Unable to do Design File Search with 14.21.046 in customer's environment
  112. 1507518 DBG_SIMVISION SimVision Issue: Reinvoke vs Exit Setting
  113. 1464187 DBG_SIMVISION multiple progressdialog processes running
  114. 1453888 DBG_SIMVISION Simvision bring-up time is slower w/ 1801
  115. 1450558 DBG_SIMVISION simvision performance is poor when sim includes UPF
  116. 1493528 DBG_SIMVISION Database restore doesn't work for power domain information
  117. 1463938 DBG_SIMVISION simulation becomes unresposive when simvison is started with command script, but no probe command
  118. 1447303 DBG_SIMVISION missing connection in schematic tracer
  119. 1438144 DBG_SIMVISION Verilog processes are not sent to the waveform window from the schematic.
  120. 1446859 DBG_SIMVISION Sending certain VHDL record element to Schematic Window causes fatal error in ncsim
  121. 1354392 DBG_SIMVISION Please make showing the RTL symbols in the schematic viewer on by default
  122. 1477986 DBG_SIMVISION Simvision issues with Light weight debug snapshot fetaure
  123. 1449236 DBG_SIMVISION Trace drivers takes 10 minutes
  124. 1519170 DBG_SIMVISION driver tracing reports an expression as contributor but cannot trace further
  125. 1367405 DBG_SIMVISION Source browser does not work correctly for signal/instance which has Extended Identifier.
  126. 1378630 DBG_SIMVISION Moving in stack in Simvision takes a very long time
  127. 1453233 DBG_SIMVISION Source browser - design source files - filtering usability issues
  128. 1517338 DBG_SIMVISION Applying filters from the history does not work for "Design Files" tab of Source Browser
  129. 1433280 DBG_SIMVISION using $uvm:{} syntax for probing doesn't show source code in post processing
  130. 1446473 DBG_SIMVISION FSM viewer issue of VHDL design
  131. 0971655 DBG_SIMVISION Enhancement request: Turn off cursor movement while tracing.
  132. 1124885 DBG_SIMVISION Simvision timestamp (cursor) moves when double clicked in simvision
  133. 1118560 DBG_SIMVISION How to trace driver in the Source Browser without having the time marker change position
  134. 1338709 DBG_SIMVISION Simvision timestamp (cursor) moves when double clicked in simvision
  135. 1370797 DBG_SIMVISION SimVision to add an option that allows structs to display their first field in the waveform display
  136. 1457032 DBG_SIMVISION empty group does mess .svcf creation with missing trailing curly brace
  137. 1515576 DBG_SIMVISION Svwf is not loading in simvision
  138. 1370791 DBG_SIMVISION SimVision to add an option that allows Verilog fixed length strings to be automatically recognized as ASCII
  139. 1419402 DBG_SIMVISION trace driver in the Source Browser without changing the time cursor position
  140. 1525665 DBG_SIMVISION Simvision signal script saved incorrectly with empty groups
  141. 1410051 DBG_SIMVISION Unable to select signals using CTRL-A from signal selector area in wave window.
  142. 1498055 DBG_SIMVISION Default displayed radix of bit [31:0] in Source Browser should be hex
  143. 1485393 DBG_SIMVISION Assertion contributors are dublicated in waveform
  144. 1268474 DBG_TANGO IDA busy signal doesn't light up when expanding elements of the hierarchy
  145. 1530074 FUNC_SAFETY Large fault set gets the elaboration hang
  146. 1519974 FUNC_SAFETY ... in fault_target does give a fatal error during elaboration
  147. 1528896 FUNC_SAFETY The elaboration with IFSS becomes unresponsive with netlist
  148. 1494397 FUNC_SAFETY elaboration run forever if fault instrumentation is enabled
  149. 1535955 FUNC_SAFETY NCELAB tool failure with gatelevel ifss simulation
  150. 1531051 FUNC_SAFETY Internal Exception when targeting SEU only during elaboration
  151. 1530021 FUNC_SAFETY IFR fails when snapshot does not have fault information
  152. 1534518 FUNC_SAFETY OS 11 on elaboration
  153. 1439522 FUNC_SAFETY glitches on good run simulation that are not on standard simulation
  154. 1501354 FUNC_SAFETY IFSS ncsim tool failure when using snapshot chekpoints and also having any dummy SystemC TB module being used.
  155. 1535651 FUNC_SAFETY Fault simulation memory usage increases after reset and rerun
  156. 1332522 HAL "When others => null" state give warning [EMPSTM] even if all the state of cases are covered
  157. 1459730 HAL halcheck: *E,NULLRG & halsynth: *E,EMTFNC comparing results with RC
  158. 1289791 HAL halcheck: *F,HALSIG unable to proceed further due to a critical error
  159. 1413303 HAL Support for NULLRG, NULSLC and NULLSTR halsynth error
  160. 1416154 HAL HALSIG
  161. 1424631 HAL Nodes fed into the flop reported as INF in HAL test coverage report
  162. 1416210 HAL halcheck: *F,HALSIG: Unable to proceed further due to a critical error.
  163. 1414033 HAL HAL "designinfo" broken when checked into design repository
  164. 1503424 HAL hal stops with BLDSTP using -halsynth_nxg but not without
  165. 1465979 HAL halsynth: *W,BBXSIG message - how to increase the limit
  166. 1360783 HAL HAL - SLVUSE Violations - support for VHDL record types
  167. 1353155 HAL Upgrade NEGIDX warning to error
  168. 1418392 HAL HAL Enhacement: Accumulation of filters
  169. 1249266 HAL HAL Rule IPRTEX and EXPIPC: need dummy tie off that isn't flagged by rule, ie ONE_TIE, ZERO_TIE
  170. 1313872 HAL unexpected hal message SLVUSE with VHDL record type.
  171. 1551500 HAL halcheck: *W,SLVUSE: Variable 'dacdatabsel' appearing in the sensitivity list is not used in the process block.
  172. 1375842 HAL HAL warning SYNTXZ issued when OTHERS path does not exist
  173. 1447174 HAL Linting enhancement: Support for SystemVerilog Case-Inside
  174. 1451648 HAL halsynth: *F,CFESIG expExpr* getParamValueforUnpackedData(ss
  175. 1426472 HAL halsynth: *E,SYSIGN : SystemVerilog 'case inside' construct is not supported
  176. 1521001 IEV Error in supporting the local variable in property and sequence in IEV.
  177. 1285285 IEV IFV DRM random crash on LSF
  178. 1293053 IEV Tool failure in IEV using Reset Flow
  179. 1287618 IEV illegal termination on formalverifier
  180. 1424713 IEV REPERR at formalbuild step, not able to generate coverage, Tool run time becomes huge
  181. 1517459 IEV Parallel persistent setting causing problem with Broadcom UNR
  182. 1504943 IEV IEV tool failure during formalbuild
  183. 1500824 IEV formal build INTERNAL EXCEPTION: xst_hasprotected on invalid VST type
  184. 1530986 IEV IEV 14.20.013 UNR parallel_persistent_mode is no working
  185. 1410944 IEV UNR execution with Primary and incremental sanpshot environment
  186. 1445093 IFV IFV Connectivity : Assertions not generated on 14.20, while they are being properly generated on version 13.10.020
  187. 1418297 IFV bb_gen problems with alias_module and tran switch
  188. 1261618 IFV IFV SGE Distribution issue
  189. 1253454 IFV Tool failure with IFV in LSF mode
  190. 1412694 IFV IFV tool failure at formalbuild step
  191. 1481086 IFV CFESIG in nc_mirror call when running formalbuild
  192. 1301822 IFV IEV 14.1 Errors Out when Exiting the Tool in GUI Mode
  193. 1039280 IUS_AMSD compcnfg lib binding does not work with BIND2
  194. 1030288 IUS_AMSD compcnfg setting not working in BIND2 flow
  195. 1374421 IUS_AMSD Enhance reffile to use ENV variables in its path
  197. 1527469 IUS_AMSD AMS could not handle "pwr" function in SPICE model
  198. 1509679 IUS_AMSD irun INTERR during parsing when module w/ `uselib is included twice w/ -amscompilefile
  199. 1520464 IUS_AMSD amsspice segmentation fault with error code 6
  200. 1514216 IUS_AMSD makelib compilation flow always requires a dummy file to be always present outside
  201. 1533291 IUS_AMSD Elab failure with cosim in spectre
  202. 1416409 IUS_AMSD support systemVerilog bind statements in AMS runs - when the bind statements are on SPICE blocks
  203. 1504070 IUS_AMSD elab tool failure in ius14.2s17 and beyond (works in ius14.1s11)
  204. 1490276 IUS_AMSD Files created by irun do not honor umask setting
  205. 1495950 IUS_AMSD VCD bus input don't reach digital blocks in AMS
  206. 1500210 IUS_AMSD irun versions after 14.20 do not show symbolic link but just fully resolved path
  207. 1506405 IUS_AMSD amsd control file no longer works for spice in EXT HDL in ADE L
  208. 0815071 IUS_AMSD Ncelab fails for SV assertions on Spice nets
  209. 1039278 IUS_AMSD Compcnfg view binding does not work with BIND2
  210. 1032729 IUS_AMSD Compcnfg option for view binding is not working
  211. 1302734 IUS_AMSD Add support fo rrelative paths and shell variable paths to amsd portmap reffile.
  212. 1181446 IUS_AMSD Allow reffile value to be specified via a UNIX env var
  213. 1306648 IUS_AMSD How to handle a cellview with multiple .v/.vams views in UNL?
  214. 1472884 IUS_AMSD Internal error in UNL testcase when switching to 15.10
  215. 1461085 IUS_AMSD UNL is erroring out on a cell totally unrelated to the actual problem in the design - fix elaboration error message
  216. 1508174 IUS_AMSD Incorrect current value reported by $cgav function
  217. 1517358 IUS_AMSD Incisive 14.2 and 15.1 doesn't queue for MMSIM tokens
  218. 1510624 IUS_AMSD AMS license queueing broken in INCISIVE 14.2 and 15.1
  219. 1434906 IUS_AMSD AMSD IEEE1801 enhanced test case for DoT flow
  220. 1420988 IUS_AMSD AMSD IEEE1801 Parametrizable power supply connect modules
  221. 1455231 IUS_AMSD AMS with CPF fails during elaboration
  222. 1445241 IUS_AMSD wreal simulations stops due to INPVINT/NINDEX0 errors
  223. 1458176 IUS_AMSD AMSD IEEE1801 Elaboration error LPACVF in case cds_implicit_tmpdir is used or when using ASSIGN TMP attribute
  224. 1515404 IUS_AMSD Incorrect conversion of UPF value when using the default predefined UPF_GNDZERO2SV_LOGIC table in UPF sims
  225. 1512698 IUS_AMSD the L2R_LPS on wreal array cause ncsim tool failure
  226. 1442652 IUS_AMSD AMSD IEEE1801 ncsim internal error with EAP build and extended ams test case
  227. 1425093 IUS_AMSD Remove VPI limitations in power smart IEs
  228. 1421003 IUS_AMSD AMSD IEEE1801 Include power supply connect modules in the IE CE report files generated by irun
  229. 1435059 IUS_AMSD cu_connected_through_port: the sizes for child and parent don't match (psize(10)
  230. 1461537 IUS_AMSD too many warnings during AMSLP simulations
  231. 1475348 IUS_AMSD ncelab becomes unresponsive on mixed-signal design with wreal models and CPF
  232. 1472406 IUS_AMSD The AMSLPS VPI function encountered an error
  233. 1522794 IUS_AMSD Omitting file name argument to +amsinfofile results in fatal error
  234. 1488134 IUS_AMSD ncelab tool failure when real variable connect to electrical port
  235. 1374189 IUS_AMSD SV interconnect array connected to different nettype fails
  236. 1374201 IUS_AMSD add the support of wreal of MSIE
  237. 1452767 IUS_AMSD Need incremental elab for design containing AMS
  238. 1524515 IUS_AMSD default discipline does not work on inh-conn
  240. 1435130 IUS_AMSD ncelab fails to elaborate with inherited connections connect rules
  241. 1487543 IUS_AMSD ncelab internal error for chkdigdisp
  242. 1493313 IUS_AMSD NCSIM causes a tool failure on request for value from SimVision
  243. 1486025 IUS_AMSD ncelab Internal Exception when LP/CPF is used with SV and DMS
  244. 1490907 IUS_AMSD ncelab gives internal exception error with "ams_add_to_td_list - parent data already in child" message
  245. 1491243 IUS_AMSD ncelab tool failure because of ie card specification
  246. 0820779 IUS_AMSD enable wrealXState in VHDL for Mixed language Simulation
  247. 1461656 IUS_AMSD design gets Internal Error during ncelab 15.1 with amssie defaulted on
  248. 1472413 IUS_AMSD ncelab sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr(0x20000024)
  249. 1491014 IUS_AMSD Adding a few irrelevant lines to an LP/DMS example prevents tool failure
  250. 1481792 IUS_AMSD Testcase fails with ihnConn_findSB - unresolved OOMR
  251. 1461308 IUS_AMSD ncelab Internal Exception with incisive version 14.20.009
  252. 1476233 IUS_AMSD NCELAB internal exception when using amsoptie
  253. 1482368 IUS_AMSD INTERNAL EXCEPTION in ncelab 15.10-s002
  254. 1469542 IUS_AMSD SV with nettypes and VHDL - crash
  255. 1371258 IUS_AMSD driver_update in conditional statement causes internal error
  256. 1345933 IUS_AMSD cannot issue an ida_probe command when the analog solver is present.
