1. How to stay current with the music of your home country even though it's been 10 years since you last left.
  2. How do you describe your life? I am an Russki boy who came to America looking for an improved lifestyle. In Russia I didn't have a lot of money, and certainly not within the middle class. My family, me, were not rich. Young adults in Russia were not dependent on money as they grew older. As such we were forced other than to figure out ways to earn our own money. Many methods were employed and most of them involved asking neighbors for money to purchase vodka for their community. Like the above we were always looking for ways to make quick cash to even purchase a loaf of bread. We were always hungry..
  3. And so I made it to America and have and have been here for some time and seen the entire East Coast from Boston all up to Miami and Key West and all the up to the middle states. It's nothing like New York, Brooklyn, Brighton Beach. This place is a great reminder of my home. It's loud, filthy, there's plenty of Russian language everywhere, and the people are rude - it's normal Russian city life. I've spent quite a lot of money in Russian restaurants and bookstores.
  4. I am a huge fan of music and I enjoy reading books. It's now easy to find Russian literature through Kindle and it's happened recently. So I decided to stop purchasing books in hard copies as I don't have much space in my home, and my wife is a bit of a hoarder, so I do my best to contribute to her, including avoiding buying new stuff which I don't actually have to store around my house, because I don't have a place for it... Although piles and piles of books look intelligent in the beginning, once they got older they began to look dull and boring. Then, I moved them into my garage.
  5. Music is different. My job involves lots of driving, and I am constantly listening to music. And as an old Russian native, I've not learned to like any new music I found here in the USA.. I simply don't like hip-hop, rap metal, rock, and pop. Also, all the modern stuff that kids like to dance to.. Old Russian music is my favorite music, particularly the ones with prison themes. These songs are still very popular in Russia, even after 20 years. They aren't on CDs - they are mostly tapes that are found in cars, and YouTube videos. They do put everything on Youtube these days. You can find me on Youtube for hours, even after hours.
  6. I have a great playlist with 300 songs that I am in love with. The playlist is a precious chest of music that I listen to each day. It has over 300 songs. The issue is that I'm not able to find the Internet whenever I want to listen in my car. This is because I use it for navigation and driving. I prepare the playlist at home. As I am now near the middle of my list, I record a few songs from Youtube and convert them into MP3 files. Then , I burn the mp3s onto an audio CD using my laptop. youtubeconverter I then take the disc to the car to listen to. This site can print out an entire Youtube playlist and convert every song into an mp3 file to save on my personal computer. It's then easy to convert it into an audio CD. Sometimes I'm prone to making a mistake and end up making a data CD. This will not work with my car stereo. It's fascinating how technology functions when audio is recorded. It doesn't require an internet connection to play mp3. I simply plug the CDs into my car stereo and the music from Russia blasts through Manhattan whenever I drive by.
  7. It's easy and cheap to copy videos from Youtube in mp3 format and you can download them to your Smartphone. My friend connected his smartphone to the car stereo and the phone started playing high quality sound in less than 2 seconds. It also played Spotify and Pandora radio. It's not a huge undertaking and doesn't require much Internet. This is something I'm planning to try the next time. But, I'll make sure to not use the free wifi.
