- How to manually patch SSV2 files:
- -Find your game on http://abgx360.net/verified.php (THE XEX CRC MUST MATCH)
- -Click on the little blue number on the very far right (NOT the Title ID)
- -Download a SS and DMI combination. It doesn't matter which as long as they are from the same row and the SS Version is 2
- In Options:
- -UN-check "Verify if stealth passes"
- In Manually Patch or Extract Files:
- -Check "Patch even if stealth passes"
- -Check "Patch DMI" then load the DMI file
- -Check "Patch SS" then load the SS file
- If you want to save these settings for future use, press Ctrl+S and name it "SSV2 Patching" or whatever.
- -Click Launch. If done right it should say that the patching was successful.
- -You can skip the Game CRC check during this part if you want.
- -After patching, run it again on regular settings and it should look normal.