  257. 1498945 IUS_AMSD Simulation with warning WRMNZD when real has multiple drivers.
  258. 1529870 IUS_AMSD irun becomes unresponsive on compilation
  259. 1291730 IUS_AMSD $resolved_wudn_name needs further enhancement to give the top most (highest hierarchical level) name - always
  260. 1411610 IUS_AMSD E,NOTSUP occurs for task or function used in sv module
  261. 1483802 IUS_AMSD ncvlog internal error while initializing integer array in verilogams module
  262. 1488065 IUS_AMSD ncsim internal exception using -use_cm switch
  263. 1453271 IUS_AMSD Redundant WRMNZD warning for wreal
  264. 1521277 IUS_AMSD tran gate working incorrectly in wreal (DMS) simulations
  265. 1484356 IUS_AMSD irun ignores ie card in SV-UVM-AMSD flow when -run_coerce is on. Breaks multi-supply AMS verifications.
  266. 1501128 IUS_AMSD Modulus of a wreal produces an internal error
  267. 1448940 IUS_ASSERTION Question regarding "-nosort" for TCL assertion commands
  268. 1494031 IUS_ASSERTION Tool failure with -assertdebug
  269. 1494633 IUS_ASSERTION ncsim exits for MAX_ERROR when simvision causes UVMNCP error after an assertion
  270. 1484227 IUS_ASSERTION -assert_logging_error_off causes an RPTNAG error in 15.10.002 and newer
  271. 1413840 IUS_ASSERTION IUS14.2s004 fails by giving an assertion error during simulation
  272. 1482904 IUS_ASSERTION Simvision design search causes simulator Internal Exception
  273. 1465553 IUS_ASSERTION "-assert_logging_error_off" not changing the exit status to 0 for ncsim on assertion failure in 1420
  274. 1479353 IUS_ASSERTION IUS doesn't display ASRTST error after ncsc_assertion_on().
  276. 1431843 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN long elaboration time with ncvlog_cg
  277. 1368266 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN always_comb hangs at time 0 with -linedebug or -access options.
  278. 1453429 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN ncsim becomes unresponsive in multiple always @* that references different bits of a signal
  279. 1437028 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN IUS simulation becomes unresonsive at 0ns.
  280. 1446109 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN internal exception when compiling UVM scoreboard : ncvlog_cg : gq_setwait - null/!SVHR VXLF_HEAP cached t_t
  281. 1457281 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN Ncvlog_cg failure in 14.22.012
  282. 1284933 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN ncsim goes into infinite loop by always@* in generate-for block
  283. 1505164 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN ncvlog_cg : Internal Exception Error while running a testcase
  284. 1292914 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN ability to handle longest static prefix of net array for always_comb/always_latch
  285. 1490722 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN Compilation Internal Exception 14.20.012 ( but works well with 12.20.30)
  286. 1503030 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN ncvlog_cg crashes with 15.10.00x
  287. 1504550 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN gc_addrelocation - offset out of bounds
  288. 1094848 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN *W,NLSPNA: longest static prefix for always_comb/always_latch is not supported for net array/struct
  289. 1238063 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN Warning NLSPNA longest static prefix for always_comb/always_latch
  290. 1313322 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN NLSPNA warning repeated for the same array
  291. 1405890 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN ncvlog_cg fatal error while executing tb generated from ET
  292. 1415019 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN ncvlog crash gc_addrelocation - offset field too large (2147483731d instructions)
  293. 1401907 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN Ncvlog crash gc_addrelocation - offset field too large (2147483731d instructions) after using -sparsearray switch
  294. 1474312 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN INTERNAL EXCEPTION: ncvlog_cg: gq_slfix - next sload not followed by a move
  295. 1462348 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN Ncvlog_cg fails in 14.20.014
  296. 1467329 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN ncvlog_cg: *F,INTERR: INTERNAL EXCEPTION MESSAGE: Unexpected signal #11
  297. 1474413 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN ncelab: *F,CGFAIL: Code generation failed for one or more modules.
  298. 1481743 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN testcase generates " gq_auto_swbwo - not found" crash
  299. 1468610 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN ncvlog_cg(64): Unexpected signal #11, program terminated (null)
  300. 1473363 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN [Mini regression] AVSFST14.22.014,015,016 Performance degradation with ATPG Parallel case
  301. 1470934 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN Customer got 'gc_addrelocation - offset field too large (2147483669d instructions)' crash
  302. 1471986 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN Running into internal gq_bopadd -d not tmp during code generation with 14.22.016
  303. 1535439 IUS_CORE_CODEGEN ncvlog_cg Internal Exception with internal error with code "gq_lhsvs - variable LHS ZDC"
  304. 1452629 IUS_CORE_ELAB INTERNAL EXCEPTION when elaboration using -nncbind flag on iBeta IUS15.10_v008
  305. 1443676 IUS_CORE_ELAB Request to invoke warning message when the flag 'ay' is used without 'alibext' flag
  306. 1453648 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE ncelab crash : tim_is_tch_dead - failed to find the provided tcheck
  307. 1443303 IUS_CORE_ELAB Compile error during parse spawned by elaboration bind
  308. 1496167 IUS_CORE_ELAB F,INTERR :gen_vst_expr - illegal KIND of expression
  309. 1485191 IUS_CORE_ELAB signal value does not propagate correctly to instance port.
  310. 1502374 IUS_CORE_ELAB ssue to bind a SV module on 2 snapshots using ncelab option -extbind
  311. 1500407 IUS_CORE_ELAB "irun -binding" does not work . However "ncelab -binding" works for 3-step flow.
  312. 1399477 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncvlog_cg fails on the attached testcase
  313. 1519096 IUS_CORE_ELAB NOTPAR msg seen when including lps_1801 during elab
  314. 1525865 IUS_CORE_ELAB INTERNAL EXCEPTION when using ER for 1524762
  315. 1512985 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab: *E,NOTPAR (./dut.sv,24 69): Illegal operand for constant expression [4(IEEE)].
  316. 1433004 IUS_CORE_ELAB part of vector slice is out of range and incisive returns the whole slice as 0
  317. 0786533 IUS_CORE_ELAB Implement a bbox flow to optimize IP reuse
  318. 1282432 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab CUMXVP Unsupported variable input port at mixed language boundary : VHDL array and unpacked array of typedef
  319. 1335152 IUS_CORE_ELAB [VHDL/SV] [Package Import] ncelab: *ECUMXVP Unsupported variable input port at mixed language boundary
  320. 1323887 IUS_CORE_ELAB Enhancment request to pass vhdl real to systemverilog
  321. 1338061 IUS_CORE_ELAB How to pass data between VHDL (record) and SystemVerilog (struct). TC attached, please review
  322. 1455243 IUS_CORE_ELAB array type imported with bounds defined by function gives cu_add_driver_to_vhdl_net_driver_list - net is boundary_net
  323. 1455096 IUS_CORE_ELAB Invalid assertion failure comparing sv bind port to vhdl signal via sv oomr with package import
  324. 1455233 IUS_CORE_ELAB array type imported with bounds defined by function call used in SVA gives "ast_integer_literal() - bad class"
  325. 1448712 IUS_CORE_ELAB Failure binding sv module to vhdl using ports defined via package import: MESSAGE: sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr(0x3)
  326. 1448689 IUS_CORE_ELAB VHDL Package Import: Unable to connect SV enum port to VHDL enum using type imported from VHDL package
  327. 1455182 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab *E,TYCMPAT comparing sv port defined via vhdl package import to signal of same type in vhdl via OOMR
  328. 1447963 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab Internal Exception with nettmp_fetch - id out of range when binding SVA to VHDL
  329. 0881933 IUS_CORE_ELAB MAINVR - Support for mapping of verilog var unpacked array port to VHDL port
  330. 1476711 IUS_CORE_ELAB Mixed SV->VHDL OOMR Internal MESSAGE: gq_e_relational - RAWDATA/QP_CLASS
  331. 1485313 IUS_CORE_ELAB VHDL/SV ncelab INTERNAL ERROR: Unexpected data type mapping - finalize_sys_vlog_to_vhdl_data_type
  332. 1319766 IUS_CORE_ELAB Support connecting SV struct ports to VHDL record type ports through SV bind construct
  333. 1316040 IUS_CORE_ELAB SV with input port of certain types receive MAINVR error during ncelab when instantiated in VHDL
  334. 1476725 IUS_CORE_ELAB Mixed SV->VHDL Internal MESSAGE: dto_array_left - not array
  335. 1477032 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab INTERR: nettmp_fetch - id 34230294 is out of range
  336. 1506857 IUS_CORE_ELAB NC Internal Exception during elaboration
  337. 1445771 IUS_CORE_ELAB C compile failing during MSIE incremental elab
  338. 1436273 IUS_CORE_ELAB Single Run MSIE issue: Need support for event for OOPR
  339. 1454181 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE -nncbind : ncelab crash : vst_offset () - invalid class, class 513,
  340. 1471336 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE: genhref CPU Usage is not reported in irun.log file
  341. 1451783 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab TYCMPAT error in MSIE flow with multiple primary partitions
  342. 1454221 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE OOPR and -nncbind : Support for real port in OOPR
  343. 1462194 IUS_CORE_ELAB False port size mismatch warning (DSSSIZ)
  344. 1454166 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE -nncbind : testcase gives warning SVBNOI but does not give CUVHNF
  345. 1452358 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab error message sslu_descend - NULL ipp
  346. 1453307 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE : bind:not working
  347. 1454167 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE -nncbind : ncelab: *E,INCUSC [MSIE] : Module scope bind dot star port instantiation does not work
  348. 1454807 IUS_CORE_ELAB Need error for OOPR to unsupported object type/kind
  349. 1458444 IUS_CORE_ELAB *E DYNGHE hierarchical reference from primary to incr not allowed
  350. 1459031 IUS_CORE_ELAB mccodegen causes Internal Exception and unknown or ambiguous options ( -MSIESINGLEIRUN)
  351. 1456762 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE: Internal Error when elaborating the design hierarchy - incremental partition
  352. 1454183 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE : ncelab: *E,DSSUSC (./test.sv,14 35): [MSIE] Unsupported port connection identified.
  353. 1459635 IUS_CORE_ELAB During incremental, source files were re-compiled again, even they didn't change since primary build
  354. 1459736 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab error: code generation failed
  355. 1456137 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE OOPR : bit support needed for SOC Environment
  356. 1458319 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab error: sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr((nil))
  357. 1522034 IUS_CORE_ELAB tranif gate turn-on/off delay is shown when data is changed only in the MSIE environment.
  358. 1514977 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE Simulation difference due to issues in OOPR extern file generation
  359. 1519408 IUS_CORE_ELAB two "-iprof" option will cause msie report false error
  360. 1520451 IUS_CORE_ELAB INTERR: gq_static_wormhole_offset - incompatible instance
  361. 1014100 IUS_CORE_ELAB A source code in primary snapshot is not updated in incremental elaboration
  362. 1453584 IUS_CORE_ELAB -primparallelelab -timedetail crash : irun: doit.c:14128: irun_td_mark: Assertion `irun_td_name == ((void *)0_`f failed
  363. 1427778 IUS_CORE_ELAB CU scope bind causes CUVHNF error
  364. 1495202 IUS_CORE_ELAB INTERNAL EXCEPTION: via_pib_field: No pot or pib assigning AOI to virtual interface array
  365. 1486215 IUS_CORE_ELAB Same module/package given on -top and -incrtop with -mkprimsnap should give an error
  366. 1497004 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE Internal Exception on DENALI VIP ENET Example
  367. 1499698 IUS_CORE_ELAB *E,DSSARR *E,DSSUFL: Please add support in MSIE for unsupported port type and array in port expression
  368. 1499734 IUS_CORE_ELAB IncElab: Incorrect behavior with tranif1 gate that crosses the snapshot boundary
  369. 1494436 IUS_CORE_ELAB 1-irun MSIE : crash on incremental snapshot build
  370. 1505625 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE: ncelab Internal Exception sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr(0xffffffffffffffff)
  371. 1486218 IUS_CORE_ELAB Please give warning that amkprimsnap -incrtop is deprecated name of -incrbind
  372. 1495850 IUS_CORE_ELAB INTERNAL EXCEPTION: vst_libname() - bad class, class 1023
  373. 1497851 IUS_CORE_ELAB Ncelab internal exception error while building incremental snapshot
  374. 1484859 IUS_CORE_ELAB SINGLE-MSIE: Incorrect DYNGPE error when OOMR goes from one ancillary top to another in same primary
  375. 1487845 IUS_CORE_ELAB NC crash during elaboration
  376. 1486059 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab error INCUSC : support for port of type struct on boundary port
  377. 1504805 IUS_CORE_ELAB STIDTP in 1-step irun MSIE flow with -primparamsok
  378. 1500618 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab *E,DSSUFL for arrays in port list
  379. 1490759 IUS_CORE_ELAB INTERR when trying to use MSIE
  380. 1490806 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE clone creation reaches endless loop
  381. 1471679 IUS_CORE_ELAB Incremental snapshot build takes more time even if the number of instances reduced
  382. 1507958 IUS_CORE_ELAB with 15.10.002, use tfile to disable tcheck doest work
  383. 1460309 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab: *E,DSSWLP (./dsswlp.sv,8 11): [MSIE] Too many module port connections.
