1. The long drive to home for Thanksgiving is always educational. I take lectures with me.
  2. Here are the most recent events that have occurred in my life. I've entered college, it's online, but I'm picking up many valuable skills to prepare for my dream job as a Youtube celebrity or Instagram influencer. I'm sure you're in a state of laughter but this is the path that I am already on and have nearly 1800 followers. Although it is not much but thanks to a lot of positive thoughts and exclusive content with great ideas, I will soon be the next celebrity. You can achieve anything when you make the effort, Nas said. I've always believed in his comments.
  3. It was a lengthy and boring journey home , which was just like any other. Being a hefty and bulky individual I am not a fan of sitting in a bus seat. This time, I decided to outsmart the boredom. It's true! You're correct!
  4. save video As I get ready for an eight-hour bus ride, I think about the things I want to do and how I can be a good sport, or maybe even some brain work. I went through the video clips of the three lectures I took. The duration was about seven hours. I wanted to download the video onto my iPad and then played the lecture riding the bus home to celebrate Thanksgiving. YouTube's MP3 convertor helped me to do exactly this.. The audio format was the only option for my phone. I don't have much space and audio lectures are just like podcasts. The explanations are in a way that viewers are to three years old. It's simple to comprehend even if you aren’t watching or listening. I then converted the videos to mp3 format and prepared my headphones. I don't have the costly new Airpods and so I'm still using my cheap headphones.
  5. In order to save time, I downloaded YouTube videos in mp4 format on my iPad. It's nice to be able to watch the teacher , and listen to what's happening, but video is still awesome. However, mp3s are way smaller than video mp4, and I wasn't able to even fit all the 7hrs of video on my iPad. I was not even willing to remove the season of Family Guy I had downloaded via the Hulu app, and also for to travel with to avoid likely to end up overloaded from all the lectures..
  6. I was thrilled to have brought videos and audio lectures. After about two hours, my iPad stopped working. Then my phone stepped in. I was listening to audio and not viewing the video, so it was able to make it to my destination. Later, when college resumed I found it simple to quickly refresh my travel experience and surprise the teacher by sharing my knowledge. It's fascinating to see how modern technology can do to assist you study. Youtube and other video storage sites offer endless knowledge, including tutorials and DIY tutorials. It's something to think about..
