1. Understanding Palliative Care
  2. Palliative care is a multifaceted interdisciplinary approach focused on maximizing quality of life and reducing suffering among individuals with chronic, life-threatening disease. In the medical literature, numerous definitions of palliative care have been published. A definition that seems to fit most practice is that it is "a therapy that relieves pain and other symptoms of disease in patients who are at high risk for complications". It also may include treatment options that reduce both short-term and long-term discomfort and disability and may offer palliative care services to enhance the quality of life of patients with cancer or other life-threatening diseases.
  3. While some examples of palliative care include extending symptom support and education, counseling, and treatments such as chemotherapy, others are focused on alleviating suffering, improving quality of life, reducing the potential for death, and promoting recovery. The most common end point in any therapy is death, but this does not mean that all individuals receiving this type of care are dying. Sometimes the goal of palliative care is to extend the period of survival of a patient who may be seriously ill before he or she dies of disease. For example, hospice is often recommended for those nearing the end stage of life that is potentially fatal. hospice is also used when the quality of life has been substantially improved and the disease or illness has been managed with medications that have no curative benefits.
  4. end of life
  5. When individuals are suffering from cancer, heart disease, neurological disorders, or other illnesses that can be painful, debilitating, or life-threatening, they may need additional care to help them get palliative care. A hospice provider may be called upon to provide this type of care if a family or friend cannot provide it on their own. When you are faced with the loss of your loved one, the last thing you want to do is wait until you are in the midst of medical complications to receive palliative care, and in many situations this should be avoided at all costs.