  384. 1479186 IUS_CORE_ELAB vhdl instances not mapped to verilog primaries
  385. 1480567 IUS_CORE_ELAB Unexpected DIMERR on 1-step irun
  386. 1478356 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncvlog_cg crash with multi primary snapshot MSIE
  387. 1474911 IUS_CORE_ELAB Incremental elaboration gets INTERNAL EXCEPTION while running msie pii mode using single irun flow
  388. 1469217 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE unsupported connection type in 14.21.033 not in 14.21.023
  389. 1462262 IUS_CORE_ELAB Why does HREF generation take so long?
  390. 1479601 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE crash during elaborating primary partition
  391. 1469706 IUS_CORE_ELAB irun: *F,MLFNA error with MSIE flow
  392. 1475999 IUS_CORE_ELAB Need a release on 14.22 stream for reducing genhref time (irun with ano_ca_prune ) on GLS design
  393. 1458914 IUS_CORE_ELAB low CPU utilization during ncelab casued by accessing all source code
  394. 1411203 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab performance issue
  395. 1428182 IUS_CORE_ELAB low CPU utilization during ncelab casued by accessing all source code
  396. 1432986 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab performance improvement
  397. 1484729 IUS_CORE_ELAB Crash on FSL Treeruneer with latest 14.22 release
  398. 1484211 IUS_CORE_ELAB Elaboration time increased from 45 minutes to 15hrs
  399. 1469901 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab performance is slower in new netlist flow when compared to the existing netlist flow.
  400. 1460353 IUS_CORE_ELAB Request ability to specify more than 4 cores to -mcmaxcores
  401. 1472498 IUS_CORE_ELAB if_write() - closure - unable to locate dep src
  402. 1470111 IUS_CORE_ELAB [Mini regression GLS Elab Fail] MSG: if_write() - closure - unable to locate dep src /path_to/a_lib.v
  403. 1534749 IUS_CORE_ELAB MSIE : very long incremental elaboration step
  404. 1334870 IUS_CORE_ELAB CUVMPW when $clog2 participates in a typedef
  405. 1446902 IUS_CORE_ELAB logic type MDA causes ncelab internal cu_propagate_expand width conflict
  406. 1451046 IUS_CORE_ELAB code gives unexpected TYCMPAT error for a particular value of the parameter
  407. 1457876 IUS_CORE_ELAB INTERNAL EXCEPTION: sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr(0xf) / cu_propagate_expand - width conflict
  408. 1454148 IUS_CORE_ELAB defparam argument caused elaboration Internall exception message cu_double_cmp_classspec
  409. 1459062 IUS_CORE_ELAB INTERNAL EXCEPTION: cu_build_glom_ots - VST_POT_LINK is NULL class 513
  410. 1515558 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab tool failure using UVM 1.2
  411. 1358241 IUS_CORE_ELAB SHIP-688 struct param overrides sometimes ignored
  412. 1429720 IUS_CORE_ELAB Internal error in GLV elaboration
  413. 1418082 IUS_CORE_ELAB $bits in interface is not working correctly
  414. 1426680 IUS_CORE_ELAB INTERNAL EXCEPTION: cu_build_glom_ots - VST_POT_LINK is not NULL, class 513
  415. 1497027 IUS_CORE_ELAB crash of simulator when loop over a two dimensional associative array indexed by class handle
  416. 1486349 IUS_CORE_ELAB Internal exception in elaboration.
  417. 1485585 IUS_CORE_ELAB irun fails with "vector ring corrupt" error
  418. 1503572 IUS_CORE_ELAB Internal error " rn_create_intoclassref " with virtual interface reference
  419. 1404808 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab failure on SV 'let' construct
  420. 1473695 IUS_CORE_ELAB unexpected ncelab: *E,TYCMPAT
  421. 1474302 IUS_CORE_ELAB Ncelab freezing at "Building instance overlay table"
  422. 1472054 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab internal error with just the production 14.10 releases
  423. 1469888 IUS_CORE_ELAB nc elab fails with *F,INTERR: INTERNAL EXCEPTION
  424. 1462979 IUS_CORE_ELAB Internal exception error during elaboration
  425. 1469259 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab tool Internal Exception
  426. 1536256 IUS_CORE_ELAB INTERNAL EXCEPTION: sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr((nil)) with UVM CDNS-1.2
  427. 1450323 IUS_CORE_ELAB [NCELAB Internal Exception] request for zero bytes from ha_alloc()
  428. 1461899 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab: *F,INTERR: INTERNAL EXCEPTION (request for zero bytes from ha_alloc)
  429. 1510087 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab: *E,CUASMM: Invalid vector width (zero elements) specified for port 'STAT_S_AXI_GEN_RD_SEGMENTS' of
  430. 1527850 IUS_CORE_ELAB ncelab internal error: sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr(0x4bd)
  431. 1506078 IUS_CORE_ELAB erroneous *E,TRASMM2 error
  432. 1513317 IUS_CORE_PARSE Problem propagating a parameter to a lower level module, $bits is used
  433. 1521534 IUS_CORE_PARSE ncelab INTERNAL EXCEPTION MESSAGE: vxt_valloc - unknown
  434. 1517874 IUS_CORE_PARSE `Ifdef not being honoured with `protected with multiple files
  435. 1524785 IUS_CORE_PARSE ncvlog: *F,NESTPT: illegal nested `protected source.
  436. 1522795 IUS_CORE_PARSE ncvlog SIGSEGV error when compiling verilog variant
  437. 1508734 IUS_CORE_PARSE ncelab: *F,INTERR : vst_metrics_sampled - vst_TY_tag - default
  438. 1418511 IUS_CORE_PARSE ncelab internal exception with message sv_seghandler - trapno
  439. 1515936 IUS_CORE_PARSE Comma causes ncvlog INTERNAL EXCEPTION
  440. 1500409 IUS_CORE_PARSE NCVLOG failure:: "p2_mpist - no table"
  441. 1502843 IUS_CORE_PARSE Freescale Ottawa AIOP_WRKS_FDMA NCVLOG *F, INTERR
  442. 1506272 IUS_CORE_PARSE Non-static class methods should not be allowed in constant expressions
  443. 1503804 IUS_CORE_PARSE Ncvlog internal error during CASE block compilation under uvm.
  444. 1421824 IUS_CORE_PARSE Simvision source browser shows bold line numbers (enable BPs) in wrong lines
  445. 1412798 IUS_CORE_PARSE INTERNAL EXCEPTION: ncvlog: p2_mpist - no table
  446. 1467660 IUS_CORE_PARSE enhance AMS to reflect high impedance from spice to "Z" on logic side
  447. 1487131 IUS_CORE_PARSE ncvlog internal error vst_datatype () - invalid class, class 850
  448. 1531677 IUS_CORE_PARSE ncvlog: *F,NESTPT: illegal nested `protected source. when compiling macro model
  449. 1526261 IUS_CORE_PARSE PORTNO error
  450. 1526265 IUS_CORE_PARSE ncvhdl_p internal error
  451. 1531814 IUS_CORE_PARSE elaboration error for port width mismatch
  452. 1154341 IUS_CORE_SIM problems at VHDL/ SV boundary
  453. 1367120 IUS_CORE_SIM ncsim extremely slow in forcing large unpacked array
  454. 1438322 IUS_CORE_SIM Output of AND gate is 'x' when inputs are stable
  455. 1439341 IUS_CORE_SIM LPS peformance bottleneck for huge array at corrution
  456. 1448585 IUS_CORE_SIM ncsim internal error
  457. 1446307 IUS_CORE_SIM Improved error reporting for ssslib errors in releasing objects in VPI
  458. 1454688 IUS_CORE_SIM Internal error in ncsim while dumping SAIF file
  459. 1460905 IUS_CORE_SIM IUS dumping SAIF without escape character
  460. 1508720 IUS_CORE_SIM Internal Exception in $nc_deposit/$nc_release for empty string argument
  461. 1509502 IUS_CORE_SIM assign statement value change 0->x and x->0 not well taken by tool at the start of simulation
  462. 1428814 IUS_CORE_SIM "stream shell stream for power (method)" took 24% hits from one module in customer design
  463. 1433605 IUS_CORE_SIM got into an infinite loop if it enables LPS in 14.20.008
  464. 1486251 IUS_CORE_SIM Different IES version has different simaultion result when simulate DFT pattern
  465. 1497599 IUS_CORE_SIM Need support for X->0/1 transition with dumpsaif
  466. 1503896 IUS_CORE_SIM ncprotect Not encrypting all files and segmentation fault
  467. 1532824 IUS_CORE_SIM ncsim: *F,INTERR: INTERNAL EXCEPTION sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr((nil))
  468. 1322280 IUS_CORE_SIM Null character on irun command causes uvm to issue fatal NOCOMP message
  469. 1356899 IUS_CORE_SIM irun doesn't understand (i.e. ignore) +arg with "/*"
  470. 1370018 IUS_CORE_SIM Irun always recompile all files even though nothing is changed
  471. 1418538 IUS_CORE_SIM Testcase re-elaboration happens (without modifying any file) with option "-incdir".
  472. 1436696 IUS_CORE_SIM ICFUC warning behavior is different between 14.1 and 14.21
  473. 1462118 IUS_CORE_SIM irun: *E,CFNOPT error when writing logfile to null device
  474. 1377362 IUS_CORE_SIM IDA fails at compilation with cryptic error message
  475. 1413807 IUS_CORE_SIM irun keeps re-elaborating the design even if nothing has been changed
  476. 1427264 IUS_CORE_SIM Recompile fails to detect changes with -ncerror
  477. 1493643 IUS_CORE_SIM cannot open shared object by 14.1s33
  478. 1498688 IUS_CORE_SIM use of irun nclibdirname option for specman e and hdl give error
  479. 1495510 IUS_CORE_SIM "irun -helpsubject timing" does not show -maxdelay option
  480. 1499964 IUS_CORE_SIM Error: dlopen failed: ./INCA_libs/irun.lnx8664.15.10.nc/specman.15.10.005-s/scratch/libsn_precomp.so
  481. 1497081 IUS_CORE_SIM specman e + hdl snapshot load error for irun command having nclibdirpath
  482. 1502309 IUS_CORE_SIM Irun doesn't recompile C source if -cpost option is used to compile DPI
  483. 1498985 IUS_CORE_SIM specman e + hdl snapshot load error for irun command having nclibdirpath
  484. 1402052 IUS_CORE_SIM irun fails to recompile after source change for elaboration error
  485. 1399574 IUS_CORE_SIM ncelab: *E,CNTSEV: Error 'ICFUC' cannot increase severity promoting all warnings to errors
  486. 1415072 IUS_CORE_SIM re-elaboration detected with no file change
  487. 1464691 IUS_CORE_SIM irun: *E,CFNOPT error writing the log in a project directory
  488. 1507558 IUS_CORE_SIM ncsim: *W,SMNPIE: "ida_probe ...."
  489. 1477785 IUS_CORE_SIM irun doesn't take nncbind as a hard elab option
  490. 1453304 IUS_CORE_SIM MESSAGE: xprepare_license_or_die - maxIndex (-1) less than
  491. 1329242 IUS_CORE_SIM VHDL/SV connecting enum ports gives - ncelab: *E,CFMPTC : VHDL port type is not compatible with Verilog.
