1. 7.0.51:
  2. * Fixed: Horizontal axis grid in Vitalize doesn't match frequency axis
  3. * Fixed: Vitalize crashes when switching to a clip with different sample rate with the processor UI open
  4. * Fixed: DeNoise & DeNoise Light doesn't update frequency scales when switching to a clip with different sample rate
  5. * Improved: Smoother looking selection geometries generated by the brush tool
  6. * Fixed: Ensure time selection after undoing time-frequency region operation
  7. * Added: Drag and drop reordering of tracks in multitrack sessions
  8. * Fixed: ID3 tags preventing MP3 files from loading in Media Player in Windows 7
  9. * Fixed: Changing track heights in multitrack sessions not always working.
  10. * Added: Show automation levels when moving curve points
  11. * Fixed: Keep last selection tool when returning to spectrogram mode
  12. * Fixed: Possible freeze in FLAC decoder (extremely rare)
  13. * Added: Persistent file export settings in Cleaning Wizard
  14. * Fixed: Batch Wizard encoder settings have no effect
  15. * Added: Persistent batch processing settings
  16. * Added: Mono compatibility check button in Processing Chain and Multitrack Session Master pane
  17. * Added: Expand selection to zero crossings
  18. * Fixed: Time display should show current cursor position when audio isn't playing
  19. * Added: Add track number meta data support
  20. * Added (help): Describe 'Statistics' command
  21. * Added (help): Describe color palettes in analysis settings
  22. * Added (help): Describe processor preview controls
  23. * Fixed: Zoom buttons and zoom menu commands should zoom in around cursor position
  24. * Added: Add setting for maximum plug-in validation time (necessary for Waves shell)
  25. * Fixed: DeNoise noise profile estimation resets when looping audio
  26. * Fixed: Error in MapScale potentially causing out-of-bounds memory reads
  27. * Fixed: Tab close button not always responding to clicks when highlighted
  28. * Fixed: Zoom range tool not working in waveform view
  29. * Added: Adjust magnitude range directly from scale indication
  30. * Added: Add "Eject when finished" checkbox to CD burn dialog
  31. * Added: Make Dynamics and Multiband Dynamics available for the aux send.
  32. * Added: Color palette options in Spectrogram, Wavelet and Spectral Histogram
  33. * Fixed: Length of loop crossfading should be limited by length of audio available before the loop starting point
  34. * Fixed: Selecting output file format in Cleaning Wizard's file export page has no effect
  35. * Fixed: Waveform visualization doesn't update after closing the VST editor window from certain plug-ins
  36. * Added: File open dialog should have "All supported files" option
  37. * Fixed: Possible crash when right clicking in empty waveform views
  38. * Fixed: Incorrect block size reported to plug-ins when applying to files with 96 kHz sample rate or higher (mostly AU plug-ins affected)
  39. * Fixed: Undo not possible after removing anchor per drag & drop
  40. * Fixed: Incorrect command names in undo stack when using Cut and Delete with time-frequency selections
  41. * Fixed: Delete command with time frequency selection results in two commands (Delete > Mute) in undo stack
  42. * Improved: Statistics window now contain file name in window title
  43. * Fixed: DeHum frequency indicators not updated without audio playing
  44. * Fixed: DeHum sensitivity knob has no effect
  45. * Fixed: Invert toggle not set when reopening "Volume" processing tool
  46. * Fixed: Crash when loading plug-in chain files containing certain plug-ins
  47. * Fixed: Incorrect ID3 Tag header size in exported MP3 files
  48. * Fixed (Windows only): Plug-in Windows too big when opened from Processing Chain and using DPI scaling
  49. * Fixed: Unable to load processing chain files with some rare combinations of processors
  50. * Fixed: View range not validated after sample rate conversions.
  51. * Improved: Sample rate conversion accuracy and speed
