1. How to get ready for taking your kids camping with you.
  2. Hi, I am a mother of 3-4 children. Why am I putting an undetermined number of dashes between 3-4? Since I have four kids and 2 older boys, which have no longer the ability to be part of our activities as a family, we usually only see one of them. ytmp4 Two girls younger than me will be with me while one of the boys will join us. They are all older than 12. Yes, I'm a cool mom so my 14-year-old son will stay at home. Although he won't invite friends or make bad decisions it was the only alternative.
  3. The entire family is enthralled by camping trips. Every gathering has a lot to tell, and as our children are at the center of our lives that are otherwise dull, everyone needs to be able to connect to the aspects that aren't so boring. Camping excursions are a fantastic opportunity to break the ice and start conversations. Because we camp every month, there's plenty to share. We don't lie about any of this stuff, it was all true.
  4. It's also possible to spend time back and getting there. There are down times in the rain and generally bad weather, when we all cuddle inside the tent to watch TV or listening to music. ytmp4 There are times where we want to take some time to ourselves after scaling a mountain or exploring caves nearby. We discovered that a mix of playing games and driving in the car was an effective way to instruct our kids. The tablet also contains plenty of video content for both toddlers and teens. Since it was purchased we've divided it into two tablets. One tablet is intended for children and the other one is for teenagers. You just need to use them simultaneously so having 2 tablets is better.
  5. One device is meant for kids. It's packed with educational videos that will make kids churn their heads slightly. There are videos of baby sharks as well as other children's celebrities and unboxing Tele-tubbies, toys and other things. A majority of the content was downloaded from Youtube. Although we attempted to use wifi outdoors in the woods, our first attempts were unsuccessful. Our hotspot toolkits did not work as our phones had lost Internet connection and so the hotspot wasn't available. It's fine. We are awestruck by the weather, and we have learned to cope with the absence of Internet. Before we head to the camping site we make video-related materials. For children, we look up what they like and then choose one of the three most famous Youtube video download websites - Y2mate, Flvto or 2Conv. Each has its pros and minuses, pros and con's however, I discovered that if one is unable to download an Youtube video, then the other 2 could step in. But Y2mate will usually take all the responsibility. Flvto (or 2Conv) can assist you in downloading the videos.
  6. The Y2mate app is also awesome as it lets you search YouTube videos in the event that you don't remember where they came from, which channel or which user. You just have to type in what you kids are saying in the lyrics of their songs over the past week. It will then show up. Then you can download the video as an mp4 to your desktop or transfer it directly onto the tablet. If you have a YouTube playlist then you could copy the URL and forward the URL to Y2mate. It will show you a selection of videos that you can choose from and let you download them all at once. Y2mate is able to convert Youtube videos to MP3 too. In all cases, we make at home, download a bunch of videos for kids, and for teens we simply get a few of the popular music videos. They enjoy the videos and then convert them into MP3 format or as an mp4 video.
  7. We also have our laptop, which has a lot of movies and TV shows. Because it has more storage space, we loaded HULU and Netflix apps onto our laptop. This made it possible to download movies and shows offline. It's very simple to do it all you need to do is hit on a button. In a matter of hours, or days the title will be in your library. Just click and play, wherever and whenever you want and regardless of the internet access. There will be no data transfer or buffering. Everything is available immediately and is accessible from your laptop or computer. We put it away and take it out when there is excessive rain. But, films and TV shows can be beneficial in trying to settle an active family that is trapped in a tent for 36 straight hours.
  8. These tricks and methods will help you in planning your next camping excursion. In light of the recent epidemics It's always a good idea to go on an adventure in the wilderness.