  492. 1335967 IUS_CORE_SIM Support for complete records, nested records and array of records in mixed OOMRs
  493. 1455865 IUS_CORE_SIM ncelab: *E,DTYPMSM connecting array of enum ports using types defined by vhdl package import
  494. 1449286 IUS_CORE_SIM VHDL to SV Port Binding: Need support for connecting array-of-enum ports
  495. 1454515 IUS_CORE_SIM [NGTPMS] VHDL port (DCORE_SV_BIND.NR_STRUCT_I) type is not compatible with Verilog
  496. 1514845 IUS_CORE_SIM $nc_mirror to vhdl where generic is referenced in signal declaration causes sv_fpehandler - user generated SIGFPE
  497. 1410021 IUS_CORE_SIM LHS of SystemVerilog assignment is not toggling per RHS.
  498. 1484640 IUS_CORE_SIM TRSRANGE error on VHDL port in SV testbench
  499. 1483470 IUS_CORE_SIM Invalid *E,ASRTST comparing array of integer between VHDL and SV
  500. 1472940 IUS_CORE_SIM VHDL record real is not propagated to Verilog struct real
  501. 1474742 IUS_CORE_SIM SV OOMR to VHDL Package gives Internal at sim run time: sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr(0x2c)
  502. 1454173 IUS_CORE_SIM MSIE -nncbind : TCL Command "scope -show" results ncsim crash
  503. 1440853 IUS_CORE_SIM MSIE got internal error with customer's PLI
  504. 1491474 IUS_CORE_SIM design file search and design file list doesn't show files compiled in primary snapshot
  505. 1487638 IUS_CORE_SIM simulation run time failure in via_inst_sanity_check
  506. 1479196 IUS_CORE_SIM NY SOC 1-irun MSIE testcase simulation time degradation by 4X
  507. 1529515 IUS_CORE_SIM Getting error when trying to use '-statement' switch in database command
  508. 1416819 IUS_CORE_SIM mcdump on digital signal with AMS sims
  509. 1510507 IUS_CORE_SIM Internal Exception error and stuck test when using mcdump with Indago recording
  510. 1502899 IUS_CORE_SIM SCABRT: Signal SIGABRT raised outside of simulator
  511. 1500793 IUS_CORE_SIM Please improve performance on mixed VHDL & Verilog with UVM SV testbench sims
  512. 1342093 IUS_CORE_SIM Simvision does not show UVM hierarchy when a probe command is issued after hitting a breakpoint. in simulation.
  513. 1451057 IUS_CORE_SIM Internal Exception due to ivia_pair_sanity_check
  514. 1441362 IUS_CORE_SIM Simulation stuck with IDA recording
  515. 1456631 IUS_CORE_SIM vst_name invalid class name when ida is dumped
  516. 1457746 IUS_CORE_SIM SAIF dumping is taking too long.
  517. 1458510 IUS_CORE_SIM SARC IDA Issue: Missing SmartLog Messages even though log recording enabled
  518. 1456646 IUS_CORE_SIM ssl_shm_add_scope - not a scope
  519. 1517403 IUS_CORE_SIM [NCSIM] internal error: map_xst_class_to_dwScopeType - kind? got:14
  520. 1526838 IUS_CORE_SIM Internal exception occurred during simulation
  521. 1514399 IUS_CORE_SIM simulation Internal Exception: vst_class
  522. 1518007 IUS_CORE_SIM Failure with ncsim tool when recording with IDA
  523. 1517993 IUS_CORE_SIM simulation crashed - sslu_shm_sv_update_queue - un-expected transaction type
  524. 1291823 IUS_CORE_SIM TLM fifos / mailboxes can't be seen in Simvision waveform window
  525. 1289797 IUS_CORE_SIM Unable to probe Mailbox
  526. 1508933 IUS_CORE_SIM indago causes an ncsim tool failure
  527. 1506948 IUS_CORE_SIM Saved command script doesn't preserve probe_unpacked_limit.
  528. 0938785 IUS_CORE_SIM Show SystemVerilog mailbox transactions in simvision
  529. 1304387 IUS_CORE_SIM probe command issued after build phase complete or at t=1 doesn't work on uvm hierarchy
  530. 1532710 IUS_CORE_SIM INTERR when probing with "-depth all" in INCISIVE151. INCISIV142 works fine.
  531. 1407162 IUS_CORE_SIM With -memdetail option the simulation run consumes 2x run time memory
  532. 1450592 IUS_CORE_SIM nncbind with -iprof crash simulation
  533. 1438453 IUS_CORE_SIM IES out of memory error with mem_iprof on design
  534. 1441579 IUS_CORE_SIM ncsim failure wafter simulation finished when trying to write iprof database
  535. 1510805 IUS_CORE_SIM Profiler does not show fork join inside a class method like how it is shown inside a module
  536. 1500214 IUS_CORE_SIM -rdprofile gives PRFMXSO fatal error
  537. 1506440 IUS_CORE_SIM IPROF failure in ncsim *F
  538. 1471812 IUS_CORE_SIM iprof to better detail performance slowdown
  539. 1455898 IUS_CORE_SIM Internal Exception while probing with -smart
  540. 1452274 IUS_CORE_SIM $finish(2) does not execute final blocks in customer simulation
  541. 1456685 IUS_CORE_SIM Wait statement is not unblocking after the extrusion is evaluated true
  542. 1518509 IUS_CORE_SIM Failure caused by dumpsaif Tcl command used on SV RTL design
  543. 1463655 IUS_CORE_SIM Possible memory leak in SV environment
  544. 1371499 IUS_CORE_SIM ncvlog internal dt_is_array hit unknown datatype
  545. 1437537 IUS_CORE_SIM nscim crash when refering to CB by hierarchical reference
  546. 1439041 IUS_CORE_SIM Inconsistent force release semantics for wires and vairables
  547. 1409051 IUS_CORE_SIM dynamic array in a task of class problem with fork join_none
  548. 1472561 IUS_CORE_SIM Difference in Simulation Behavior with 14.22.016 compared to 14.22.008
  549. 1469303 IUS_CORE_SIM Elab mem profile shows one checkpoint at 6.7 hours
  550. 1480418 IUS_CORE_SIM Tool failure during simulation caused by uvm optimizations
  552. 1467172 IUS_CORE_SIM IUS simulation Internal Exception in SoC environment
  553. 1491547 IUS_CORE_SIM INTERNAL EXCEPTION: sv_fpehandler - SIGFPE not in_rts_xfer (1)
  554. 1443242 IUS_CORE_SIM Failing PSL assertion in 14.20.009 was passing in 14.20.003
  555. 1203675 IUS_CORE_SIM [Xprop] Reduce the pessimism in case statements
  556. 1259978 IUS_CORE_SIM x-prop support for statement with timing delay
  557. 1322854 IUS_CORE_SIM XPROP disabled for block with a struct member assignment
  558. 1454545 IUS_CORE_SIM Performance degradation when enable xprop
  559. 1465914 IUS_CORE_SIM Slow down of x5 when applying xprop
  560. 1444812 IUS_CORE_SIM xfile support for hierarchical configuration using module name
  561. 1459688 IUS_CORE_SIM Enabling Xprop causes 7x slowdown
  562. 1458489 IUS_CORE_SIM xprop build time failure
  563. 1450574 IUS_CORE_SIM XPROP not working on MDAs with ternary operator
  564. 1522077 IUS_CORE_SIM Elaboration Internal Exception happens with x-prop enabled
  565. 1511557 IUS_CORE_SIM Xprop is disabled for all always blocks if there is a generate block
  566. 1523539 IUS_CORE_SIM xprop disabled for rtl blocks containing delay inside generate
  567. 1524034 IUS_CORE_SIM Always_ff with synchronous reset is wrongly propagating X's
  568. 1531596 IUS_CORE_SIM Xprop is wrongly generating 'x' as the output of a function with casez inside
  569. 1530627 IUS_CORE_SIM xprop casez fails for 7 bits but works for 6 bits (both show enabled)
  570. 1177629 IUS_CORE_SIM Reduce the pessimism in case statements
  571. 1217662 IUS_CORE_SIM ncvlog_cg becomes unresponsive
  572. 1291768 IUS_CORE_SIM Request support of env variables in xfile
  573. 1278874 IUS_CORE_SIM xprop support for non-synthesizable delay statements
  574. 1290320 IUS_CORE_SIM Request support of delays in non-blocking assignment for xprop sim
  575. 1345434 IUS_CORE_SIM Xprop support for typedef datatypes as L-Value
  576. 1359443 IUS_CORE_SIM Support using env variables in xfile and issue a warning if not supported
  577. 1362275 IUS_CORE_SIM Xprop CASEZ/CASEX support for selects having x's in some bits positions
  578. 1354842 IUS_CORE_SIM INVXPC: task or system task in block when void function call is used in procedural block.
  579. 1421118 IUS_CORE_SIM Casez/Casex propagating 'X' with XPROP CAT mode enabled
  580. 1435126 IUS_CORE_SIM xfile does not allow in-line comments
  581. 1434384 IUS_CORE_SIM INTERNAL EXCEPTION: Unexcepted signal #11, program terminated (null) parsing xfile
  582. 1435124 IUS_CORE_SIM Parser error for extra blank space
  583. 1435123 IUS_CORE_SIM INTERNAL EXCEPTION parsing xfile
  584. 1501855 IUS_CORE_SIM Support xprop for always with FF and latch (see attached testcase)
  585. 1501820 IUS_CORE_SIM Have a warning when edge detection is disabled for always block
  586. 1508259 IUS_CORE_SIM Simulation with xprop turned off at beginning of sim of snapshot elaborated with xprop is 29x that of snapshot without
  587. 1498764 IUS_CORE_SIM always block doesnt work properly when XPROP is enabled
  588. 1493333 IUS_CORE_SIM LP Sim - synchronous reset (always block) remains asserted even though clock and reset change
  589. 1506454 IUS_CORE_SIM ncvlog_cg gq_taskfunc_prune_enable - incorrect type
  590. 1242501 IUS_CORE_SIM Running with xprop shows a 3x performance hit
  591. 1320266 IUS_CORE_SIM Xprop: ability to handle RTL assignment with delay
  592. 1319777 IUS_CORE_SIM Unexpected Glitch in RTL Simulation in Xprop mode
  593. 1395783 IUS_CORE_SIM Need an option to only show the places where x-prop was not applied
  594. 1460384 IUS_CORE_SIM message in sufficient to debug problem "Unsupported LHS in assignment"
  595. 1469299 IUS_CORE_SIM xprop changes behavior when data signal is used as a clock edge
  596. 1464492 IUS_CORE_SIM False NBA and BA message on xp_elab.log
  597. 1462077 IUS_CORE_SIM xrop option cause system failure with VHDL design in 15.1
  598. 1536076 IUS_CORE_SIM X-prop : The result is different between 14.2/15.1 and 14.1.
  599. 1531073 IUS_CORE_SIM xprop generating unexpected X
  600. 1504804 IUS_COVERAGE ncsim *F interr with coverage
  601. 1484181 IUS_COVERAGE sv_seghandler with multiple include_ccf
  602. 1399742 IUS_COVERAGE Using set_code_fine_grained_merging and set_refinement_resilience together
  603. 1462224 IUS_COVERAGE Internal error during coverage dumping
  604. 1473428 IUS_COVERAGE ucis_Open causes an internal error when invoked with long relative path
  605. 1462388 IUS_COVERAGE Expression coverage collecting runs very slow with generated statements
  606. 1500278 IUS_COVERAGE internal error rts_cov_nlevel_decomp_arith expr not found in the list
  607. 1461206 IUS_COVERAGE expression coverage issue : vector scoring.
  608. 1470651 IUS_COVERAGE set_com causing ncelab to take ~2 days to finish
  609. 1134760 IUS_COVERAGE Specifying -covdut becomes mandatory when using -lps_verify
  610. 1338181 IUS_COVERAGE coverage isn't shown for the RTL when -lps_verify flag is present
  611. 1377952 IUS_COVERAGE Conflict between -lps_verify and default coverage collection behavior
  612. 1521795 IUS_COVERAGE Coverage Model Creation takes a long time - using cross of more than 2 coverpoints and ignore_bins with
  613. 1496372 IUS_COVERAGE Coverage model dumping performance for large cross using with expression
  614. 1501976 IUS_COVERAGE Coverage Model Creation takes a long time
  615. 1493581 IUS_COVERAGE get_coverage not returning correct covered and total integers when used in UVM hierarchy
  616. 1394872 IUS_COVERAGE problem with functional transition coverage
  617. 1478547 IUS_COVERAGE Segfault : Error: 'analyze_vplan' command interrupted: failed to parse value for attribute 'buckets_filter'
  618. 1467374 IUS_COVERAGE Cross coverage duplicating bin entries when one of the covergroups has ignore bins in it
  619. 1464132 IUS_COVERAGE Running into internal gc_tmpmap - width mismtach during code generation with 14.22.008
  620. 1442865 IUS_COVERAGE IMC merge issue
  621. 1458414 IUS_COVERAGE INTERNAL EXCEPTION: cov_scope_get_modORgenName - unsupported class VST_D_BIND_SCOPE with nncbind
  622. 1456820 IUS_COVERAGE ncvlog crash with vst_identifier -bad class, class 581
  623. 1511986 IUS_COVERAGE Instance coverage not properly merging into type coverage results
  624. 1512365 IUS_COVERAGE NCSIM crash ::sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr(0x100000a7d)
  625. 1489706 IUS_COVERAGE SVBUNSP: Coverage is not yet supported with this implementation
  626. 1504321 IUS_COVERAGE INTERNAL EXCEPTION during coverage dump (VST_D_BIND_SCOPE not supported)
  627. 1488024 IUS_COVERAGE late insertion of assertions & coverage modules
  628. 1463957 IUS_COVERAGE AVSFST 14.22.015 checkout incubation license for MSIE
  629. 1482462 IUS_COVERAGE lookup type from covergroup instance to covergroup type is broken
  630. 1484233 IUS_COVERAGE merge is failing for block level to chip level instance
  631. 1486950 IUS_COVERAGE crash during elaboration with debug build
  632. 1470777 IUS_COVERAGE wrong hierarchical names for per instance covergroup
  633. 1450357 IUS_COVERAGE Coverage dumping takes too long
  634. 1521959 IUS_COVERAGE coverage build performance is 3-4x slower than regular build
  635. 1496845 IUS_COVERAGE Very long simulation times when coverage is enabled
  636. 1525670 IUS_COVERAGE "xst_decomp_expr, unknown language 0" message while dumping coverage data at the end of simulation
  637. 1435501 IUS_COVERAGE toggle coverage support for array of struct
  638. 1497738 IUS_COVERAGE INCISIVE 14.10-s021: simulations fail with coverage
  639. 1504393 IUS_COVERAGE initreg0 cause 0->1 toggle coverage not collected
  640. 1475071 IUS_COVERAGE Overflow bits in assignment to wire confuse set_com in Toggle Coverage reporting
  641. 1456365 IUS_CVE *F, INTERR Internal Exception in BCU testcases
  642. 1457048 IUS_CVE SIGUSR with *W,SCV082 before that
  643. 1310637 IUS_CVE W,SCV082: INTROSPECTION_INVALID_OPERATOR_0ARG - New with 14.1
  645. 1464140 IUS_CVE BOSCH: SCV: wrong scv_smart_ptr return type with SC_INCLUDE_FX defined
  646. 1334264 IUS_GLS ncelab fatal error for GLS
  647. 1517463 IUS_GLS Ncelab unexpected kind error during elaboration and fails to issue any failure information
  648. 1520697 IUS_GLS ncelab: *F,INTERR: INTERNAL EXCEPTION when SDF is used
  649. 1517839 IUS_GLS result of operator with bose sides having same constant with nagation is wrong
  650. 1517916 IUS_GLS GLS, with SDF elab time Internal Exception
  651. 1426321 IUS_GLS ncelab INTERNAL EXCEPTION: MESSAGE: gate_add_shadow_driver_info - not SHDWC
  652. 1417606 IUS_GLS ncelab: *F,INTERR: INTERNAL EXCEPTION with INCISIVE 14.20-s006 and 14.20-s003
  653. 1465185 IUS_GLS ncelab INTERNL EXCEPTION MESSAGE: ring id is -134217728 whereas max ring id is 134217727
  654. 1469549 IUS_GLS Simulation result mismatches with probe enabled and probe disable in GLS zero delay mode
  655. 1437853 IUS_GLS INTERNAL EXCEPTION: sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr((nil)) in strap::get s ..._if -cs
  656. 1435673 IUS_GLS Gate Level Performance suffers slowdown with respect to RTL
  657. 1414731 IUS_GLS sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr((nil)) when $countdrivers is involved in RTL simulation
  658. 1397474 IUS_GLS command line option for optimizing supply0 and supply1
  659. 1057957 IUS_GLS Support for wildcard in "tcheck -off "
  660. 1376308 IUS_GLS pathdelay_sense be a command-line argument for irun
  661. 1447046 IUS_GLS large positive hold time is annotated if the hold time in SDF is negative value
  662. 1509586 IUS_GLS ncelab Internal Exception with nettmp_replace - equivalent IDs (0) being requested annotating SDF
  663. 1516490 IUS_GLS The path delay value is used for RETAIN annotation.
  664. 1147733 IUS_GLS * (wildcard) should be applicable to ncsim tcheck tcl command
  665. 1432587 IUS_GLS ncelab issues Internal Exception message for acg_verify_dest_tmp when multi SDF files being read
  666. 1495305 IUS_GLS Simulation time SDF annotation to VITAL is not supported but can it be ignored?
  667. 1483911 IUS_GLS The result of the timing check differs in ntc_level2 and ntc_level3.
  668. 1444603 IUS_GLS [Mini regression failure] AVSFST14.22.011 failed with ths ATPG Serial FULLTIMING case
  669. 1457836 IUS_GLS ncelab internal error when using -negdelay option
  671. 1445278 IUS_GLS NCSIM internal error :: sslu_get_sigp - scalar mismatch 2
  672. 1533219 IUS_GLS ncsim fails on simport
  673. 1514487 IUS_GLS seq_udp_delay not working when tfile used even though outside tfile instance parameters
  674. 1469402 IUS_GLS Wrong timing violation is reported
  675. 1379045 IUS_GLS Add the to wire through tcl script during simulation run time.
  676. 1500991 IUS_GLS ncelab: *F,INTERR: INTERNAL EXCEPTION MESSAGE: Where is the sbo (sbo == NULL) in negdelay_adjust_intc_load()...
  677. 1505002 IUS_GLS -negdelay causes ncelab: *F,INTERR: INTERNAL EXCEPTION when it used with 2 or more SDF files and -sdf_simtime
  678. 1512283 IUS_GLS Elab tool failure because of uvm_config_db get in module
  679. 1511131 IUS_GLS ncelab tool failure using a netlist created by UNL
  680. 1403353 IUS_GLS simulation fails with sslu_get_sigp
  681. 1485168 IUS_GLS Pulse which has the same width of gate delay dosn't pass the second gate of two casecaded one.
  682. 1472224 IUS_GLS INTERNAL ERROR "MESSAGE: gc_orstore - unknown delay mode"
  683. 1460642 IUS_GLS ncsim tool failure on LWD shm dumpping, without LWD ncsim in unresponsive
  684. 1138788 IUS_LP Powerdown replay issue with a function without inputs
  685. 1531736 IUS_LP ILLCNDM/SWFERR messages not helpful in indicating the source of problem
  686. 1341458 IUS_LP Add support for map_retention_cell
  687. 1335631 IUS_LP Gate-Level sim to support 1801 and instantiated isolation/retention cells
  688. 1339746 IUS_LP the tool should support for the PDF a Boolean expression composed of both pin and pin
  689. 1367504 IUS_LP find_objects command not interpreted correctly in 14.10.s14
  690. 1368882 IUS_LP UPF Incisive simulation to support generate block "." instead of "/"
  691. 1500212 IUS_LP Forcing a VHDL record field with lps_force_reapply and lps_real_nocorrupt produces a tool failure
  692. 1371232 IUS_LP Allow connect_logic_net to support multiple loads
  693. 1452581 IUS_LP engine forces on PA supplies are considered as user-defined forces
  694. 1435569 IUS_LP find_objects does not search in -y/-v libraries
  695. 1447817 IUS_LP set_retention -no_retention -elements doesn't prevent the interference of retention cells
  696. 1438375 IUS_LP An incorrect connect_supply_net is messing the PD assignment
  697. 1455798 IUS_LP ncelab Internal Exception cu_vhdl_pwr_insert_iso - nettmp_sigattr not supported
  698. 1466839 IUS_LP VCS LP compile time 20 min, in IES, with LP, the compile / elaboration time is 60 min
  699. 1452768 IUS_LP UPF hierarchy separator support of IUS
  700. 1450613 IUS_LP strange perl error messages for UPF instrumentation with liberty files
  701. 1438901 IUS_LP IES UPF needs to support synthesizable unions
  702. 1436678 IUS_LP no -target option should be required in isolation strategies for LPV
  703. 1445671 IUS_LP enhance all low power warnings to use the "[LPS]" tag
  704. 1453919 IUS_LP internal in elaboration wen using -lps_implicit_pso
  705. 1514961 IUS_LP Internal error from upf when DUT is an instance in an array of instances
  706. 1525649 IUS_LP IES-NLP doesn't seem to support the array form of module instantiation
  707. 1511254 IUS_LP bracket/wildcard reference in isolation element is ignored by the simulator
  708. 1529602 IUS_LP set_supply_net of UPF package does not work correctly - W,CSNIHT
  709. 1527268 IUS_LP struct in always_comb block does not wake from LP
  710. 1513197 IUS_LP force reapply takes too much performance
  711. 1166118 IUS_LP request to eliminate the need of introducing top level UPF
  712. 1223136 IUS_LP support for retention_cell attribute
  713. 1348381 IUS_LP a functional pin from .lib is not considered in a power down function
  714. 1286066 IUS_LP a Support of Power ports ( rtl power aware model and power port mentioned in liberty file) in add_port_state
  715. 1285823 IUS_LP unmatched ncelab: *W,ILLOBJU: [LPS] No IEEE 1801/design object from UPF for GENERATE block
  716. 1474399 IUS_LP setting a retention parameter does not work if upf has separate set_retention and set_retention_control commands
  717. 1439849 IUS_LP AMSD IEEE1801 Elaboration issue in case cds_implicit_tmpdir is used or when using ASSIGN TMP attribute in cds.lib
  718. 1348477 IUS_LP IUS does not support 'dots' in the heirarchies
  719. 1436999 IUS_LP ncelab fatal error on UPF simulation
  720. 1345457 IUS_LP Extend create_pst and add_port_state commands to allow reference to pg type objects defined in HDL or Liberty
  721. 1421014 IUS_LP [Shark]: Does NCsim interpret correctly SRSN command with literals?
  722. 1411776 IUS_LP option to power to FULL_ON any top-level supply port that is not driven by supply_on
  723. 1466534 IUS_LP query report does not report VHDL bus correctly in isolation
  724. 1440680 IUS_LP ncelab internal error with specific Liberty
  725. 1492856 IUS_LP ncsim pwr_exec_fanout error
  726. 1486355 IUS_LP BCPERR error when loading UPF
  727. 1491448 IUS_LP UPF elab error using QLPAC
  728. 1486955 IUS_LP Simulation crash - sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr((nil))
  729. 1502956 IUS_LP SARC Internal Exception during elab of upf
  730. 1499591 IUS_LP unable to disable corruption for a reg in a generate block
  731. 1484835 IUS_LP ARM retention model malfunctions when retention signal is active at time 0
  732. 1506916 IUS_LP RESET does not override output value when power up for regular flop
  733. 1498935 IUS_LP Internal error : pwr_exec_fanout - error accessing -20 with lps_supply_full_on
  734. 1233422 IUS_LP Means to skip LPS SIGNAL_NOT_X_Z_U assertions until domain is powered on
  735. 1279916 IUS_LP need to support HDL ports in "add_port_state" and "create_pst" commands
  736. 1243949 IUS_LP UDFUOBJ error being seen for port state reference for a non-PA model with liberty defined pg pin
  737. 1317156 IUS_LP create_power_domain choked on weird instance name
  738. 1305023 IUS_LP support HDL objects in power state tables
  739. 1339150 IUS_LP query* commands should be bit-based and not vectorised
  740. 1450958 IUS_LP ncelab: *E,UPFERRM even with -lps_modules_wildcard and -modules {*}
  741. 1397910 IUS_LP UPF ERROR reporting mechanism
  742. 1403752 IUS_LP Standalone UPF linter to check UPF syntax and suggest deprecated usage
  743. 1416522 IUS_LP [LPS Long Elab] LPS elab time 900s vs. Normal elab 6.5s / Elabprof CHECKPOINT 24 (after tim_process islands)
  744. 1407321 IUS_LP Support for gzipped Liberty files for UPF simulation
  745. 1437765 IUS_LP make source the default option for the isolation target
  746. 1411677 IUS_LP connect_logic_net -reconnect
  747. 1468663 IUS_LP create_power_switch command does not recognize supply handle with alps_relax_1801
  748. 1463951 IUS_LP more detailed information on lps error
  749. 1464785 IUS_LP low power sv_seghandler failure when DBC is invoked
  750. 1473661 IUS_LP reset in SimVision causes a tool failure with netlist, UPF and e testbench
  751. 1478952 IUS_LP Wrong elaboration error for upf file
  752. 1465422 IUS_LP -lps_dbc gives ncsim: *F,INTERR: INTERNAL EXCEPTION in Method SSS_MT_RETURN_BYTE
  753. 1479102 IUS_LP INTERR:switch func or pg func is shared !
  754. 1466102 IUS_LP shadow register losing value for unknown reason
  755. 1483551 IUS_LP Illegal BCPERR reported when there are no multiple supply nets connected to a port
  756. 1482130 IUS_LP lps_verify does not uniquify pst coverage
  757. 1472598 IUS_LP Enhancement Request to include unions in Low Power Simulation
  758. 1464866 IUS_LP Low Power Sim Internal Exception
  759. 1538709 IUS_LP corruption of int/bit type variables
  760. 0969446 IUS_LP LPS Incorrect TI retention model clk_free in device off mode enum type
  761. 1502663 IUS_LP domain state will not change when there is a glitch on pso control signal
  762. 1451473 IUS_LP LP simulation fatal error (extension of CCR 1436667)
  763. 1439431 IUS_LP $lps task can not be used in a class(compilation unit)
  764. 1524762 IUS_LP DBC algorithm prevents sequential block to be re-evaluated at power-up
  765. 1422808 IUS_LP PD shutoff control signal rising edge hole shown in CPF coverage but simulation shows that rising edge
  766. 1487888 IUS_LP ncsim causes *F,SVMLEX when shutoff the large reg array
  767. 1501811 IUS_LP Isolation Drop Issue : Tool is not identifying the load at the VHDL function
  768. 1486998 IUS_LP CPF: ncelab hangs in isolation processing
  769. 1307391 IUS_LP Support define list of -transition_latency
  770. 1527877 IUS_LP Even with -lps_replay_comb_always, SV process is NOT updated when DBC is used
  771. 1469126 IUS_LP set_sim_control -action power_up_replay does not work in 15.1
  772. 1472392 IUS_LP -negdelay causes ncelab internal error with CPF
  773. 1476089 IUS_LP IES CPF allows hierarchy separator both "." and "/"
  774. 0828868 IUS_RAND Enh IUS to create small testcases automatically for randomization contradictionsance
  775. 1373688 IUS_RAND RNC source code merges
  776. 1438471 IUS_RAND INTERNAL EXCEPTION: if_alloc - <= 0 bytes on large array in randomize
  777. 1510623 IUS_RAND ncsim internal error during randomization
  778. 1430335 IUS_RAND Requesting flag to timeout randomize calls.
  779. 1484418 IUS_RAND SVRNDF index out of bounds
  780. 1501481 IUS_RAND INTERR sv_handler sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr(0xa0)
  781. 1486416 IUS_RAND Internal error during simulation
  782. 1189946 IUS_RAND constraint solver test case auto generation
  783. 1186233 IUS_RAND Do we have or developing a tool that can auto-generate the cover groups based on constraint?
  784. 1470765 IUS_RAND svrnc dbg_delay=doesnt work in combination with "-svrnc utrace" option
  785. 1483587 IUS_RAND false Constraint failure now seen
  786. 1433159 IUS_RAND Performance issue with constraint randomization
  787. 1483760 IUS_RAND Run-time performance SV-randomization
  788. 1379855 IUS_RAND RNC SAT solver timeout with latest 13.2/14.2 but was working in previous versions
  789. 1452641 IUS_RAND Constraint on full list results in tool failure
  790. 1438477 IUS_RAND RNC assertion failed = _sol_nid_map.erase( s->nid() ) - rnc_solver.cpp:325
  791. 1441770 IUS_RAND randomization failure
  792. 1456019 IUS_RAND null guard check with distribution does not work
  793. 1511683 IUS_RAND RNDERR with randomization call on queue
  794. 1514467 IUS_RAND Randomization error (repeated seeds) when static class instances are used
  795. 1528635 IUS_RAND INTERR in Randomization while trying to qualify 14.10.039
  796. 1361180 IUS_RAND seed invariant when randomizing class static properties
  797. 1476422 IUS_RAND constraint failure while older version didn't have the same failure
  798. 1430404 IUS_RAND dist statement on single bit is ignored
  799. 1441007 IUS_RAND randomization failure - size constraint ignored (arr of classes)
  800. 1490745 IUS_RAND RNC assertion failed - avar
  801. 1238555 IUS_RAND Utrace reporting numeric values incorrectly
  802. 1400345 IUS_RAND Slow Randomization Performance for Attached VMM Testbench
  803. 1463616 IUS_RAND random constraint conflict due to default constraint
  804. 1464144 IUS_RAND func - rnc_node_sp rnc_dist_node::to_inside()
  805. 1463633 IUS_RAND RNC internal error, unexpected exception - 18rnc_eval_exception
  806. 1472025 IUS_RAND ncsim *F RNDUNR
  807. 1475992 IUS_RAND Constraint execution behavior is changing w.r.t IES versions (13.2-s018 and 13.20-s038/14.2-s015)
  808. 1471253 IUS_RAND ncsim: *E,RNDCNSTE values >64 bits are not supported.
  809. 1420771 IUS_SC bad thread value triggered an assertion in gdb, which led to a gdb internal error
  810. 1466813 IUS_SC C++ Wrong error message - when running SV & C++
  811. 1470448 IUS_SC scautoshell not working in mixed Verilog/SystemC design with SV bind
  812. 1523499 IUS_SC ncsc is reporting an error line 1: error:unrecognized token. With -noedg it compiles fine
  813. 1527545 IUS_SC INCA_libs/ncsc_obj/simple_fifo.gcno:cannot open graph file
  814. 1456697 IUS_SC CCI: cci_base_param::get_value() does not trigger side effect
  815. 1456701 IUS_SC CCI: Side effect free access in callback needed
  816. 1455923 IUS_SC CCI: Missing symbols for specific data types
  817. 1427262 IUS_SV -atstar_selftrigger is unresponsive at the simulation time 0
  818. 1347439 IUS_SV IES can not support unpacked struct datatype in DPI formal argument
  819. 1376604 IUS_SV DPI struct with real type array member not supported
  820. 1441737 IUS_SV Ncsim exits prematurely on a DPI call
  821. 1455483 IUS_SV support for SCEMI 2.3 sv_dpi.sv
  822. 1510617 IUS_SV Support needed for DPI struct with real type array member
  823. 1433444 IUS_SV Regarding ncsim: *F,NOFDPI INCISIV SV-DPI/UVM and VIPCAT
  824. 1413318 IUS_SV DPI-C: array of struct isn't supported
  825. 1400673 IUS_SV unsupported element in unpacked struct datatype in formal argument : Compile Error : *E,UNUSAG
  826. 1404860 IUS_SV unpacked structs not supported in DPI-C import functions
  827. 1406806 IUS_SV DPI struct with real type array member not supported
  828. 1462257 IUS_SV UNUSAG error when pass struct to DPI import function
  829. 0639360 IUS_SV using scope resolution on a type parameter not supported
  830. 1043914 IUS_SV Request support of part selects of array wire in port connection
  831. 1280924 IUS_SV SV Signal Array Part Select Needs to Work
  832. 1273595 IUS_SV ncelab error CICAPC incompatible or unsupported array port connection
  833. 1393696 IUS_SV *E,SVSITP : A reference to a datatype using a type parameter scope prefix is not currently supported.
  834. 1410674 IUS_SV ncelab sv_seghandler internal error
  835. 1442723 IUS_SV Difference between 14.1 and 14.2
  836. 1441597 IUS_SV MSIE crashes due to duplicated file name in both primary and incremental compilation lists
  837. 1508815 IUS_SV SystemVerilog Real Unpacked Array Driving a Schematic Bus Gives CICAPC ncelab Error
  838. 1520290 IUS_SV ncelab crashes with the "ivia_pair_sanity_check" fail message for the enclosed test cases
  839. 1250429 IUS_SV CICAPC error when unpacked array slice of wire type connected to port
  840. 1259401 IUS_SV Need support of part selects of array wire in port connection
  841. 1414717 IUS_SV smart padding for nested stream case
  842. 1430709 IUS_SV Internal failure when importing a VIP packet
  843. 1435426 IUS_SV Internal exception in ncelab for AMBA AXI4 VIP with UVM 1.2
  844. 1506486 IUS_SV ixcom error on an instantiation with interface array including range is used
  845. 1488573 IUS_SV Ncelab internal error with uvm 1.2
  846. 0652530 IUS_SV System Verilog Parameter in front of :: not supported
  847. 1403443 IUS_SV SV port connection error
  848. 1397665 IUS_SV Allow wires in part select port connections
  849. 1403460 IUS_SV Support for array part select for port connection(ncelab: *E,CICAPC)
  850. 1463048 IUS_SV internal error ncsim - rts_poolget_sv_aux
  851. 1480353 IUS_SV At the end of a SoC + Testbench RTL build using irun, ncelab gets an internal error
  852. 1439071 IUS_SV Arrays inside a class member function being copied over on context switch to another function
  853. 1371790 IUS_SV IUS elaboration of VIP takes too much time
  854. 1427814 IUS_SV elab spends 6 extra hours in clean_dead_hierarchy without -top
  855. 1491431 IUS_VHDL ncelab fatal error
  856. 1462883 IUS_VHDL ncvhdl_p: *E,CYCDEP: cyclic dependency error
  857. 1498058 IUS_VHDL ncvhdl_p: *F,INTERR: INTERNAL EXCEPTION - ast_expanded() - bad class
  858. 1495045 IUS_VHDL Segmentation fault when compiling VHDL-2008 code
  859. 1441734 IUS_VHDL mixed language performance suffers for low power sims
  860. 1405460 IUS_VHDL Simulation with afile crashes with MESSAGE: T(0): sv_seghandler - trapno -1 addr(0x60)
  861. 1417064 IUS_VHDL vhdlsync is not working after simulator reset
  862. 1399342 IUS_VHDL ncsim: *E,NOCONTG: DPI Scope function call allowed only from context function error on sn reload
  863. 1436230 IUS_VPI SSSLIB error - could not release object
  864. 1446356 IUS_VPI INTERNAL EXCEPTION: vsto_vd_flags - class 791 at ida_probe command
  865. 1451706 IUS_VPI Crash during sim while recording MESSAGE subelem_class_adjust_valptr - offset not a class member
  866. 1441117 IUS_VPI vpi_handle_by_name() should accept and ignore trailing white space characters
  867. 1446783 IUS_VPI Queue is not visible in the variables table.
  868. 1444195 IUS_VPI ida_probe causes ncsim crash
  869. 1517311 IUS_VPI Using '-ncinitialize' to get a wrong random result for data with width greater than 32
  870. 1508338 IUS_VPI "dynamic thread" creation - start_thread with no end_thread
  871. 1418057 IUS_VPI bind instances missing in design browser; present in describe command with -nncbind
  872. 1501117 IUS_VPI ida_probe causing *F,INTERR on virtual interface access
  873. 1505080 IUS_VPI HAL INTERNAL ERROR: VPI UNXTYP when VPI looks for high conn that is a 1-bit part of an enum const
  874. 1482613 IUS_VPI VPI does not get a driver of a net
  875. 1397842 IUS_VPI Internal error at the end of sim dont exit.
  876. 1468183 IUS_VPI option "-ncinitialize rand_2state:56" plus "-always_trigger" doesn't work for unpacked array
  877. 1464816 IUS_VPI Cannot enable flow recording for SV Interfaces
  878. 1463598 IUS_VPI IDA OS 11 for when doing ida_probe -sv_flow
  880. 1478396 IUS_VPI Simvision: database value type mismatch
  881. 1478995 IUS_VPI A reference to a datatype using a type parameter scope prefix is not currently supported.
  882. 1452411 IUS_VPI Mixing DPI and VPI causing crash on callback when using vpi_remove_cb function.
  883. 1412007 MDV_IEM Wrong DRM attribute on SGE
  884. 1301792 MDV_IEM Problems creating buckets_filters in EPlanner and loading them in EManager.
  885. 1448846 MDV_IEM ePlanner fails to load vsof merged from collected runs
  886. 1447310 MDV_IEM IEM is taking VMG100 (vManager Server) license
  887. 1453997 MDV_IEM vm_scan.pl ignores error filters when max patterns are reached
  888. 1500398 MDV_IEM scan script failure due to too many lines in the log file (~22M)
  889. 1461030 MDV_IEM vm_scan.pl should use "severity" for prioritize the log scanning
  890. 1462531 MDV_IEM vm_analyze.pl taking a long time to generate a basic summary report.
  891. 1342587 MDV_IMC enhancement to generate the CSV report for the whole design
  892. 1431169 MDV_IMC Request index column for FSM report
  893. 1268327 MDV_IMC separate reports for toggle ports and toggle internals
  894. 1439760 MDV_IMC Request ability to set an environment variable for location of .imc directory
  895. 1456709 MDV_IMC How to compare two coverage databases of same design but different tests?
  896. 1530127 MDV_IMC [KC] Performance of Loading Coverage DB
  897. 1530874 MDV_IMC [Samsung KC] IMC performance issue
  898. 1433118 MDV_IMC Merged coverage database unable to load in IMC (Reporting Slow)
  899. 1474891 MDV_IMC IMC gui shows wrong bits in coverage equality table
  900. 1456075 MDV_IMC IMC FSM hit score message shows "MIXED" but this is not documented
  901. 1443813 MDV_IMC Add categorized comment in IMC drop down menu
  902. 1442877 MDV_IMC creating views prevents user from viewing expression coverage
  903. 1528579 MDV_IMC imc Internal Error when re-using saved view that includes simple filter in one pane and advanced filter in another
  904. 1166612 MDV_IMC Request ability to select multiple metrics types of type/instance for exclusion in IMC GUI
  905. 1289283 MDV_IMC In IMC GUI report option is present only in Summary page
  906. 1399748 MDV_IMC IMC becomes unresponsive after excluding one item/section
  907. 1343447 MDV_IMC reduce HTML report coverpoint name
  908. 1349577 MDV_IMC Removing Full Hit from Toggle Coverage in HTML report of IMC.
  909. 1470550 MDV_IMC Coverage Audit: Request cross batch report output to be easier to read
  910. 1496403 MDV_IMC IMC HTML report should have the listed source code hyperlinked to the original design file
  911. 1473518 MDV_IMC IMC HTML reports lacks introductory explanation
  912. 1310760 MDV_IMC How to remove coverpoint having attribute weight=0 from coverage report?
  913. 1482937 MDV_IMC imc GUI gives internal error when generating Extended Tree report
  914. 1441782 MDV_IMC Rank report has columns running into each other without any space making it hard to read
  915. 1437926 MDV_IMC concatenated columns in parallel rank results
  916. 1360569 MDV_IMC Coverage Ranking issue for Samsung BMT
  917. 1499248 MDV_IMC IMC crashes while ranking when (#runs) < (argument of -max option) of rank_config command
  918. 1456116 MDV_IMC Loading order of coverge vRefines and UNR vRefines
  919. 1442807 MDV_IMC assertions do not get generated when type based exclusions exist in the refinement file
  920. 1433292 MDV_IMC IMC performance issue with block exclusions
  921. 1093390 MDV_IMC n/a is a bit confusing between implictly/explicitly excluded nets
  922. 1325074 MDV_VMANAGER The vm_scan.pl enhancements for creating a single run vsof
  923. 1506452 MDV_VMANAGER Internal error when reading vsof file
  924. 1459864 MDV_VMANAGER correct path to session.log is NOT displayed in the vsof file
  925. 1526209 MDV_VMANAGER [vManager] Runs Table doesn't show a string value correctly
  926. 1509946 MDV_VMANAGER [vManager] Delete UDA and internal error
  927. 1353965 MDV_VMANAGER Allow user control of attributes are displayed in vPlanner
  928. 1411558 MDV_VMANAGER vManager Internal error while looking at the User DA from the administration Center
  929. 1504534 MDV_VMANAGER seed attribute is not being parsed correctly in a vsif is "positive_gen_random" is used
  930. 1498555 MDV_VMANAGER Changing UDA with valid_values from vApi
  931. 1529654 MDV_VMANAGER CALCULATION_SCRIPT is taking null value when exporting UDA from vManager
  932. 1442542 MDV_VMANAGER stopped importing rest of vsof files when error occurred.
  933. 1519559 MDV_VMANAGER rank -view not accepted
  934. 1528093 MDV_VMANAGER [vManager] chart_export does not work properly when called multiple times back-to-back
  935. 1399399 MDV_VMANAGER vMgr config automation CLI command issues in batch mode
  936. 1347271 MDV_VMANAGER vmgrbackup script always return 0 exit status when script fails
  937. 1404276 MDV_VMANAGER wal backups are copied every 10 minutes, need to create wal backups if only file size reaches the limit
  938. 1464822 MDV_VMANAGER Adding the tool version to vmanager migration message
  939. 1315362 MDV_VMANAGER Need TCL API for filtering
  940. 1365226 MDV_VMANAGER the performence of linear merge
  941. 1305620 MDV_VMANAGER Request to have distributed/parallel ranking be incorporated into the tool.
  942. 1410186 MDV_VMANAGER correlation in batch does not use view properly
  943. 1519434 MDV_VMANAGER Enhancements to vManager low_mem_disk_alert.sh
  944. 1452098 MDV_VMANAGER wal_setup.sh does not work
  945. 1460957 MDV_VMANAGER incremental_base_backup.sh does not work when using non-standards for vManager database name/ username
  946. 1460976 MDV_VMANAGER db_maintenance.sh does not work
  947. 1451719 MDV_VMANAGER vM14.2; vM becomes unresponsive if user defined scripts called when invoked in background
  948. 1449345 MDV_VMANAGER a default view for testcases in vManager
  949. 1445357 MDV_VMANAGER issue when moved from rank page to test tree page
  950. 1505288 MDV_VMANAGER error when trying to apply filter on coverage
  951. 1418807 MDV_VMANAGER [vM] Supporting Refresh button on Runs view in Analysis Center
  952. 1418819 MDV_VMANAGER [vM] vM becomes "Suspended" when using user-defined action (any solutions?)
  953. 1418974 MDV_VMANAGER Refresh table in user-defined action TCL script
  954. 1445615 MDV_VMANAGER few seconds (too long) to move from analysis to regression center
  955. 1496319 MDV_VMANAGER export view settings and import them on another server
  956. 1495320 MDV_VMANAGER User button script put vM GUI in background mode
  957. 1496887 MDV_VMANAGER export view settings and import them on another server
  958. 1476900 MDV_VMANAGER Editing vPlan attributes from vManager
  959. 1448183 MDV_VMANAGER BETA151 Failed to migrate schema, process invocation failed
  960. 1486737 MDV_VMANAGER project name in login window
  961. 1494341 MDV_VMANAGER Need suspend/resume capability for project container management
  962. 1417504 MDV_VMANAGER vplanx loading takes a very long time
  963. 1451017 MDV_VMANAGER Issues with VPlanner for ECOs in csv file
  964. 1437375 MDV_VMANAGER Vplan parsing error
  965. 1518534 MDV_VMANAGER dramatic slow-down of vPlanner with new hotfix
  966. 1463462 MDV_VMANAGER UDA: "Should Propagate" False does not work
  967. 1484799 MDV_VMANAGER vPlanner does not respect "SHOULD PROPAGATE" field for user defined attributes.
  968. 1461722 MDV_VMANAGER slow vplanx edit response times
  969. 1484488 MDV_VMANAGER change location for spec not working
  970. 1478511 MDV_VMANAGER manually entering mapping pattern gives NULL pointer
  971. 1498904 MDV_VMANAGER vPlanner rich text view is blocking many times and therefore does not allow editing the text
  972. 1472364 MDV_VMANAGER vplanner or planning centre is unable to load coverage when verification scopes are used.
  973. 1345880 MDV_VMANAGER loading of ucm taking long time in vplanner.
  974. 1432607 MDV_VMANAGER internal error in the new Planning Center when adding to the vplan
  975. 1432603 MDV_VMANAGER Error: EPJAVAERROR: EP unhandled Java exception (3)
  976. 1016496 MDV_VMANAGER Ability to reorder and hide attribute fields in EPlanner
  977. 1395249 MDV_VMANAGER vmanager significant performance issue over IMC
  978. 1405588 MDV_VMANAGER VPlanner performance issue : will not load session and gives OutOfMemoryError
  979. 1462368 MDV_VMANAGER vManager gives an internal error when generating a summary report
  980. 1486880 MDV_VMANAGER Create HTML report for failed runs
  981. 1403868 MDV_VMANAGER vM/IMC 14.2; html report cross bin level details, er to show coverpoints/columns - like gui
  982. 1449837 MDV_VMANAGER vManager rerun uses new seed
  983. 1474418 MDV_VMANAGER vM15.1; UGE / new runner, vsif attribute, dispatch_parameters/create_debug_logs being ignored
  984. 1472077 MDV_VMANAGER Running Incisive/vManager 15.10.002 with RTDA 2015.03 - ERROR - web socket error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
  985. 1526517 MDV_VMANAGER Cannot set max_runs_in_parallel to more than 10,000
  986. 1514194 MDV_VMANAGER vmanager showing wrong status for runs when running with NC drm and new runner.
  987. 1431132 MDV_VMANAGER vManager ius.flt not detecting a fatal error
  988. 1432575 MDV_VMANAGER vsof corruption
  989. 1450449 MDV_VMANAGER Fatal ncsim errors not being extracted by vm_scan.pl
  990. 1498705 MDV_VMANAGER unexpected output from LSF query command
  991. 1499943 MDV_VMANAGER ST vManager Server was not able to delete chunks: For some reasons thread that reads the chunks was stopped
  992. 1314092 MDV_VMANAGER Session not started. VSIF processing error: Failed to save session id to the DB
  993. 1475642 MDV_VMANAGER Using native NC DRM : default_dispatch_parameters being used for simulation instead of runs_dispatch_parameters
  994. 1473958 MDV_VMANAGER vManager does not honor 'Stop Run' from 15.10
  995. 1474400 MDV_VMANAGER vM15.1; UGE DRM, remote job log files go into $HOME not ./chain/debug_log
  996. 1435562 MDV_VMANAGER vManager - Typo in vm_automation.log
  997. 1522505 MDV_VMANAGER vM15.10; using automation -report_metrics_instances causes error, passes -instances to report_metrics instead of -inst
  998. 1226997 MDV_VMANAGER ability to use view from one DB in another DB
  999. 1227189 MDV_VMANAGER Ability to move view from one DB to another
  1000. 1416089 MDV_VMANAGER vmanager is not giving correct category to errors/failures when messages are added via vapi
  1001. 1424882 MDV_VMANAGER Refinements are not saved depending on how coverage files are combined/merged in vmanager
  1002. 1434880 MDV_VMANAGER client crush
  1003. 1498225 MDV_VMANAGER vManager Local Mode GUI is very slow just after running a couple of sessions
  1004. 1405774 MDV_VMANAGER Add means to export and import user-defined views
  1005. 1477630 MDV_VMANAGER collecting multiple runs at a time ignores sim-time exclusions
  1006. 1440840 MDV_VMANAGER taking snapshop takes forever
  1007. 1487461 MDV_VMANAGER [vM] Supporting a batch command to reload the goal CSV file on the Tracking Cetner
  1008. 1470450 MDV_VMANAGER Failed to clone&migrate profile to 14.22.016 from (14.20.010/15.10.002)
  1009. 1464718 MDV_VMANAGER Snapshot that never finished need to be deleted
  1010. 1538723 MDV_VMANAGER Failure to take a snapshot even on a simple small session
  1011. 1399688 MDV_VMANAGER vManager vsofx export will not overrite if the file already exists
  1012. 1485636 MDV_VMANAGER vAPI Export of Compacted Session results in 403 Error
  1013. 1533049 MDV_VMANAGER vapi fail to connect - user defined drm impl should be taken from registry not from configuration
  1014. 1484247 MDV_VMANAGER vPlan Correlation returns incorrect (??) results when vPlan section contains testcases.
  1015. 1485776 MDV_VMANAGER metric exlusion comment does not appear in vplan report (and not in the vplan analysis view)
  1016. 1493604 MDV_VMANAGER No warnings when loading vpRefine w/ unmatched refinements
  1017. 1460529 PERSPEC Number of solutions always limited to count (=20) even for large FILL space
  1018. 1472419 PERSPEC generated perpsec.err file should be renamed to perspec.err
  1019. 1472422 PERSPEC action table generates segmentation fault in batch mode
  1020. 1452183 PERSPEC generated code should provide default exec body in linux (hce) mode
  1021. 1455837 PERSPEC exported fields in run_start not accessible (compared to scenario_start)
  1022. 1510955 PERSPEC perspec_mbox_mem.sln manipulation needed to guarantee atomic mailbox access
  1023. 1536244 PERSPEC get_linker_diretive() returns a wrong value resulting in incorrect fast message code
  1024. 1514562 PERSPEC Support SV time units in time stamps as well as hex format in arguments of Perspec debug messages
  1025. 1519123 PERSPEC Code generation run time error caused from within patch_perspec_action_table_solve_gen.sln
  1026. 1220106 PERSPEC sln_main should have a pointer to a struct parameter
  1027. 1220113 PERSPEC svr should have a simple way to create test library (several tests that could be compiled together)
  1028. 1241835 PERSPEC generated test in FULL dispatch cannot be compiled with sdcc
  1029. 1317947 PERSPEC segfault with added processor definition during code generation
  1030. 1313178 PERSPEC main() and slnp_write() are not generated by slnp_simple_linux.sln
  1031. 1466746 PERSPEC Provide hooks to insert barrier before one2one and broadcast IPC send functions
  1032. 1480615 PERSPEC svr_batch fields changed and exit reset counters initialized to wrong values
  1033. 1536249 PERSPEC perspec_debug prints "perspec_reformat_log.pl: command not found"
  1034. 1536990 PERSPEC runtime_repeat exec code uses messaging functions of other procs
  1035. 1371056 PERSPEC FILL operation is not working in composer based on top macro action
  1036. 1442917 PERSPEC restore scenario did not work with memory package
  1037. 1426959 PERSPEC saved FILL scenario can not be reused in composer
  1038. 1243752 PERSPEC assert svr_error caused by set integer value in attributes lis
  1039. 1312664 PERSPEC sln_null_processor in the gallery and wrong references for DVE
  1040. 1468674 PERSPEC color of actions not changed to orange/yellow during schedule operation in composer
  1041. 1465428 PERSPEC enum definition with -1 causes segmentation fault in composeer
  1042. 1514078 PERSPEC Perspec 15.10.010 fast run/debug issue in customers' environment.
  1043. 1513888 PERSPEC Perspec debugger does not show any run-time info even though there are plenty runtime messages in the log file
  1044. 1319064 PERSPEC segfault in analyzer with bind_to_irq example during scenario selection in the graph pane
  1045. 1510929 PERSPEC PERSPEC_LIST_CAPACITY issue in perspec_test.h
  1046. 1179148 PERSPEC svr_runtime_sdm tool failure when there is 2 actions with the same name
  1047. 1182650 PERSPEC multi processor - support full dispatch
  1048. 1474469 PERSPEC A debug option to turn on debug message generation in Perspec instrumented codes
  1049. 1530790 PERSPEC perspec runtime license : Could not find or load main class main_server
  1050. 1513296 PERSPEC extend simulation_on_HDL_target example with RT license
  1051. 1520988 PERSPEC Support "same address set" memory allocation scheme
  1052. 1417039 PERSPEC processor core tag not visible in waveform anymore
  1053. 1513295 PERSPEC extend simulation_and_verification_with_Perspec_testbench_interface example with RT license
  1054. 1313708 PERSPEC sn_jre_pid.txt should be removed or generated in the workdir
  1055. 1477270 PERSPEC Statically allocated memory segments in components are not freed up
  1056. 1475722 PERSPEC fixes for simulation_on_HDL_target example under 280
  1057. 1460695 PERSPEC variable missing in ./svr_workdir/10_08_2015_09_52_07.14937/svr_shdw.e
  1058. 1483680 PERSPEC Issue with randomization of memory blocks under sp_mem2mem_chain
  1059. 1476846 PERSPEC fixes for binding_to_interrupts example under 280
  1060. 1197733 PERSPEC Hook in DVE for start of solve
  1061. 1179182 PERSPEC reload svr contain full path
  1062. 1178639 PERSPEC Constraints in tables don't work well
  1063. 1470818 PERSPEC Perspec only give a solution when "FILLing" a macro action with some attribute set to **FILL**
  1064. 1490175 PERSPEC Reusing same seed does not help to reproduce issues that are related to memory allocation flow
  1065. 1478097 PERSPEC syntax error in constraint under construc_nested will not be reported
  1066. 1468570 PERSPEC Add push/pop instructions for all 64-bit APIs
  1067. 1487690 PERSPEC Runtime error (struct is NULL) with DVM + Crypto IO action
  1068. 1529300 PERSPEC Add a 'stride' attribute to allocate_to_cache action
  1069. 1495981 PERSPEC Enable user to control processor which performs exclusive_init, also lift constraints on what procs can do it in general
  1070. 1484266 PERSPEC evict_line targets DDR memory addresses when select_cache_region actually points to IMEM_C, test_info not updated then
  1071. 1473247 PERSPEC Support QuadWord accesses in exclusive lock
  1072. 1477044 PERSPEC DVM+IP IPs - need to use separate memory buffers for IP transfers
  1073. 1469989 PERSPEC Do exclusive accesses on entire granularity
  1074. 1468747 PERSPEC "operation is illegal" failure while generating DVM swipe test
  1075. 1468644 PERSPEC exclusive_lock can sometimes generate an empty C function (no lock is obtained at all)
  1076. 1468574 PERSPEC Enhance APIs to be Execution Level-aware
  1077. 1465542 PERSPEC Enable control of memory blocks for all library high level actions
  1078. 1532360 PERSPEC Improper token binding in dvm_multi action with IO
  1079. 1531755 PERSPEC dvm_swipe_all test generating address -1
  1080. 1407002 PERSPEC get_data() of sln_mem_segment causes generation runtime error because of allocation issues
  1081. 1117587 SPECMAN use e libraries to reduce compilation time
  1082. 1372812 SPECMAN sn_compile.sh -s ./libsn_xor_verify.so -sim vcs -sim_flags "xor.v" -shlib -exe makes tool unresponsive
  1083. 1218498 SPECMAN OS11 specman failures
  1084. 1431595 SPECMAN single value set instantiation fails in compiled mode
  1085. 1506973 SPECMAN main_.h file is created wuth syntax error and fails in gcc compilation (of sn_copile.sh)
  1086. 1536483 SPECMAN ES -snprerun is not compatible with previous version
  1087. 1159095 SPECMAN Required Specman C interface enhancement.
  1088. 1400080 SPECMAN Can't show global.units in data browser
  1089. 1527159 SPECMAN Specman Data Browser failure when browsing into data structs
  1090. 1433511 SPECMAN SN-Denali interface doesn't support addresses wider than 32 bits
  1091. 1337546 SPECMAN NULL pointer error message points to the wrong line
  1092. 1014163 SPECMAN wrong line number in error message
  1093. 1484511 SPECMAN Wrong error handling when an error occurs within dut_error action block
  1094. 1348041 SPECMAN sn_compile.sh: internal error: elib with instance_ignore
  1095. 1415140 SPECMAN "value in enum_range" operator does not work properly when the enum type is extended in several elibs
  1096. 1420323 SPECMAN internal exception in any_sequence_driver_u when using rerun
  1097. 1397140 SPECMAN sn_compile.sh -elib give: Internal Error assert result != UNDEF
  1098. 1516218 SPECMAN HAL eLint rule ERPKGE failing in tf_place_defined_phase macro
  1099. 1249945 SPECMAN uvm_ml_type_match macro results in ERPKGE hal error when used in a UVM package
  1100. 1249932 SPECMAN hal ERPKGE error when using tf_define_phase macro
  1101. 1442909 SPECMAN No error message when trying to use wrong ecom invocation
  1102. 1378578 SPECMAN Specman installation issue: mltypemap file
  1103. 0924339 SPECMAN list pseudo outside the keeping scope produces wrong determinants
  1104. 1437497 SPECMAN False contradiction due to wrong input size
  1105. 1509760 SPECMAN internal error duing generation pointing to gen_scalar_solver_var_node.e
  1106. 1292942 SPECMAN G7 warning missing for list of list constraint
  1107. 1347754 SPECMAN Wrong DEPR_GEN_IMPLICIT_INPUT in gen action
  1108. 1496119 SPECMAN Loaded constraint on top of compiled modules ignored
  1109. 1492542 SPECMAN Interrnal Specman/e generation error
  1110. 1486868 SPECMAN Load time error with constraint that contains shift
  1111. 1096026 SPECMAN has constraint under keep-for-each causes lace error
  1112. 1499183 SPECMAN Forcing of bit slice
  1113. 1419775 SPECMAN sn failure for event declaration change on memory
  1114. 1409205 SPECMAN Specman coredump on large MVL list
  1115. 1365400 SPECMAN Invalid warning for license mnemonics IES/IESXL
  1116. 1115319 SPECMAN list implementing fifo optimization
  1117. 1118243 SPECMAN Add list pseudo method that finds the n'th item in the list that a condition apllies to
  1118. 1341674 SPECMAN Internal Error using "for each list of list of uint"
  1119. 1513508 SPECMAN sn_compile.sh compilation error when flatten().all() is used on one dimension list
  1120. 1397120 SPECMAN List size initialisation for keyed list cause specman OS signal 11
  1121. 1519892 SPECMAN Out of memory allocating 0 bytes - when limit datasize is 512 G
  1122. 1418463 SPECMAN provide a better error message at tool stack overflow instead of OS Signal 11 error
  1123. 1022785 SPECMAN Specman to catch overflow of stack instead of getting OS11
  1124. 1299258 SPECMAN print_process_size sometimes does not calculate OPS when loading the e code
  1125. 1507110 SPECMAN show_mem_raw during otf gc causes unexpected termination
  1126. 1468311 SPECMAN Constraints from above ignored after save and GC
  1127. 1451638 SPECMAN Messages not printed when using dynamic loading
  1128. 1444715 SPECMAN when extension of undefined value returning method returns undefined value in compiled mode
  1129. 1445335 SPECMAN "is also" extension ignored when "is" extension of otrthogonal subtype loaded after it.
  1130. 1398967 SPECMAN Verilog adapter is not aware when VHDL finished with stop_run()
  1131. 1461749 SPECMAN Ability to load UVM ML e code into standalone specman
  1132. 1478293 SPECMAN uvm method ports are not supported when using UVM ML OA
  1133. 1497572 SPECMAN Internal Error: Bad source ref at tf macro parsing
  1134. 1359043 SPECMAN Internal exception from any_sequence after rerun
  1135. 1398364 SPECMAN recording both transactions and IDA db -> in post process invoking IDA will cause the transaction db to be overriden
  1136. 1427583 SPECMAN simple gen compilation cause code failure with null point error
  1137. 1438738 SPECMAN sn_enhance.sh should support enable_DAC
  1138. 1482919 SPECMAN sn_encrypt.sh fails to support symlinks & encryted files
  1139. 1455028 SPECMAN Bit-length mismatch between the verilog variable declaration and the actual Verilog object
  1140. 1443538 SPECMAN Fatal Error on 14.22.011
  1141. 1500482 SPECMAN Incorrect load error in TCM start, when TCM has default parameter value
  1142. 1517134 SPECMAN incorrect behavior when Extending an undefined Method using is also
  1143. 1492313 SPECMAN sys.sn___rerun_aborted failure when activated after GC
  1144. 1328651 SPECMAN IXCOM stub error with Specman
  1145. 1100576 SPECMAN cannot access Verilog parameters of type string
  1146. 1331454 UVM uvm e scoreboard : change too many delay matches error to dut_error
  1147. 1340351 UVM The "case" statement expanded by CLOCK_SWITCH_SCHEME should have default entry
  1148. 1458280 UVM support of two identical items, one UNCERTAIN and one PENDING, whn using delay_match
  1149. 1454209 UVM delay_match_in_scbd_stream() is missing cached item when there is more then one match
  1150. 1295548 UVM Wrong tf phase order in 14.10
  1151. 1490024 UVM uvm e testflow macro incomplete
  1152. 1172041 UVM timeout_expired() hook method to be called also when error_on_timeout is TRUE
  1153. 1450463 UVM unexpected reg_verifier output
  1154. 1455818 UVM add support for mask of reset
  1155. 1438219 UVM enhance reg_verifier to support "add_hdl_path" construct for setting multiple HDL path for uvm_reg.
  1156. 1503887 UVM reg_verifier : Cover-group for unmodeled bits getting generated
  1157. 1489979 UVM reg_verifier cadence:endianess extenstion not working
  1158. 1461825 UVM Specifying uvm_reg fields with more than one HDL path
  1159. 1545267 UVM Elaboration internal exception
  1160. 1336386 UVM dut_reg_changed event doesn't get triggered for VR_AD_ON_DEMAND_STATIC_INFO define
  1161. 1342956 UVM vr_ad :*** Error: Assertion failed (a programming error):
  1162. 1439307 UVM uvm e vr_ad : read_reg macro not working when backdoor is enabled
  1163. 1452046 UVM uvm e vr_ad : issue with multiple read_reg operation in parrallel
  1164. 1509127 UVM issue with SIMPLE vr_ad sequence
  1165. 1520476 UVM vr_ad ipxact2vrad.pl script error in reset values generation
  1166. 1523705 UVM CCR 1452046 fix not merged properly in 14.20.020
  1167. 1488092 UVM uvm e vr_ad : issue with selection of sequence driver when write_reg is called from non vr_ad_sequence
  1168. 1505100 UVM uvm e vr_ad: enhance the package to support automatic size mapping
  1169. 1481616 UVM vr_ad: insert cycle delay btwn multiple backdoor Ws and Rs
  1170. 1553596 IUS_CORE_PARSE GLIBCXX_3.4.11 not found required by ncvlog